American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 386 Bruce, are you willing for Gotham to bear my wrath?

Wayne Manor, Batman's base.

Bruce Wayne holds a cup of coffee in his hand and stands behind his loyal and reliable old butler Afu.

Looking at a big screen in front of Ah Fu.

Bang bang bang!

Ah Fu's hands quickly tapped on the keyboard a few times, and a corresponding piece of information appeared on the big screen.

"Master Wayne, I haven't found any clues about "special people" like the people of the motherland in Gotham for the time being, but..."

"In the other two cities, I found something."

Afu introduces Bruce Wayne.

Bruce Wayne couldn't help but nodded. The people from his motherland were not from Gotham at all, but from other cities.

Ah Fu found clues in other cities, which are indeed consistent with some known information about the current people of the motherland.

"First, here."

Bang bang bang!

As Ah Fu spoke, he tapped the keyboard a few more times, and one after another relevant information appeared on the big screen.

Bruce Wayne glanced at it, and a solemn look immediately appeared on his face.

I began to look at the information carefully.

That is indeed the information of some special people with special abilities.

It's just that it's not official information.

But both Bruce Wayne and Alfred understand that sometimes this kind of information is more credible than official information.

"What is this place?"

Bruce Wayne asked Afu in a deep voice.

"Smallville, a small town near the metropolis, according to the information, a meteorite rain hit this small town a few years ago."

"But what's interesting is that those meteorites actually had a huge impact on the local residents. Many people were 'infected' by the meteorites and acquired some special abilities."


Bruce Wayne silently remembered this place in his heart.

"What about the other place?"

Bruce Wayne continued to ask.


"A major scientific research accident occurred in this place almost a year ago. A particle accelerator in a research center exploded, and the explosion shock wave swept through the entire Midtown."

"Since that explosion, many people with special abilities have appeared in Central City."

"Based on some clues, we have reason to believe that the explosion of the particle accelerator transformed those people."


Bruce Wayne also kept this city in his heart.

"So Ah Fu, have you found information about people in these two cities that match those from your motherland?"

After Bruce Wayne paused, he looked at Ah Fu and asked a crucial question.

Ah Fu shook his head: "Master Wayne, the personal information of the people of the motherland is blank so far. I haven't found any relevant information, not even a little bit."

"It's like this person never existed before."

Bruce Wayne couldn't help but frown.

In fact, since Rorschach started trouble in Gotham, Bruce Wayne has begun to vigorously investigate Rorschach.

But even now, no clues have been found.

This gave Bruce Wayne a headache.

He vowed to find a way to deal with the people of his motherland, but now, he doesn't even know who the other party is, let alone others.

This made Bruce Wayne feel a little frustrated.

"Master Wayne, can you tell me your opinion?"

Afu began to comfort Bruce Wayne, "Don't worry about the people of the motherland. Didn't you say that the people of the motherland will only stay in Gotham temporarily? Can't we just wait quietly for him to leave? Why do we have to be his enemy? "

"As long as he stays in Gotham for one day, he is a threat to Gotham. I will not sit back and watch this kind of thing."

Bruce Wayne shook his head, "And even if he really leaves, who can guarantee that he won't come back again? Finding a way to fight him is the real solution to the problem!"

"Come on, Bruce!"

A voice suddenly sounded out.

Bruce Wayne and Alfred both changed drastically.

Only the two of them know this place, there is no way anyone else will show up!


The two of them turned their heads subconsciously and saw a very familiar young man standing leisurely in the middle of the hall.

He looked around with a very casual attitude, as if he were a guest at his friend's house.

"People of the motherland!"

Bruce Wayne's voice was low, his eyes were fixed on Rorschach, and his expression was extremely ugly.

This is his most secret place, but now people from his motherland have easily broken in.

Even before the motherland people spoke, neither he nor Ah Fu noticed anything!

Nothing is more devastating than this.

"I am really touched!"

With a touch of sarcasm on her face, Luo Xia glanced at the big screen, "I didn't expect you to be so interested in me."

"People of the motherland, what are you doing here!"

Bruce Wayne didn't play nice with Rorschach and got straight to the point.

"Come on Bruce, there's no way you couldn't guess that."

Rorschach turned over his hand and took out the fragment.

Opposite him, Bruce Wayne's expression changed slightly.

There has been no crime in Gotham for half a month. As a vigilante in Gotham, he is facing unemployment. Bruce Wayne knows that sooner or later, the people of the motherland will come looking for him.

But he really didn't want this moment to come.

But this moment has come.

"Don't be delusional. I won't help you." Bruce Wayne refused without hesitation.


Rorschach's face immediately turned gloomy.

Bruce Wayne, who was opposite him, immediately felt a suffocating pressure.

It was as if the person standing beside him at this moment was no longer a mortal, but a demon from hell!

One look was terrifying.

"Are you kidding me, Bruce!"

Rorschach's voice was low, with unspeakable pressure, "I know you are not afraid of me, but what about Gotham? Do you really want Gotham to bear my anger!"

"Homelander, please give me the things!"

Alfu on the side immediately stood up and walked towards Rorschach.


"Master Wayne, forgive me for being blunt, since you made a bet with Homelander, and you lost, you can only fulfill your promise."

"A promise... we can't afford to lose."

As Alfred said, he came to Rorschach and took the fragment back from Rorschach.

"Alfred, you are much smarter than your master." Rorschach cast an approving look at Alfred.

Bruce Wayne's mouth twitched.

Although he was very unwilling, he didn't say anything after all.

As Alfred said, he lost this bet.

And to blame Homelander, even Bruce Wayne didn't have the courage to make such a decision.

Look at what Homelander has been doing in Gotham recently, he is just like a madman who acts without any scruples.

Bruce Wayne couldn't imagine what would happen if this madman took Gotham as an opportunity.

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