American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 385 It's time to collect the debt from Bruce Wayne!

How, how is it possible!

The jaws dropped to the ground.

Everyone was dumbfounded, almost popping their eyes out.

Even though everyone had just seen the amazing fact that Rorschach killed two of Mr. Freeze's men with a wave of his hand, they were also shocked at this moment.

After all, it was a group of people now!

He flew backwards five or six meters away!

This kind of visual shock cannot be described in words.

"Who is he...!"

Not to mention those ordinary people, even Batman couldn't keep calm at all.

There was also an unconcealable shock on his face, staring at Rorschach with his eyes fixed, and a huge wave of emotions was set off in his heart.

Batman had never seen such a perverted guy in his life.

There was even a moment when Batman wondered if Rorschach was an alien in the movie.

Otherwise, how could he have so many incredible abilities?

"What's going on? What happened just now?"

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"Homelander waved his hand, and all the police flew away?"

"God, what did I see!"

The citizens of Gotham who saw this scene on TV were like being bombed.

It exploded with a bang.

The space in the jewelry store was limited before, so the filming on the street outside was naturally impossible to be clear.

How Rorschach killed Mr. Freeze's men from a distance was filmed very, very blurry.

It was so blurry that you couldn't tell it without looking carefully.

But now?

This incredible scene was recorded very clearly.

No one could stay calm.

Rorschach didn't care what kind of shock he caused, and continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

He walked away with a swagger.

Gordon and his police could only lie on the ground helplessly, watching Rorschach walk away.


But Gotham City's vigilante Batman still didn't give up, and quickly chased after Rorschach.

"Batman, are you going to stop me?"

Rorschach stopped for a moment, turned around, and looked at Batman with a smile.

Batman's mouth twitched twice, but in the end he did nothing.

Batman is not a reckless man.

How could he not know that he had no power to stop Homelander at all?

After all.

He had been beaten by Rorschach twice.

"I will stop you, but not now!"

Batman stared at Rorschach and said loudly, "But yes, I will stop you in the end."

"I look forward to that day."

Rorschach shrugged.

This is not Rorschach pretending, he is really very curious about this.

You have to know that this is Batman.

Although he is just a mortal, even Superman has been knocked down by him, and the weaknesses of everyone in the entire Justice League are mastered by him.

What kind of method will this kind of person use to deal with him?

Rorschach is indeed very curious.

In this way, Batman finally watched Rorschach leave.

But at the moment when Rorschach left, Batman also strengthened his determination in his heart:

We must find Homelander's weakness!

We must find a way to deal with Homelander!


Then, Batman took out his grappling gun and shot a flying claw at the wall.

He rose into the air and disappeared into the night sky.

Only the excited reporters and the embarrassed policemen lying on the ground were left.

It was boiling.

As expected, Gotham was boiling.

The three words "Homelander" once again set off a new round of frenzy in the whole Gotham.

If Rorschach's act of killing all the criminals a few days ago completely shook the whole Gotham, then this battle with Mr. Freeze was equivalent to dropping a nuclear bomb in Gotham.

It caused the whole Gotham to fall into a magnitude 12 earthquake.

Everyone was shocked as if struck by thunder.

"Homelander's eyes can actually emit lasers! It's incredible!"

"He must be a messenger sent by God, he can't be a mortal!"

"He waved his hand and a group of people flew away. Is this God?"

"God, Homelander is a powerful magician!"

Almost every corner of Gotham was filled with such shocking discussions.

Rorschach is now in Gotham, almost like a super god.

At the same time, the citizens of Gotham also expressed their concerns to a certain extent.

Because Homelander is not the kind of model hero who punishes evil and eliminates evil as they imagined.

After all, heroes will not attack people casually, just because that person asked an unfriendly question.

Even through Homelander's unscrupulous behavior in front of the entire media, the other party's temper can be said to be quite bad.

It is really possible that as Homelander himself said, he may not be a good person!

A person with such a heaven-defying ability, but it is hard to predict whether he is good or evil, how can this make people feel at ease?

But anyway

The criminals in Gotham were completely shocked.

Even the super criminals were shocked.

The reason why they are shocked is that they are only a part of the super criminals.

For example, Penguin, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc and so on.

Either they are more rational or have a good sense of self-awareness. They know that Rorschach is someone they cannot afford to offend.

But there are also some super criminals who are very shocked by Rorschach's strength and are also very wary of him, but they are not afraid of him.

For example, the Joker, the Riddler, the Scarecrow, the Ninja Master and the like.

Some of them are brain games, some are really crazy, some have tremendous power, and some have special means.

Even if they have seen Rorschach's invincibility, they still have some confidence.

Of course.

Even so, they dare not underestimate Rorschach's warning anyway.

On the contrary, they also take it very seriously.

For the time being, they are all honest and do not commit crimes easily.

Under the threat of Rorschach, they have to max out their cautious attributes.

In this case.

Gotham ushered in a period of peace.

For two consecutive weeks, there has been no more crime!

It is no exaggeration to say that Rorschach shocked a city alone!

Until this moment, Rorschach felt that he had the confidence to say to Batman:

There are no criminals in Gotham, I have done it!

In this case...

"It's time for Bruce Wayne to fulfill his promise!"

Rorschach made the decision happily.

He shook his body and disappeared in an instant.

The next moment.

Rorschach appeared in Wayne Manor.

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