American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 389 This is a declaration of war against the people of our motherland!

"All right? We are all right?"

"Great, we are not dead!"

"Homelander? It was Homelander who saved us!"

"Great, it was Homelander!"

The passengers in the elevator were first surprised and suspicious, and when they saw the familiar face standing in front of them, they couldn't react to what was going on.

It was Homelander who saved them!

"Homelander, thank you for saving us!"

"Homelander, you saved us!"

The few people who were relieved in their hearts thanked Rorschach in surprise and joy.

God has mercy on them, when the elevator suddenly fell, they thought they were dead.

"I hope everyone is okay."

Rorschach nodded.

Needless to say, Catwoman and the onlookers around.

One by one, they came forward and helped the unlucky guys in the elevator up.

"What is that?"

When the unlucky guys all walked out of the elevator, Catwoman found that there was an envelope on the floor of the elevator.

Could it be that a passenger accidentally dropped it in the elevator?

But what era is this? Who can still write letters?

Rorschach waved at the letter.

The letter seemed to come alive and flew into Rorschach's hands automatically.

This miraculous scene once again amazed the people around him.

As expected of Homelander, it is magical.


He gently grabbed the envelope in his hand, and the big words on it came into his eyes: Homelander.

"Homelander, this is for you?"

Catwoman was very surprised and smelled an unusual smell.

Homelander just stopped a murder, but at the scene of the crime, someone found a letter left for Homelander?

Where in the world is there such a coincidence?

As for Rorschach, he couldn't help but sneer.

He had already guessed who the mastermind behind the scene was.

Looking at the super criminals in Gotham, there is no one else who likes to show off in this way except the Riddler.

In the original movie universe, the Riddler's riddles were reserved for Batman.

But now, Rorschach has overshadowed Batman in all aspects, and he has become the new target of the Riddler.


I opened the envelope and found that there were three cards inside, each of which had a riddle printed on it:

1. A diamond plate, a glowing fireplace, a place you will never leave, where am I?

2. It smells like green paint, and it pours out like purple paint, painted on a white truck, what is it?

3. Some people's nightmare, some people's savior. My hands are cold and desperate, reaching out to that warm heart.


Rorschach's guess was correct, and the mastermind behind the scenes was indeed the Riddler.

This is a super criminal who has no superpowers, but has a superior IQ, and once crushed Batman in intelligence.

Because he has loved solving puzzles since he was a child, he also applied this method to his own crimes.

He is a high-IQ criminal with a distinctive personality.

"What is this?"

Catwoman glanced at the riddles on the card and was a little confused.

"Someone is challenging me."

Rorschach looked at her leisurely, "The mastermind behind this elevator murder will continue to commit the next murder, and the target of his murder is the answer to this riddle!"

Catwoman's face suddenly froze. Challenge Homelander?


Gotham had been quiet for half a month, which gave Catwoman a feeling that it was not real, and it turned out to be true!

Even with Homelander in charge, some crazy people couldn't help but jump out.

This is Gotham!

There is never a shortage of crazy people.


Catwoman quickly raised her head and looked at Rorschach solemnly.

This is the first time that Homelander has provoked Homelander in half a month since he cleaned up Gotham.

If Homelander cannot handle it cleanly and beautifully, Homelander's prestige will be greatly weakened.

Those criminals who were intimidated by Homelander will commit crazy crimes in revenge.

Catwoman immediately realized this.

Then she began to think quickly, trying to analyze the riddles and help Homelander figure out the answers.

But after thinking about it, she had no idea at all.

The three riddles were a bit too abstract.

"Don't worry about it."

Rorschach sneered and threw the three riddles away, "I have locked the answer."

"You have solved the riddle?"

Catwoman looked at Rorschach in surprise. How long has it been?

She couldn't even solve a riddle, let alone solve it, she didn't even have any analytical ideas.

As a result, Homelander solved all of them?

So Homelander is so super intelligent?

"No, I don't need to solve it."

Rorschach smiled meaningfully.

At the moment the elevator fell, Rorschach had used his perspective eyes and super vision to see clearly that there was no one in the elevator shaft.

What does this show?

The bomb that broke the elevator cable had been installed and detonated long ago.

Then why did the bomb explode when he was waiting for the elevator instead of earlier or later?

The bomb was not a time bomb, but was detonated by remote control.

Otherwise, such a coincidental timing would not have been possible.

In other words, the Riddler must have been monitoring everything in the hotel and Rorschach's every move.

He detonated the bomb at the time when Rorschach appeared!

So at that moment, Rorschach also used his super hearing to hear the sounds of the entire city.

When he tore the outer door of the elevator and caught the falling elevator car with his bare hands, Rorschach heard a scream from five kilometers away very clearly.

"This is impossible! He actually caught it?"

The person who made this scream was immediately locked by Rorschach.

That person was undoubtedly the Riddler!

The Riddler thought that he was behind the scenes and everything was done remotely, so he could not reveal any flaws or flaws.

It was impossible for him to be caught by the Homelanders like those brainless guys before.

But what he would never have thought of was that his identity was exposed at the first moment.

Although Rorschach didn't know who the next target of the Riddler was, was it important?

He knew who the Riddler was.

He had locked the answer.

Next, as long as Rorschach could monitor the Riddler, wouldn't the other party's next target naturally surface?

As for killing the Riddler now?

This was certainly not a problem for Rorschach, but Rorschach thought about it and didn't plan to do so.

Half a month had passed. Did the criminals in Gotham think that his Homelander's sword was no longer sharp?

In that case, let's take this opportunity to let those criminals see if Homelander's sword was still sharp!

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