American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 380 No one can break my bet, not even you, Batman!


Catwoman was also surprised.

But Catwoman's surprise was a combination of surprise and joy, not like Batman's surprise of mixed anger.

Catwoman didn't expect Homelander to appear at this time.

Is he afraid that Batman will harm him?

"Homelander, you need to stop!"

Batman quickly regained his composure, staring at Homelander with his eyes fixed, and spoke to him in a deep voice.

"Many people have the qualifications to say this to me, but you, Batman..."

Rorschach curled his lips and shook his head, "You just don't have the qualifications! What's the difference between what you do and what I do?"

"You and I are completely different!" Batman fiercely denied this point, and he was unquestionable, "I am to implement justice, and you are just to satisfy your selfish desires!"

"Justice? What is this?"

Rorschach's face was full of disapproval, "Tell me Batman, why should justice be defined by you? Is justice what you think is justice?"

"Maybe what you said makes sense. Justice is different in each of us. Maybe what I do is not just enough in your opinion, but what you do to your countryman is definitely not justice!"

"When did I say I was for justice?"

Rorschach spread his hands, "And... From a legal perspective, you and I are both criminals! So, you are not qualified to say this to me."

Although Batman's starting point is good, there is one thing that cannot be denied, Batman is indeed double-standard.

He can trample on Gotham's laws, lynch people, and carry out various violent activities, but he doesn't allow others to do so?

"He makes sense, Batman."

Catwoman said, "For example, now you are trespassing."

Batman ignored Catwoman and didn't have too many useless debates with Rorschach.

He was silent for a moment, and began to stare at Rorschach seriously, asking the question he cared about most: "Why did you come to Gotham?"

"For Gotham, I am just a passer-by, and I won't stay in this city for too long."

Rorschach's words made Batman subconsciously relieved.

If this great god stayed in Gotham, Batman really didn't know how to deal with it.

"So... how long will it be?"

Batman continued to ask.

Batman may not realize that he is so unconfident about dealing with Rorschach in his subconscious.

So much so that he subconsciously regarded the departure of Homelander as a kind of relief and a way out.

"It doesn't depend on me, but on you." Rorschach glanced at Batman meaningfully.

Batman was startled, and then he immediately reacted.

Rorschach was referring to the investigation of that fragment.

"Don't dream, I won't do anything for people like you!" Batman flatly refused.

"Don't jump to conclusions too early, remember, no one can break my bet."

Rorschach's voice was not loud, but it put Batman under great pressure, "Anyone!"

"I agree with what you said." Batman rarely reached an agreement with Rorschach, "Don't jump to conclusions too early about anything."

That's right.

Now Batman really has no way to deal with Rorschach, and Rorschach's tricks make Batman helpless.

But this is only temporary.

Batman believes that as long as he is given enough time, he will be able to find a way to deal with Homelander.

So, don't jump to conclusions too early.

In this world, everyone has weaknesses, and Homelander must be no exception.


After saying this, Batman didn't say any more nonsense to Rorschach, and whooshed out of the window.

He turned into a giant bat and disappeared into the night sky.

Rorschach glanced at Batman's departing figure, his face cold.

Although there are no criminals in Gotham now, it is only temporary, just on the surface.

Rorschach is not sure how many days it will last.

So Rorschach feels that he has not really fulfilled the bet of "no criminals in Gotham".

Therefore, he did not show his hand to Batman.

Apart from anything else, at least Rorschach thinks that those super criminals in Gotham will not be so easy to be honest.

When Rorschach beats those super criminals, he will be considered to have truly fulfilled his bet.

At that time, it is time for him to show his hand to Bruce Wayne.

And as Rorschach said, no one can renege on his bet.

If Bruce Wayne still does not know the situation at that time, Rorschach will take certain measures against him, then Rorschach cannot be blamed for turning his face and being ruthless.


Catwoman walked towards Rorschach at this time, her eyes full of curiosity. The man in front of her was like a mystery to her. "Is this your code name? Tell me, what special meaning does this code name have?"

"It's cool."

Rorschach tilted his head and thought about it, and gave Catwoman such an answer seriously.

Catwoman: "..."

"Homelander", cool?

Before Rorschach appeared, Catwoman never felt that way.

But now if you feel it carefully...I still don't feel that way.

What's cool is not the code name, but the mysterious man in front of her.

Even if this man's nickname is "a flying pile of shit", it is still cool.

"Do you know what I think? I think you are really cool."

Catwoman stood in front of Rorschach, raised her head, and looked straight at Rorschach.

She also deliberately got close to Rorschach.

Very close.

Rorschach could even feel the breath of Catwoman.

Rorschach smiled: "Do you want to get a deeper understanding?"

Foreigners are always open, especially some women when facing very outstanding men.

Rorschach did not feel abrupt or strange about Catwoman's reaction.

In fact, after he became the king of Krako, women in the world who had the same idea as Catwoman could bypass Krako several times.

In general, Rorschach would ignore them directly.

However, if he met a very unusual woman, Rorschach would not mind having something with her.


There is no doubt that she is one of the objects that Rorschach does not mind.

"Of course!"

This is an unforgettable night.

But what annoyed Rorschach was that such a wonderful night was disturbed by such a blind guy!

Beep beep!

Beep beep!

Rorschach, who was enjoying dinner with Catwoman, heard the sirens again.

In fact, just when he was meeting with Catwoman before, Rorschach heard that a group of criminals had started to commit crimes again.

The other party attacked a large jewelry store in Gotham.

It was just that Rorschach didn't have time to deal with them at that time.

But now?

After having dinner with Catwoman, he went to deal with them!

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