American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 382 All of Gotham is waiting for Homelander to take action

Ding Ding Dong!

Two teams of police officers, holding blast shields, approached the wall slowly.

Just as they arrived at the door of Alice, several strange-shaped bombs were thrown out.

"It's a bomb, hide, hide quickly!"

Kevin shouted at the top of his voice and responded immediately.

The two teams of police also began to retreat at their fastest speed.


The next moment.

The bomb exploded directly.

However, what spread with the bombs was not a blazing flame, but a chill that froze people's hearts.

The police officers in front were hit the hardest by the chill and were frozen into ice sculptures in an instant.

The conditions of the other police officers varied.

Some had ice condensed on parts of their bodies, some were covered with frost and shivered, and some did not even seem to be affected.

But one thing was the same, the actions of all the police were seriously affected.

Those who were frozen need not be mentioned. Even those who were not frozen temporarily had their hands and feet inflexible.

"You useless people, I've been waiting for you!"

Accompanied by a loud laugh, Mr. Freeze rushed out of Alice.

Holding a freezing gun in his hand, he mercilessly pulled the trigger at the police.

A series of "cold currents" sprayed out, all sprayed on the police.

The police who were seriously inflexible had almost no effective resistance, and they were all frozen into ice sculptures by Mr. Freeze.

Bang, bang, bang!

There were a few sparse gunshots, and then there was no movement at all.

Twenty fully armed police officers from the Gotham Police Department fell to the street without even entering the door.

It was so easy.

After all, cheating is not for nothing.

If cheating can't even crush ordinary people, what kind of cheat is it?

"Mr. Freeze!"

A low voice sounded.


The sound of the cape fluttering also sounded immediately afterwards.

Batman's figure fell from the sky majestically and fell in front of Mr. Freeze.

"You stinky bat?"

"Do you think you can stop me?"

Mr. Freeze sneered and raised the freezing gun in his hand ruthlessly towards Batman.


A "cold current" suddenly shot towards Batman.

The two of them started fighting.

Batman was like a clever cat, darting around Mr. Freeze.

He dodged all the freezing gun attacks of Mr. Freeze.

At the same time, he suppressed Mr. Freeze, who was a hanger.

This was when Batman was injured.

It must be said that Batman's fighting sense and fighting skills are indeed not to be underestimated.


Batman has a fatal weakness, or it is a weakness that almost all American comic superheroes have:

He cares about the life and death of the hostages.

Mr. Freeze ordered his two men to point their guns at the two jewelry store clerks who were frozen into ice sculptures, and Batman was temporarily helpless.

That's right, Batman is not invincible.

In fact, in the battles with various super criminals, Batman has even been defeated many times.

He has been ravaged in terms of strength, and even crushed in terms of intelligence.

It is common to have a tug-of-war with a certain enemy.

However, in the end, it is always Batman who laughs last.

Of course.

This time it cannot be said that Batman has failed, he is just temporarily tied up, that's all.

If it were normal, Batman could naturally deal with Mr. Freeze slowly.

But this time...

There is another cheater in Gotham!

"Batman, you are still so ridiculous!"

Mr. Freeze's voice sounded, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"We can see that the situation at the scene is still very serious. All the policemen have been frozen into ice sculptures by Mr. Freeze, and they can't save themselves!"

"It is obviously impossible to expect them to rescue the hostages frozen by Mr. Freeze. They even need others to rescue them!"

"As for Batman? He is helpless against Mr. Freeze again!"

"Are we going to watch Mr. Freeze walk away again?"

The host at the scene reported the situation conscientiously.

"Okay, Homelander, this is a dinner I will never forget."

Catwoman glanced at the news. She knew that the time was almost right and Homelander could not be delayed any longer.

Because now is the best time for Homelander to appear.

"Then, I'll be here, waiting to appreciate your style!"

"I'll be back soon."

Rorschach didn't make pretentious remarks with Catwoman.

He greeted Catwoman and stood up.

With a shake of his body, he disappeared.


With a sonic boom, Rorschach appeared at the door of Alice in the next moment.


"It's Homelander!"

All the media reporters at the scene were excited, and all the cameras were aimed at Rorschach.


Mr. Freeze, who was almost ready and was about to evacuate, also showed a solemn look on his face.

Compared with Batman, Mr. Freeze was obviously more afraid of Rorschach.

This guy is a murderer who kills without blinking an eye!

But it was just fear. Mr. Freeze was still very confident in his own strength.

He didn't think Homelander could block his freezing gun.

"If you don't want to become an ice sculpture like them, don't block my way!"

Mr. Freeze held the freezing gun in his hand, pointed the muzzle at Rorschach, and warned fiercely.


Rorschach ignored Mr. Freeze at all, and directly shot two heat rays at him with his eyes.


But Mr. Freeze is not an ordinary person after all. In addition to the freezing gun, his physical qualities are far superior to ordinary people.

In addition, he had heard the rumor that Homelander shot lasers with his eyes, so although he was embarrassed, he still dodged it at the first time.


But the next moment, Mr. Freeze felt a flash in front of his eyes.

Before he could react, Rorschach appeared beside him like a ghost.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed Mr. Freeze's neck and lifted him up.

Mr. Freeze, who was so big, was like a weak chicken in Rorschach's hands.

He was so weak and powerless that he could only struggle in Rorschach's hands.

"How is it possible!"

"How could this happen!"

Mr. Freeze showed a look of shock on his face.

How could this man be so fast?

Is that something a human can do?

With his reaction speed far beyond that of ordinary people, he couldn't react at all.


But Mr. Freeze was not to be underestimated. He immediately shot the freezing gun in his hand towards Rorschach's body.


A "cold current" shot at Rorschach's body, and Rorschach immediately turned into an ice sculpture.

Mr. Freeze couldn't help but smile.

Even if he faced the Homelanders, he was still the winner!

I'm a dead body, are you surprised? Are you surprised?

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