American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 392 Bruce Wayne: Never lose to Homelander!

As if feeling Rorschach's gaze, Bruce Wayne also turned around and glanced at Rorschach expressionlessly.

The two people's eyes collided through the crowd, and then separated.

It was as if they didn't notice each other at all.

"A man from the motherland also appeared here, and sure enough, he also solved the mystery."

Bruce Wayne couldn't help but think to himself.

At the same time, it became more and more confirmed that the answer he had cracked was correct.

You must know that this is a foundation inauguration ceremony, not a reception or exchange meeting.

Would the people of the motherland be interested in such a ceremony?

Based on Bruce Wayne's understanding of the people of his motherland, this is indeed not in line with the other person's behavior pattern.

Bruce Wayne guessed that the other party was probably here for the Riddler just like himself.

Of course.

So far, these are all Bruce Wayne's speculations, and there is no concrete evidence.

But similar situations have actually happened to Bruce Wayne many times.

In most cases, Bruce Wayne's guesses are correct.

Although he didn't show anything, Bruce Wayne was secretly holding back some energy:

This time, we can no longer be compared with the people of the motherland!

Ever since the Homelander suddenly showed up in Gotham and purged Gotham, Batman has become a complete joke.

If we don't give Batman some space, after the motherland leaves Gotham, what criminals in Gotham will be afraid of Batman?

"Bruce Wayne?"

Following Rorschach's gaze, Catwoman also discovered Gotham's number one playboy.

She said she was very surprised.

The notorious playboy would actually appear in a place like this?

But Catwoman didn't pay much attention to Bruce Wayne, and she quickly withdrew her gaze.

"People of the motherland, tell me, will the Riddler really appear?"

Catwoman glanced at Rorschach next to her with great concern.

The title "The Riddler" has long been known to everyone in Gotham with the report of Winston's elevator falling case.

Become famous in one battle!

That's right.

Although the crime at the Winston Hotel was prevented by Rorschach, in any case, this was the first crime in the half month since the Motherland purged Gotham.

Still the kind that openly provokes the people of the motherland.

Naturally, the whole city is paying attention.

The Riddler became popular just as he expected.

Fire spread throughout Gotham.

"No, he won't show up."

Rorschach shook his head with certainty.

In the past few days, he has been closely monitoring the Riddler from a distance.

Not a single move of the other party escaped Rorschach's control.

Just like at the Winston Hotel, the other party was behind the scenes and controlling the entire process.

This is a relatively cautious and highly intelligent criminal.

Especially when facing a "cheating player" like Rorschach, we don't dare to take it lightly.

"But...that's not important."

Then Rorschach changed the subject, "Today is the last day of his rampage."

Although I don’t know why Rorschach is confident, I don’t know why Rorschach is so sure.

After all, Catwoman has been staying with Rorschach every day these days, and I really haven't seen Rorschach do even the slightest thing for this.

But now that Rorschach said so, Catwoman believed it.

That Riddler is dead!


“Next, we’ll invite Harvey Dent, our star prosecutor in Gotham City!”

"Mr. Harvey Dent, please say a word for us!"

After chatting with Catwoman for a while, the host walked onto the stage and solemnly invited one of Gotham's most dazzling stars to the stage.


The scene immediately burst into warm applause.

Whether sincere or not, on the surface, everyone showed their warm welcome and strong support for Harvey Dent.

The scene at the scene was very popular for a while.

Harvey Dent, who was wearing a suit and leather shoes and had an extraordinary bearing, walked to the high platform with confident steps.

It's so radiant.

He is worthy of being a rising star in Gotham.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's an honor to be here..."

With everyone watching, Harvey Dent slowly spoke.

"Harvey Dent!"

But at this moment a voice immediately resounded throughout the audience, interrupting Harvey Dent's words.

There is no doubt that it must be the Riddler. The sound system in the venue has long been controlled by the Riddler.

"A prosecutor who is very popular in Gotham recently. Today, I want to play a game with you!"

"It's really interesting to see it witnessed by all the celebrities in Gotham, isn't it?"

There was a hint of crazy excitement in that voice.

"what happened?"


All the celebrities in the venue suddenly started whispering, not knowing what was going on.


Immediately afterwards, the big screen behind Harvey Dent suddenly lit up, and everyone's attention was immediately attracted.

All eyes were on the big screen.

But I saw a series of riddles written on the big screen:

I can sneak up on you, or be right in front of you, and you don't even know it, but when I show myself, you will no longer be the same~ What am I?

What the hell?

A string of riddles?

The people at the scene were just slightly startled, and then they exploded.


"It's the crazy Riddler!"

"God, it's that guy again!"

A series of exclamations sounded, and the scene immediately fell into panic.

Facing a perverted killer who kills without blinking an eye, no one can remain calm.

Especially for many big names with a good reputation.

It is precisely because they are at the peak of their lives that these people cherish their lives and are more timid.

"It seems that I don't need to introduce myself again, right?"

"'Riddler'? Yes, I am very satisfied with this nickname. Yes, I am the Riddler!"

The voice of the Riddler sounded again, with undisguised arrogance and pride.

The Riddler is still very, very satisfied with his current fame.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to play a game with Harvey Dent today, that's all!"

"And you, just stay here quietly and wait to watch the show, this is a good show I carefully prepared for you, I hope you like it."

Although the Riddler said this, who can stay calm?

The scene is still in chaos.

Everyone rushed towards the door in a panic, trying to leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

"I said, stay quiet!"

The Riddler snorted angrily.


And with the Riddler's snort, a ball of fire exploded at the scene immediately.

The whole venue trembled.

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