American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 377 There are no criminals in Gotham today. Homelander did it!

It wasn't just the Gotham Police Department that was driven crazy by Rorschach.

All the major radio stations and news media, including Gotham TV, also went crazy at the same time.

Because they were all shocked to find that there were a lot of murders in Gotham on that day!

So many that it was exaggerated even for a criminal's paradise like Gotham.

Not only that.

Every murder case had one thing in common, the name "Homelander" was carved at the crime scene!

Considering that the guy who called himself Homelander had just warned all the criminals in Gotham, the appearance of so many murders and the "Homelander" at the crime scene became more and more unusual.


Almost the entire news media industry was excited.

Even the most dull and uninformed people could feel that they had encountered the most important news in their careers.

"Everyone, stop all cases and follow up on this matter!"

"Fuck Batman's injury, forget about Batman, report Homelander!"

"Take down the original headline, no one else deserves the headline in front of Homelander!"

"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up, use all resources to dig out everything about Homelander!"


Similar conversations were heard in almost all news media offices.

The entire news media industry began to fire at full speed and conducted a comprehensive and detailed investigation of Homelander.

It doesn't matter if it's not investigated, but almost all news media were shocked when it was investigated.

Fifty-six murders!

In less than a day, Homelander actually committed fifty-six murders!

His footprints are all over Gotham.

The total death toll is 121!

And if you exclude these fifty-six murders, looking at the entire Gotham, except for some unnoticeable things like stealing, there is really no crime in Gotham!

That Homelander actually did what he claimed, "No criminals allowed in Gotham"!

"It's true!"

"What that guy said was actually true."

"He really did this crazy thing!"

Emily, the reporter who interviewed Rorschach, and Parker, the photographer, were completely dumbfounded when they heard the news.

They couldn't believe their ears at all.

They never thought that the Homelander, who they thought was a madman and sensationalist, was not joking.

"No criminals allowed in Gotham", such a ridiculous statement, the other party really did it!

Who is that guy?

Needless to say, the next step is naturally not much.

All major news media have gathered their energy and began to spare no effort to report this super heavy news that is shocking enough to overturn the entire Gotham.

For a while.

Homelander directly flooded the screen.

"According to incomplete statistics, as of the time of this reporter's publication, there have been a total of 56 murders in Gotham, and the name 'Homelander' has been engraved at the scene of each murder."

"We contacted handwriting experts, and the experts initially determined that all 'Homelander' were the work of the same person."

"Thirty-two of the 56 murders had witnesses. According to the information provided by the witnesses, the murderer was the Homelander who just claimed yesterday that 'Gotham does not allow criminals.'"

"According to the frontline reporters, the victims of the 56 murders were all killed while engaged in criminal activities. Killed, some of them were doing arms deals, some were carrying out assassinations, and some were robbing banks..."

"In one sentence, all the people killed were criminals!"

"Although we don't know how Homelander managed to stop 56 criminal activities in Gotham in one day, there is one thing we can't ignore. There is no crime in Gotham today!"

"Yes, this is a day without criminals in Gotham!"

"Or, there is only one criminal in Gotham on this day, Homelander!"

"Homelander really did what he claimed, 'not allowing criminals in Gotham'!"


There is no doubt.

When the news was broadcast, the whole of Gotham was like being hit by a nuclear bomb, setting off a tsunami-like storm.

All the citizens of Gotham were shocked as if struck by lightning, and they didn't dare to believe what they saw.

If almost all TV stations hadn't been reporting this incident, they would have doubted whether the news was true.

"How is this possible? All the criminals in Gotham were killed today!"

"Who is that Homelander guy? How could he do such a thing?"

"Is it fake? Although all the media are reporting it, it can't be true, right?"

"Kill all the criminals in Gotham? God! Only God can do this!"


For a while, the whole Gotham was filled with such shocking discussions.

Even if some people still dare not believe that Homelander killed all the criminals, they dare not sneer and disdain it like before.

After all, all the news media are reporting it!

Even the Wayne Group, which has a omnipotent control over Gotham, can't do such a thing.

Of course.

In addition to the vast majority of ordinary Gotham citizens, the reactions of those "uncommon" Gotham citizens were not much better.

The first person to be severely stimulated was Bruce Wayne.

But this super rich second generation in the entire Gotham was staring at the TV screen in a daze, and the whole person was motionless, as if he had become a statue.

His face was full of shock.

"He actually... really did it!"

"How is it possible!"

After more than ten seconds, Bruce Wayne just murmured like a fool.

Eliminating all the criminals in Gotham within a day, how is this possible!

How is it possible!

Just a day ago, Bruce Wayne sneered at the Homelander's big talk.

As a result, who would have thought that the slap in the face would come so quickly.

"There are really no criminals in Gotham!"

"Who the hell is he?"

Catwoman was also dumbfounded, and it took a long time for her to come back to her senses.

Compared to the puzzlement of others, Catwoman, who knew only a little of Rorschach's abilities, had a vague guess.

The opponent had such amazing speed that it was completely possible for him to travel across Gotham in one day.

In addition to Batman and Catwoman, super villains such as Scarecrow, Ninja Master, Joker, Penguin, Mr. Freeze, etc. were also shocked by Rorschach.

Because what Rorschach did was a huge challenge even for them.

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