American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 393: All the people from our country were defeated!


That's right, the Riddler had placed bombs in the venue in advance.

And just now, in order to deter the rioting crowd, the Riddler detonated one of the bombs.

But fortunately.

The bomb was placed on the chandelier in the center of the hall. It just blew the chandelier into slag and did not cause any casualties.

But even so, it shocked everyone at the scene.

The originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet, and the chaotic crowd became honest.

No one dared to act rashly anymore.

Everyone shrank in their positions trembling with fear, and no longer dared to act rashly.

"There are more than one bombs. If anyone doesn't want to win the prize, then stay still."

"Otherwise, I can't guarantee that any unlucky person will be blown to pieces. Does anyone want to try?"

The Riddler's voice sounded again.


The scene exploded again.

"Madman, this madman!"

"Why did we encounter such a thing?"

"Oh my God, I don't want to be blown up!"

The crowd was panicked again.

But it must be said that the first bomb detonated by the Riddler really shocked everyone.

The situation is still within control.


With the words of the Riddler, the scene immediately returned to silence.

It can even be said that it was completely silent.

The effect is still very, very good.

This made the Riddler's voice more and more proud and happy.

This feeling of controlling the fate of all the big shots in your hands and playing with them at will is really great.

"Okay, now, the game continues!"

After completely controlling the situation, the Riddler's voice continued to sound, aiming directly at Harvey Dent.

"Harvey Dent, I have prepared three riddles for you. If you answer all three riddles correctly, congratulations, you have made me have fun, and no bomb will explode today."

"But if you answer wrong, even any one, then I'm sorry, Gotham's most dazzling new star will fall."

Harvey Dent's face immediately became ugly.

Who can guarantee that he can answer riddles?

No matter how smart he is, he dare not guarantee it.

After all, to put it bluntly, this thing is just like a brain teaser.

If you don't like to solve puzzles and have a certain puzzle-solving thinking, it is difficult to deal with it.

It's hard to answer even one riddle correctly, let alone three.

In fact.

When the Riddler used the bomb to "appease" the people at the scene, Harvey Dent had been thinking about the first riddle.

But even now, he couldn't come up with any answer.

"If you want to kill me, just come on, why do so many tricks?"

Faced with such a life-and-death crisis, Harvey Dent was not in a hurry, "I will not participate in this stupid game."

"No, you will participate."

The Riddler's voice was full of confidence, firmly controlling the rhythm, "Because if you don't participate, I will detonate all the bombs on the scene."

Harvey Dent's weakness was immediately grasped.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he immediately chose to compromise: "OK, I will participate in your game, but please keep your word and only target me!"

"No, no, no, I noticed that we have another guest on the scene today."


As the Riddler said this, a light came down directly and hit Rorschach in the crowd.

This made Rorschach stand out all of a sudden.


One after another, the eyes on the scene came over and fell on Rorschach.


I almost forgot that Homelander is here too!

At the moment of seeing Rorschach, everyone at the scene couldn't help but have the last glimmer of hope in their hearts.

Since Homelander "debuted", he has never failed!

Not even once.

Not to mention the big and small criminals in Gotham, even when facing super criminals like "Mr. Freeze", all of them ruthlessly destroyed the enemy with a crushing attitude.

If anyone can resolve this crisis, there is no doubt that it must be Homelander.

At this moment.

Homelander became the hope of the whole village.

"Homelander, you can also participate in this game, but I don't know if you have the courage."

The voice of the riddle man sounded again, "You can also solve these three riddles. If you answer them, Harvey Dent will not die, but if you answer them wrong, Harvey Dent will die, and everyone at the scene will die!"

What, what!

What does it have to do with us!

The scene exploded as if a bomb was thrown into it, and no one could remain calm.

Everyone loudly accused.

Didn't we agree to play games with Harvey Dent only? Why did we involve them?

The people who were eager for Rorschach to break the situation just a second ago suddenly changed their attitudes 180 degrees.

They all prayed that the people from the motherland would stay as far away as possible and never get involved in this mess.

At this moment.

The masks worn by those Gotham celebrities were ruthlessly torn off.

The true faces of each person were exposed.

The ugly appearance was exposed.


"Homelander, you see, this is Gotham!"

"A city that has been rotten to the root and is hopeless!"

The Riddler's happy and triumphant laughter resounded throughout the venue.

"Homelander, this is a contest between me and the Riddler, it has nothing to do with you!"

Harvey Dent also shouted to Rorschach in a very serious voice.

He also didn't want Rorschach to participate in the game, but Harvey Dent's starting point was completely different from those of the others.

He is indeed a person worthy of admiration.

"No one at the scene wants you to participate in this game, so Homelander, tell me your answer, will you participate?"

The Riddler's voice sounded again, and he began to ask Rorschach's answer.


The eyes of everyone at the scene were once again focused on Rorschach.

It was completely opposite to the eyes that expected Rorschach to save them before.

At this moment, everyone was expecting Rorschach to stay out of other people's business.

"I won't participate in this game."

As everyone was watching, Rorschach spoke slowly.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's okay.

Homelander is a relatively sensible person and didn't joke with everyone's lives.

It's just that at this moment.

Everyone's eyes looking at Rorschach also began to change.

Homelander, lost!

In the contest with the Riddler, Homelander failed!

He didn't even dare to take the Riddler's move!

Even if Homelander chose to retreat because of everyone's lives.

But, failure is failure, this is indisputable.

Riddler, the super criminal who defeated Homelander in one fell swoop, will become the most dazzling new criminal star in Gotham.

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