American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 378 Homelander, the Bright Knight of Gotham!

"Sure enough, iron-blooded means are the most effective!"

Using super hearing to filter Gotham again, Rorschach nodded with satisfaction.

In just one day, the criminals in Gotham changed from their original disdain for the "big-talking" countryman to deep fear.

Even fear!

The criminals in Gotham are not idiots.

So many of their "colleagues" were killed at once, including many they knew and had dealt with, and even their "bosses", "colleagues", and "partners"!

In this case, who can remain indifferent?

Almost everyone was scared to death!

A madman came to Gotham City!

A madman who is 10,000 times colder and crueler than them!

No, he should be called a demon.

Even if they are people like them, they can't do such a thing as killing more than a hundred people a day!

Only demons can kill people without blinking an eye.

In the past, these criminals hated Batman, the guy with a hole in his brain, very much.

I don't understand whether that guy has taken the wrong medicine or what's wrong with his mind, and he has to be an enemy of these criminals.

It's like someone is paying them to attack them.

But now?

These criminals really miss the days of Batman.

At least Batman is a principled man. He only arrests people, but never kills people!

And in the case that almost all classes in Gotham are not clean, what are the consequences of being caught?

But what about Homelander?

If you meet him, you will die!

Who wouldn't be afraid?

Of course, there are all kinds of birds in the forest, especially in a city like Gotham, there are still many crazy people.

Even if Rorschach has killed more than a hundred people, there are still some stubborn people, those who are behind the news, or those who are slow-witted and have a poor grasp of the situation are still committing crimes against the wind.

For these people, Rorschach is naturally ruthless and sends them all to see their dear grandmothers.

As for the effect, there is no doubt that it is immediate.

On the first day of Rorschach's "cleansing" of Gotham, he killed 139 people. Yes, 139 people, not 121 people as the media reported.

There was no way. Rorschach cast his net too wide and killed too many people. Even if the media missed some of them, it was understandable.

On the second day, the number suddenly dropped to 21.

The third day?

Only five pitiful people!

The fourth day?

Congratulations to Gotham, this day Gotham ushered in a new era!

There are no criminals in the whole of Gotham in the true sense.

All the criminals were shocked by Rorschach.

However, it is worth mentioning that the criminals killed by Rorschach these days are all ordinary criminals, not those famous super criminals.

After all, how many super criminals are there in Gotham?

There are only a few at most.

These people do not engage in criminal activities every day.

As for whether these super criminals were shocked, Rorschach did not know.

During the four-day cleanup of Gotham, all the major media outlets naturally spared no effort to report on Homelander in all aspects.

The visible reduction in Gotham's criminal activities, no, it should be said that it was a cliff-like reduction, was clearly seen by the whole of Gotham.

Until the fourth day, the whole of Gotham was boiling.

"Today is a day that can be written into the history of Gotham!"

"Today is a day worth remembering for all of us in Gotham!"

"There has never been a crime in Gotham again!"

"According to our understanding, the Gotham Police Department did not receive any calls for the whole day!"

"Why did Gotham change like this? Everyone knows it. I will not comment on Homelander's actions, but there is one thing I think we cannot ignore. It is because of him that there are no criminals in Gotham!"

A day when there are truly no criminals in Gotham.

All media outlets have reported extensively on this point.

The "culprit" who caused all this, Homelander, was naturally brought out and discussed repeatedly by everyone.

Some scholars, professors, celebrities, high-ranking officials, politicians, wealthy businessmen, etc., many relevant personnel have launched crazy debates on Homelander in various TV programs.

Some people think that Homelander is the biggest lunatic in Gotham's history, but at the same time, some people regard Homelander as the biggest hero.

Although Homelander's methods are indeed very extreme, for a city like Gotham that is already terminally ill, it seems that taking drastic measures is the right choice.

Just look at Batman.

The other party has been active in Gotham for half a year, and what is the result?

Not as good as Homelander's results in just four days!

In this case, Homelander has undoubtedly become the most dazzling "new star" in the entire Gotham.

He has become a household name and a super figure known to all women and children.

Even the homeless people sleeping in the bridge tunnel know Homelander.

"Homelander is a hero!"

"Homelander has brought light to Gotham. He is the Knight of Light of Gotham!"

"I don't know what others think of Homelander, but me? I want to thank him!"

And among the people.

Homelander has gained tremendous reputation.

Although there are some who question, criticize, and boycott Homelander, the vast majority of people support Homelander.

Some are even very fanatical.

Those are the most ordinary citizens of Gotham. They just don't want to be robbed on the way to work, killed by stray bullets from gang fights on the road, or be blamed for others inexplicably, etc. They have the simplest wishes.

And Homelander can bring them all this.

Let them live freely and safely in a safe city.

So most people still have a positive attitude towards Homelander.

Of course.

These people undoubtedly do not include Bruce Wayne.

Bruce Wayne has his own set of principles for understanding "justice".

In his opinion, Rorschach's killing spree is just to satisfy his own selfishness, which is not justice at all.

Although Rorschach has killed hundreds of criminals, there is no difference between Rorschach and the criminals he killed.

The only difference is that Rorschach is much more dangerous than those people!

On the surface, Gotham has ushered in a period of peace for the time being, but this is just an illusion.

Because peace built on injustice is always a castle in the air and will collapse one day.

"We can't let the people of our country be so lawless anymore!"

"I must do something!"

Bruce Wayne, who had almost recovered from his injuries, got up from the hospital bed and quickly came to the underground base of the Bat Cave.

And his caring butler Alfu had already appeared here.

He was holding a cup of coffee in his hand and operating something in front of a computer screen.

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