American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 383 Gotham can always trust its people

"Not good!"

"Even the Homelander was hit!"

Batman's pupils shrank sharply, and his brows began to frown slightly.

With the Homelander's strength, he shouldn't be hit so easily!

Is Mr. Freeze really that powerful?

"Oh no, even the Homelander was frozen into an ice sculpture!"

"The Homelander is so vulnerable in front of Mr. Freeze?"

The media reporters who surrounded the scene outside the door were all shocked.

The cool and cool Homelander knelt down?

The Homelander who made such a crazy statement as "No criminals allowed in Gotham" was also defeated by Mr. Freeze?

Originally, based on the Homelander's "record" in the past few days, everyone had great expectations for the Homelander.

But who would have thought that reality would slap them hard.


But the next moment.

The ice on the "Homelander Ice Sculpture" exploded.

The figure of the Homelander appeared in front of everyone again.

Everyone looked around and saw that Homelander was still so calm and composed, his face was not red and he was not out of breath.

He looked like nothing had happened.

"What are you doing?"

"Do you think I'm too hot? Can you cool me down?"

Rorschach glanced at Mr. Freeze with a sarcastic look on his face.

Mr. Freeze's face showed a look of extreme shock, as if he had seen a ghost.

He just stared at Rorschach with his eyes wide open in disbelief: "You are... completely fine?"

Is this guy still human!

After being shot by the freezing gun, he was not hurt at all!

What a joke!

But at this moment Mr. Freeze also understood why it was so easy for him to hit Homelander.

It turned out that the other party didn't care about his attack from beginning to end.

"I don't believe it!"

Mr. Freeze was furious and shot at Rorschach with the freezing gun in his hand again.


But Rorschach stretched out his hand and grabbed the freezing gun of Mr. Freeze.

He was a little curious the first time. It was okay to be shot, but do you want to do it again?

Is this a dream?


Rorschach exerted a little force, and the freezing gun of Mr. Freeze was immediately crushed into a ball of slag by Rorschach.

It was completely scrapped.


Mr. Freeze's eyes widened, and his face was full of fear.

There was also a trace of panic that could not be concealed.

At this time, Mr. Freeze finally panicked.

Because he found that the invincible means he relied on were completely ineffective in front of his countrymen!

"Stop it quickly, or we will kill him!"

A sharp shout sounded.

It was Mr. Freeze's men who once again pressed the guns against the foreheads of several hostages and roared at Rorschach.

In each voice, there was still unsuppressible panic.

Even if they had hostages.

"I said, I don't allow criminals in Gotham!"

"Whoever commits a crime must die!"

"No one will be an exception!"

Rorschach ignored the threats of Mr. Freeze's two men.

He just glanced at them lightly, that's all.

He immediately retracted his gaze.

He said this to Mr. Freeze and the news media in a sonorous and powerful way.

"Haha, is that so?"

Mr. Freeze laughed, "Then 'Homelander', Gotham's new vigilante, it doesn't matter if you kill innocent people..."


Mr. Freeze stopped talking halfway.

Because Rorschach broke Mr. Freeze's neck in one go with a force.

He crushed Mr. Freeze's cryogenic armor so easily, and then broke Mr. Freeze's neck!


It was not until this time that Batman's anxious voice was heard.

Not only Batman, in fact, everyone at the scene was also anxious.

Homelander actually killed Mr. Freeze without paying any attention to his threats.

So what about the hostages?

Everyone doesn't think that Mr. Freeze's men are just exaggerating.

"Homelander, you killed them!"

Sure enough.

The next moment.

Mr. Freeze's two men showed a ruthless look on their faces and began to pull the trigger decisively and ruthlessly!


Batman exclaimed and immediately rushed into the store, trying to stop Mr. Freeze's men.

But how could he be in time at such a long distance?

No matter how fast Batman is, how can he be faster than the speed of others shooting?

After all, it's enough for others to just move their fingers.

But the next moment.

Batman's body stopped directly, as if someone pressed the pause button.

He didn't move at all.

Because at this time Rorschach waved to Mr. Freeze's men from a distance without panic.



Two sounds of bones breaking were heard, and the necks of the two men under Mr. Freeze were also broken.

Like Mr. Freeze, the men fell to the ground with a thud, and then did not move.

What happened?

Homelander waved his hand, and the man died?

Batman was dumbfounded.

He had no idea how Rorschach could do such an incredible thing.

But Rorschach did not pay attention to Batman's reaction.

He glanced at the shop assistants who were frozen into ice sculptures and waved his hand again.

The telekinesis spread out.



The ice on everyone's body broke at the first moment.

Those who turned into ice sculptures regained their freedom in an instant.

"Father, motherland... thank... thank you!"

"Thank... you for saving... us!"

The shop assistants immediately trembled and thanked Rorschach.

Although they had been frozen in the ice, they could vaguely sense what was happening outside.

After all, they did not faint immediately.

Although there was a layer of ice outside, they could also receive signals from the outside world to a certain extent.

"You're welcome."

Rorschach waved his hand casually, as if he had done something insignificant.

"Once again, Homelander has stopped a crime from happening!"

"Homelander has done what neither the Gotham Police Department nor Batman has done!"

"Even a super criminal like Mr. Freeze is no match for Homelander!"

"Homelander has proved to everyone that everyone can always trust Homelander, and Gotham can always trust Homelander!"

The whole scene was boiling.

All the media reporters were like chicken blood, reporting frantically.

There is no doubt.

This news today is definitely the most explosive news they have encountered in their careers.

At this time, all the reporters saw Rorschach walking out of the store leisurely.

They had no hesitation, and rushed towards Rorschach like vicious dogs.

Rorschach was surrounded.




All the cameras and microphones were in front of Rorschach.

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