American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 387 Bruce Wayne's Compromise, the Key to Finding Homelander's Weakness

"One month!"

"I only give you one month!"

"Don't try to fool me!"

"Of course, I don't mind if you want to risk Gotham's safety."

After saying these words to Bruce Wayne, Rorschach said nothing more.

His body swayed and he suddenly disappeared.

Only a huge airflow was left at the scene.

Opposite them, Bruce Wayne and Alfred immediately felt their breaths suffocate.

That's because of the strong airflow hitting your face.

Their clothes and hair were swaying crazily, as if someone was blowing a blower on them.

Both master and servant were stunned.

The dull sonic boom, the exaggerated airflow, how fast did the people of the motherland become?

How could a person make such a movement with just his legs?

This is too exaggerated!

A moment.

Bruce Wayne's fear of Rorschach has reached its peak.

"Afu, do we really want to help our motherland find other fragments like this?"

Bruce Wayne was stunned for a long time, and then sighed.

He genuinely didn't want to do it.

But facing such a perverted native, Bruce Wayne also found that he really didn't dare to anger him easily.

If it were him, Bruce Wayne wouldn't be afraid, but the other party has already threatened the safety of Gotham. It can be said that it has hit Bruce Wayne's weakness at once.

"Master Wayne, now that things have happened, do we have any other choice?" Ah Fu also spread his hands helplessly.

Bruce Wayne is silent.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit this helpless fact.

In front of the people of the motherland, he really had no choice.

"Master Wayne, actually, this is not a bad thing."

Afu's voice sounded, and he comforted Bruce Wayne from another angle, "Aren't you always worried that you can't find any information about people from your motherland? And isn't this an important piece of information?"

Although they were words of comfort to Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne had to admit that what Afu said actually made sense.

What exactly is this thing and why is it so important to the people of the motherland.

Once we figure it out, we may really be able to find some weaknesses or handles about the people of the motherland.

This fragment is indeed a very important source of intelligence.

It’s worth digging deeper.

And it can’t be missed.

After some thought and weighing, Bruce Wayne made his choice.

"Bruce Wayne should be fine."

In the high-end apartment, Rorschach temporarily withdrew his attention and nodded secretly.

Bruce Wayne and Alfred thought that after Rorschach left, they could communicate and communicate without any worries, but in fact, their every move was still under Rorschach's control.

Rorschach could clearly hear every word of the conversation between the two after Rorschach left.

So Rorschach is very clear about what kind of attitude Bruce Wayne has.

Things were not much different from what he expected.

Bruce Wayne is a more rational person who can see the overall situation clearly.

After he showed his irresistible strength and threatened Gotham, Bruce Wayne really chose to compromise.

As for the other party wanting to find some of his own weaknesses by investigating the fragment, Rorschach didn't care at all.

That is simply impossible.

Who can find out about such a thing as the system?

"A native of the motherland?"

"You're back?"

"So fast?"

a voice sounded.

Catwoman, wrapped in a bathrobe, stuck her head out wetly.

Although she was taking a bath before, Catwoman was still very alert.

Logically speaking, the sound of Rorschach opening the door and entering could not be heard by ordinary people across the bathroom.

But Catwoman happened to hear it.

Originally, Catwoman knew that Rorschach was going to do something important, and thought it would take a while.

Unexpectedly, it only lasted ten minutes.

She had just entered the bathroom.

"If someone is more knowledgeable about current affairs, things will be much simpler."

Rorschach shrugged lightly, his eyes sweeping over the graceful figure in front of him unscrupulously, "Are you taking a shower?"

"Obviously." Catwoman shook her long flowing hair, "Do you want to join us?"

"What do you think?"

One hundred thousand words are omitted here.

Anyway, two hours later, Rorschach and Catwoman were just done.

The charming Catwoman, who had already changed into a formal dress, gently tied Rorschach's tie.

"Very good, it suits your temperament!"

"Sure enough, you should still trust my vision!"

Catwoman took two steps back, looked Rorschach up and down, and couldn't help but smile with great satisfaction.

There is no doubt that the man in front of him is the most handsome guy in Gotham.

"How about my motherland, what do you think?"

Catwoman also asked for Rorschach's opinion as if she was offering a treasure, with a "Come on, praise me" expression on her face.

"It's really good."

Rorschach nodded and gave positive approval.

Catwoman immediately beamed.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go!"

Catwoman smiled and took Rorschach's arm, and came to a luxury car downstairs.

Rorschach shamelessly sat in the passenger seat, and Catwoman had no complaints about it.

She got into the driver's seat with satisfaction and started the car.


The luxury sports car left a trail of dust and disappeared.

Until it stopped at the door of a luxury hotel.

At this moment, a celebrity cocktail party was being held in the luxurious banquet hall on the top floor of the hotel.

Rorschach, who was free, happily accepted Catwoman's invitation.

Accompany her to attend the cocktail party.

Beautiful women, sports cars, celebrities, even Rorschach would not refuse such a life of enjoyment.


The car door opened, and the figures of Rorschach and Catwoman slowly appeared in front of everyone.


"It's Homelander!"

"Homelander is here!"

The scene was boiling all of a sudden.

Whether it was the other celebrities coming and going, or the hotel staff, or the media reporters reporting on this celebrity cocktail party from a distance, they were all excited and trembling with excitement.


There is no superstar who can compare with him in the whole Gotham.

The first legendary figure in Gotham.

The transcendent existence that exists in everyone's legend!

No one could have expected that this celebrity cocktail party could attract the arrival of a figure of Homelander's level.

Facing the fanatical people around him who seemed like fans seeing their idols, Rorschach did not act too pretentiously, but nodded with a smile on his face.

The atmosphere on the scene became even more heated.

Everyone found that although Rorschach acted very arrogantly in front of the camera half a month ago and openly beat up reporters.

But in real life, he is not arrogant at all.

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