American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 381 Let Gotham see the difference between Batman and Homelander!

"What's wrong, Homelander?"

Women are always sensitive, especially women like Catwoman.

Rorschach was distracted just now, and Catwoman immediately sensed something.

She paused slightly while cutting steak, and couldn't help but look up at Rorschach.

"There was a robbery on Prin Avenue."

Rorschach didn't hide it from Catwoman.

He would have to deal with this matter in a while anyway, so now was a good time to say hello to Catwoman.

"There are still people who are not afraid of death?"

Catwoman's first feeling was surprise, she didn't expect it at all.

You know, after the news media's strong reports in the past few days, all of Gotham knew what Homelander had done.

It's true that whoever commits a crime will die, without exception.

As a result, at this time, there are still people who commit crimes against the wind?

So stubborn?

Catwoman's second feeling was confusion.

Homelander had been meeting and eating with her from beginning to end, and he didn't see any special movements. How could he suddenly know about the robbery on Prin Avenue?


But think about it again, whether it's speed, flying, or shooting lasers, there are so many incredible things about this man, so I don't care about one more thing.

Catwoman was relieved soon.

Although she didn't know how the Homelander knew about this, since the Homelander said it was true, it must be true!

There is no doubt about it.

No need to explore.

"Wait a minute, Plin Avenue?"

Catwoman's heart moved immediately.

On that street, there is the largest jewelry store in Gotham!

She immediately got up and went to the coffee table to pick up the remote control and turned on the TV.

"According to our station, the largest jewelry store in Gotham, Alice, was robbed."

"We can see that the store clerks, customers, and even some passers-by were frozen into ice sculptures."

"The robber is the jewelry thief 'Mr. Freeze' who has been active in Gotham recently!"

"We don't know the true identity of 'Mr. Freeze', and we don't know why he has a special liking for diamonds, but he has committed six robberies in Gotham, and each time he robbed diamonds."

"It is worth mentioning that 'Mr. Freeze' has had many exchanges with Batman. ”

“The reason why Mr. Freeze is so arrogant is that he has a secret weapon, the freezing gun, which can instantly freeze all targets into ice. It is very scary.”

“We can hear the sirens are getting closer. The police from the Gotham Police Department are coming. In addition, the bat lights are also on. If nothing unexpected happens, Batman will appear again.”

“But judging from the previous “battle record” of Mr. Freeze, it is difficult for us to be too optimistic about this operation.”

Mr. Freeze?

Rorschach immediately understood, and Catwoman on the opposite side also suddenly realized.

No wonder he dared to “go against the wind” at this time and completely ignored Rorschach’s warning.

After all this time, it was not an ordinary person who took action.

It was a super criminal in Gotham!

To be honest, among the super criminals in Gotham, Mr. Freeze is definitely a super killer with top lethality, and his freezing gun is definitely a black technology.

Although he can't be compared with Captain Cold, Mr. Freeze is still a cheating existence for ordinary people in Gotham.

Has one of Gotham's super criminals finally emerged?

Rorschach couldn't help but curl up a little.

Just right, let's take Mr. Freeze as the first move!

Let those super criminals in Gotham know the true strength of Homelander!

Let those people realize that even for super criminals like them, the three words "Homelander" are equally deadly.

"Mr. Freeze committed a crime at such a sensitive time. I believe everyone is as curious as I am about one thing. How will Homelander react?"

"Today is the fifth day since Homelander announced that 'no criminals are allowed in Gotham'. After these days of iron-blooded actions, almost all criminals in Gotham have been shocked by Homelander."

"Before Mr. Freeze committed the crime, there was not even any crime in Gotham today!"

"Mr. Freeze's robbery is undoubtedly a provocation to Homelander!"

"But we haven't found Homelander yet."

"So, will Homelander appear again this time? Can he stop Mr. Freeze, the super criminal? We are waiting for Homelander's answer!"

The host's voice continued to float on the TV screen.

"Homelander, I think you should go." Catwoman said to Rorschach very considerately.

Although Mr. Freeze is very powerful, Catwoman is the person who knows Rorschach's abilities best in the whole of Gotham. She doesn't think Rorschach can't even deal with Mr. Freeze.

At this moment, Catwoman is more concerned about whether Rorschach will be slapped in the face.

At this moment, the whole of Gotham is paying attention to this robbery. If Homelander doesn't handle it beautifully and cleanly, it will affect Homelander's reputation.

And this is not what Catwoman wants to see.

"I will go, but not now."

Rorschach spread his hands, "At least, I want to accompany you to finish this meal."

Catwoman immediately felt warm in her heart and smiled.

For Rorschach, with his super hearing and super vision, he can grasp the situation on Prin Avenue in real time even if he is sitting here having dinner with Catwoman.

In addition, with his super speed and flying ability, he can arrive at any time in an instant.

So Rorschach is not panicked at all.

And he also heard that the police from the Gotham Police Department have arrived at the scene, and Batman is about to arrive.

It's not too late to let these two groups of people play with Mr. Freeze first.

It's also a good opportunity for the whole Gotham to see how big the gap is between the Gotham Police Department and Batman and his countrymen!





When Rorschach and Catwoman clinked glasses, he had clearly captured that the police from the Gotham Police Department had arrived.

"Everyone, this is a great opportunity to prove our Gotham Police Department. We must catch Mr. Freeze!"

"We must prove to all the citizens of Gotham that what Gotham needs is not the motherland, but us!"

"We are not the trash they say!"

"Okay, let's get started!"

In front of Alice, the doors of five police cars opened, and twenty fully armed policemen with live ammunition rushed down from them.

Gordon's figure was also in it.

However, it was not Gordon who led the team this time, but a team leader named Kevin Conroy.

Kevin held his pistol tightly in his hand and made a solemn mobilization to all the police.

Then he began to deploy the action.

He led everyone to rush towards Alice.

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