American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 388: Homelander: I am really not an alien

"Homelander, I'm your fan, can I take a photo with you?"

Some brave people even summoned up the courage to ask Rorschach for this.

"Maybe... next time."

Rorschach refused directly.

There were so many people at the scene, if this really started, it would be endless.

"It's okay, Homelander, I want you to know that I always support you!"

The other party was not annoyed by being rejected, and still had a fanatical look on his face.

Rorschach saw three words on his face: brain-dead fans.

Rorschach, who also has countless brain-dead fans in the Marvel world, has long been accustomed to all this.

He greeted everyone casually, took Catwoman's arm, and walked into the hotel openly.

On the way, countless people swarmed and followed.

That style.

It almost surpassed Bruce Wayne, the super rich second generation.


Encircled by the crowd, Rorschach and Catwoman came to the elevator entrance.

The people who followed were all very tactful, and they automatically stepped back two steps.

They gave up the front seats for Rorschach and Catwoman.

Rorschach naturally did not pretend to be pretentious with everyone at this time, and stood at the front with Catwoman without hesitation, waiting for the arrival of the elevator.

"Homelander, he is much more handsome than on the camera."

"Yeah, I didn't expect Homelander to be so easy-going."

"I looked carefully, and he doesn't look like an alien."

The elevator has not arrived yet, and many people behind him are whispering excitedly.

While looking at Rorschach, they are talking wildly.

Although their voices are low enough, Rorschach still hears every word clearly.

This makes Rorschach a little speechless.

In this world without mutants, he is actually regarded as an alien.

You know, countless aliens have died in his hands.




Rorschach's expression changed slightly as he was complaining. He heard two dull and slight explosions.




Then, there was a panicked sound.



There was a roar caused by high-speed friction between objects.

Something happened!

Rorschach raised his head suddenly and used his perspective ability to look at the source of the sound.

He saw an elevator car falling rapidly in the elevator shaft!

Someone blew up the cable of the elevator car!


The elevator car was falling rapidly, and the four corners and the elevator shaft track were rubbed to produce dazzling sparks.

There were six passengers in the elevator car, and they were all screaming and shouting at the moment, and they were almost scared to death.

Rorschach's face was slightly gloomy.

There was no doubt that this was a man-made murder.

This was a provocation to him, Rorschach!

No matter who the other party was, he was dead!

Of course, this was all later. Now, the main thing was to stop this murder.

"Everyone, all retreat!"

Rorschach immediately spoke in a deep voice and shouted at the group of people surrounding him.

Everyone looked at each other, a little confused by Rorschach's sudden request.


Rorschach didn't care about that and shouted again.

This time, even the slowest people reacted. The Homelander was serious!

Although they didn't know why, the Homelander needed them to retreat.

Thinking of the Homelander's extremely serious look, everyone had no hesitation.

They immediately began to retreat, leaving a large space for Rorschach.

At the same time, everyone looked around in doubt, trying to figure out what made the Homelander so nervous.

"You step aside first."

Rorschach glanced at Catwoman again.

Catwoman naturally knew the importance of the matter better.

She said nothing, nodded, and immediately stepped aside.

At this time, Rorschach walked to the elevator door, stretched out his hands, and suddenly inserted them through the crack of the door!



Then, Rorschach exerted force with both hands and tore off the two outer doors of the elevator!

He threw them behind him like garbage.

" fake?"

"Too exaggerated?"

"Is this Homelander? It's really scary!"

The jaws dropped to the ground at the scene, and everyone almost popped their eyes out, staring at Rorschach in astonishment.

No matter what, they couldn't believe their eyes.

Those were two doors made of steel.

How come they looked like paper in Homelander's hands?

Because of this huge shock, everyone even overlooked a crucial question for a while:

Why did the Homelander suddenly tear off the outer door of the elevator?

But soon.

Everyone understood why.

As the elevator car continued to approach, the huge movement had been faintly transmitted, and everyone realized what happened.

The elevator car fell!

The Homelander was trying to save people!

But, can the Homelander succeed?

The elevator car is so heavy, there must be passengers inside, plus the huge kinetic energy of falling from a high altitude, can the motherland really stop it?

Everyone secretly sweated.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely heavy.



In the quiet scene, only the roar of the elevator car falling was getting louder and louder.

When the sound was close to their ears, everyone felt dizzy.

They really saw the elevator car falling to the first floor!

In a flash, at that critical moment, Rorschach, who was standing at the elevator entrance, acted like lightning and quickly stretched out his hands.


A dull metal collision sound suddenly sounded.

The rapidly falling elevator car was frozen in an instant!

It was frozen in front of everyone.



The scene suddenly rang with the sound of swallowing saliva, and everyone seemed to be struck by thunder and was completely petrified.

Really caught it?

Is this possible?

How much strength does it take?

What these people don't know is that Rorschach's catching the elevator car is just a superficial act.

At the same time, Rorschach also released his huge telekinesis to wrap the passengers in the elevator car.


Even if Rorschach caught the elevator car in time, the passengers in the elevator car would be seriously injured.

They might even die.

Clang clang clang!

Rorschach ignored the reactions of others, he put the elevator car down, and then violently tore open the inner door of the elevator.

The figures of the frightened passengers inside immediately appeared in front of everyone.

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