American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 376 All cases received by the Gotham Police Department are Homelander murder cases!

Gotham, Browse Street.

Didi didi!

Didi didi!

The piercing sirens roared incessantly.

Three police cars rushed through the old streets filled with sewage and garbage floating everywhere.

The Gotham citizens coming and going on Blossom Street were so used to this that they didn't even bother to look at it.

Not even the police cars were a source of conversation.

At most, when I saw the police car driving by, I silently sighed in my heart that another crime had occurred.

After all, this is Gotham!

A criminal's paradise!

It's completely normal for crimes to happen and police cars to be dispatched.

If one day there were suddenly no crime incidents in Gotham, everyone would still be a little uncomfortable with it.

It's just that only some caring people noticed it. It seems that police cars are dispatched very frequently today.


The tires passed through the puddles in the potholes on the road, splashing a pool of smelly water.

Three police cars slowly stopped at the entrance of an alley.

The car door opened, and Gordon, who looked serious and heavy, got out first.

Next to Gordon were some other colleagues from the police station.

Everyone's expressions were as ugly as Gordon's.

"What number is this?"

A slightly thin black policeman couldn't help but muttered, "God, please don't ever see the word 'patriot' again."

When the black policeman heard the words "patriot", the expressions of all the policemen, including Gordon, changed.

It became very, very ugly.

It was as if someone had slapped him hard several times.

This is the fifth time they have called out the police.

Before this time, they had already rushed to four other crime scenes, and were severely stimulated every time.

Because those crime scenes were all murder scenes!

When they arrived at the scene, without exception, there were some horrified and miserable corpses lying on the ground.

Sometimes there are one or two, sometimes there are more than a dozen!

And at every murder scene, someone carved the name "Motherland" on the ground.

Some of the crime scenes are somewhat secretive and have few witnesses, but some crime scenes are in full view of the public!

There were many witnesses who witnessed the murder.

"He is from the motherland!"

"That's the man from the motherland on TV. He killed those people!"

After a preliminary investigation of those eyewitnesses, Gordon and others obtained highly consistent answers.

People of the motherland!

Everyone was killed by the people of the motherland!

That damn bastard, what he said on TV that was so ridiculous that "criminals are not allowed in Gotham" was actually true!

It's not just talk.

He actually used practical actions to fulfill the laughable promise of "whoever commits a crime will die."

"Everyone, please give in and let the police handle the case!"

"Please cooperate and give way!"

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in their minds, Gordon and others stepped forward.

After dispersing the melon-eating crowd, they saw another corpse lying on the ground.

And on the ground next to the corpse, the name "Motherland" was so shocking.

Exactly the same handwriting, exactly the same way of engraving with high-heat tools.

Gordon and others could tell at a glance that this murder was committed by the same person.

People of the motherland!

It's that guy again!

Not to mention how angry Gordon and the others were.

This is definitely the biggest provocation the Gotham Police Department has ever faced.

That guy from the Motherland simply doesn’t take the Gotham Police Department seriously at all.

"Who reported the case!"

After suppressing his anger, Gordon glanced at the people eating melons around him and asked.

"it's me!"

The young lawyer who was rescued by Rorschach stepped forward and said, "This guy is a killer. I suspect that he was sent by Lawrence to kill me. Officer, you must also check this. I am currently working for the Lawrence Group." Several victims defended..."

"Sir, we'll talk about Lawrence later, but now can you tell me what happened? Who killed him?"

Gordon interrupted the young lawyer and pointed to the body on the ground.

"A citizen of the motherland!" the young lawyer said immediately, "that's the man from the motherland on TV. When the killer was about to shoot, he appeared and killed the killer with one punch. Then, lasers popped out of his eyes. , carved this word on the ground.”


Gordon's face became increasingly ugly.

The same goes for the police around them.

There is no longer any doubt about the matter. This matter was done by the people of the motherland.

Because this witness said exactly the same thing as the other witnesses. They were all people from the motherland who used their eyes to shoot lasers to carve words on the ground.

Although Gordon and others simply don't believe the nonsense about eyes emitting laser engravings, if everyone can say this, then it is obviously the same person.

"People of the motherland!"

Gordon's fists clenched suddenly, and fire was about to burst out of his eyes.

In less than a day, the people of the motherland have already committed five murders.

So will there be another one next?

Thinking that Homelander was a warning to the entire Gotham, Gordon had an extremely bad premonition in his heart.

"Sir, please come back to the police station with us. We need to understand the situation from you in detail."

After handling some work on the scene, Gordon came to the young lawyer.

As a lawyer, the other party was naturally very cooperative.

Without saying much, he followed Gordon to the Gotham Police Station.

"Crazy, really crazy! God, how is this possible!"

"How many people did Homelander kill today? I can't believe it."

"Yes, that's right, all the alarm calls today are homicide cases."

"All are Homelander's homicide cases!"

"Oh my God, all the cases in our Gotham Police Station today are Homelander's homicide cases!"

Just after returning to the office, Gordon saw his colleagues who were severely stimulated before he had time to catch his breath.

After he came forward to communicate with everyone, he was stunned.

I couldn't believe my ears.

Because all the other colleagues were the same as him.

All the cases received were Homelander murder cases!

Without exception.

The colleagues made a preliminary statistics and found that they received more than 35 Homelander murder cases in half a day!

The range was all over Gotham!

And most of those 35 murders had witnesses.

According to the testimony of those witnesses, the murderer was the Homelander on TV.

What a joke!

How did Homelander manage to commit 35 murders across most of Gotham in just half a day?

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