American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 384 Homelander: I never said I was a good person, right?

After a brief hesitation, Rorschach stood still and cleared his throat.

The scene immediately became quiet.

Reporters from various media outlets all stared at Rorschach eagerly, their faces all glowing with excitement.

We really interviewed our countrymen!

This was something no one had expected.

It was simply a pleasant surprise.

A great pleasant surprise.

It was worth coming to the scene today.

"I'll say it again."

Facing the cameras in front of him, Rorschach spoke softly, as if chatting at home, "My countrymen do not allow criminals in Gotham."

"Whoever dares to commit a crime will die!"

"Now, do you understand?"


As domineering as ever to the point of being unreasonable.

Rorschach had said the same thing a few days ago, but almost no one took it seriously at the time.

But at this moment, the effect was completely different.

No one doubted the weight of this sentence anymore.

No one dared to challenge this sentence easily.

Even those super criminals!

This was achieved by Rorschach at the cost of nearly 200 lives in just five days!

Especially this time, the operation to eliminate Mr. Freeze was the first time that Rorschach conducted it under the "live broadcast" of so many media.

The target was not an ordinary person, but a super criminal with extraordinary means.

In this operation, Rorschach showed many magical means that ordinary people could not understand and could be called abnormal.

The rumor that he shot lasers from his eyes, which spread throughout Gotham, was confirmed.

There was also the terrible physical fitness of being unharmed after being frozen into an ice sculpture by Mr. Freeze, and the strange telekinesis that could break a person's neck in the air with a wave of his hand!

Having one of these abilities is enough to make a person a "superhuman" and sweep away some ordinary people.

But Homelander has them all!

For the entire Gotham, Homelander is a real monster.

He is also a ruthless monster who kills people without blinking an eye!

Who can not be afraid of such a monster?

"Homelander, can you say a few more words?"

"Homelander, please say a few more words!"

"Homelander, I'm from Gotham TV, can I ask you a few questions!"

After a slight silence, the scene suddenly exploded again.

All reporters began to ask Rorschach questions frantically.

"Sorry, I've said everything I wanted to say."

Rorschach would not be so bored as to accept any interviews. He was too lazy to say anything more to the media after his goal was achieved.

He waved his hand and was about to leave.

"Homelander, you keep saying that Gotham does not allow criminals, but don't you realize that you are actually a criminal yourself?"

But soon, Rorschach paused.

Because a very sharp voice reached his ears.


Rorschach turned around, his eyes like a knife, and fell on a male host who was about thirty-five or thirty-six years old and dressed in a suit.

The scene also became quiet.

All media colleagues couldn't help but look at Rorschach.

Frankly speaking, this question is indeed very sharp.

It can even be said to be a bit difficult.

Because one fact cannot be denied: Homelander is indeed a criminal!

A criminal, saying that Gotham does not allow criminals, isn't that a contradiction?

For ordinary people, this question is really hard to answer.

But Rorschach?


A crisp slap sounded.

Rorschach slapped the male host in the face.

How strong is Rorschach?

Even if he reduced the force to one thousandth or one ten-thousandth, it is still very amazing.

The other party's body shook, and the man flew backwards like a cannonball.

He fell directly to the ground and couldn't get up.


There was a sound of gasps at the scene, and all the reporters were shocked.

Looking at Rorschach, the eyes were suddenly filled with deep fear and fear.

Even reporters were hit!

And in front of so many news media!

Are the people of Homeland so reckless?

Are they not worried about offending the media?

You should know that the power of the media is also very, very terrible.

Sometimes you can easily kill a person by controlling a fishing reel.

Even a giant like the Wayne Group dare not offend the media easily.

"Don't play any word games with me, and don't try to play any tricks with me."

Rorschach's voice continued to sound.

The voice was not loud, but it brought a great pressure to everyone.

"No one can provoke me, anyone!"

"Don't have an illusion that I am a vigilante who specializes in fighting criminals because I have killed criminals these days. I will not attack innocent people."

"If you think so, you are wrong."

"I never said that I am a good person, right?"

"I am a very simple person, with only one principle, I will not offend others if they don't offend me, and I will repay them a hundredfold if they offend me!"

After saying this, Rorschach ignored other people and walked forward swaggeringly.

When the media reporters around saw Rorschach was about to leave, they subconsciously made way to both sides.

Not even one dared to stop Rorschach.

The slap just now seemed to have a very good effect.

"Homelander, stop!"

"Homelander, you are under arrest!"

Rorschach had just walked out, and the policemen who had been restored to normal by the ice broken by Batman rushed forward one by one.

Surrounded Rorschach.

They all held guns in their hands.

The black muzzles formed a circle, which was enough to put tremendous pressure on anyone.

However, at this moment, it was not the unarmed Rorschach who was nervous, but the group of policemen holding large weapons.

Everyone could see the nervousness on the faces of Kevin Conroy and other policemen.

God pity, these policemen did not want to face such a monster.

But they had to do this because of their duties.

If they were indifferent to a murderer who killed more than a hundred people in a few days, how would these people survive in Gotham in the future?

I'm afraid that the Gotham Police Department would not have even a little credibility, right?

We have to go even if we have to!

Rorschach's footsteps did not stop at all, as if the twenty policemen surrounding him did not exist at all.

He walked forward slowly and waved his hand casually.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The policemen who surrounded Rorschach flew backwards as if they were swept by a 12-level typhoon.

They were thrown five or six meters away and lay on the ground wailing.

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