American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 379: Gotham has Homelander, so what does it need Batman for?

"The doctor said you will need at least half a month to get out of bed. I guess you can stay in bed for a week."

"As a result, this is only the fifth day!"

Afu put down the coffee in his hand and glanced at Bruce Wayne helplessly.

This young master of his family is really too hardworking. He doesn't care about his life at all.

But Afu also knows what Bruce Wayne has experienced, and even more so what "Batman" means to Bruce Wayne.

So he just sighed and didn't say much.

"Afu, a madman came to Gotham, I have to do something."

Bruce Wayne walked behind Afu with a serious face and glanced at the computer screen.

"Excuse me, Master Wayne, what can you do?"

When Afu said this, he operated on the keyboard a few times.

Several corresponding images were played in front of Bruce Wayne.

Bruce Wayne glanced at it and was stunned, as if he had seen a ghost.



In those videos, Rorschach's eyes shot out extremely blazing lasers, sweeping through the crowd fiercely.

One criminal after another fell to the ground.

"The rumor is actually true!"

"He can actually shoot lasers out of his eyes!"

Bruce Wayne muttered, unable to believe his eyes.

How can a person do such an incredible thing?

You have to know that it is only half a year since Batman appeared, and some extraordinary beings in the DC world have not surfaced.

Especially for Gotham.

Although there are many crazy people in this city, they are almost all ordinary people and do not have any extraordinary abilities.

At most, they have some equipment such as poison gas and freezing guns.

So shooting lasers from the eyes is shocking enough even for Bruce Wayne.

"More than that."

Ah Fu added with a serious face, and then quickly clicked on the computer twice.

But it was a screenshot of two different surveillance screens.

Two completely different screenshots.

The only similarity is that Homelander is on both, but the background, environment, and characters of the two pictures are all different.

Bruce Wayne didn't quite understand what Alfred meant at first, but when he looked carefully at the time on the two screenshots, he was dumbfounded again.

Because the time on the two screenshots was only one second different.

But the location coordinates of the two pictures were three kilometers different!

"In other words, Homelander crossed a distance of three kilometers in one second?"

Bruce Wayne was shocked. He didn't believe this at all. "Alfred, can you be sure that this is the same person?"

"The picture is blurry. I did a preliminary facial comparison. The comparison results show that they are indeed the same person."

Alfred nodded.

However, because the picture is blurry, the result of this comparison may also be inaccurate.

But even so, Alfred is more inclined to think that this is the same person.

Because in the cases in Gotham in the past few days, many eyewitnesses have witnessed the picture of Homelander shooting laser engraving.

And things like shooting lasers from the eyes cannot be faked.

So the most likely reason why Homelander committed more than 50 murders in one day across Gotham was not that he had enough accomplices, but that he was really fast!

Bruce Wayne is not a fool. Even Alfred can think of a problem, let alone him.

So his face immediately became extremely solemn.

How should he deal with such a cheating existence?

"Homelander, what kind of monster is this!"

After a long time, Bruce Wayne finally exclaimed in surprise.

"So, Master Wayne, we are back to the fundamental problem again. What can you do when facing such a person?"

Alfred pointed directly to the key point of the problem.

"I don't know, but the only thing I know is that I can't do nothing!"

Bruce Wayne said decisively.

After a little thought, he no longer hesitated and pressed a corresponding button.

A shelf popped up on the ground on one side.

On it was the "Batman suit".

After Bruce Wayne quickly changed into his suit, he drove his cool Batmobile and set off again in high spirits.

But this time Batman's target was not Homelander.

After seeing Homelander's "true face", Batman realized that it was meaningless.

Or the only meaning was to be abused.

So Batman's target this time was Catwoman.

According to intelligence data, Catwoman was the only person in Gotham who had ever had contact with Homelander.

She had dinner with Homelander, and Catwoman was also Homelander's dance partner at the cocktail party hosted by Bruce Wayne.

Catwoman was Batman's only channel to understand Homelander.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

With the support of Alfred's powerful intelligence, Batman quickly locked Catwoman's position.

Then he flew around in his bat suit, and soon he successfully arrived outside a high-end apartment.

Climbed in through the window.

"Some people call Homelander a hero, while others call him a madman. What do you think?"

In the hall, a slender figure was sitting on the sofa watching the news about Homelander on the TV screen.

"Who is that!"

The next moment, Catwoman jumped up from the sofa and turned around immediately.

The reaction speed and the movements showed that she was a martial artist.

Batman said it was good.


When Catwoman saw that it was Batman, she couldn't help but show a slightly sarcastic smile on her face, "I guess I have to say congratulations to you, congratulations on your retirement."

What does Gotham need Batman for when it has Homelander?

Batman naturally understood what Catwoman meant.

In fact, Catwoman's words did not just represent Catwoman's thoughts.

There are many people who think the same as Catwoman.

"I need you to tell me everything about Homelander!"

Batman didn't say any more nonsense to Catwoman, and directly told Catwoman his request.

"Why would I do that?"

Catwoman spread her hands, looking indifferent, and even started to sneer mercilessly, "Why, seeing Homelander do what you didn't do makes you look like a loser, so you can't sit still?"

Others are afraid of Batman, but she is not!

"Do you think Homelander is a hero? No, he is not!"

Batman's voice was sharp, staring at Catwoman, "He is no different from the people he killed, tell me!"

"If you want to know about me so much, why don't you come to me directly?"

A light voice suddenly sounded.

Batman was startled!

Subconsciously turning his head to look, he saw a person sitting on the windowsill at some point.

It was Homelander.

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