American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 394 Is this the motherland? It's so amazing!

"People of the motherland, have you backed down?"

"Is this the same native who said, 'There are no criminals allowed in Gotham'?"

"You know, you maintained Gotham's "criminal-free status" for half a month, and you did something that Batman couldn't do. I actually have higher expectations for you."

"But, is this what you can do?"

"Cold feet?"

Not to mention how high-spirited the Riddler was at this moment, he was like a victorious general.

Without a doubt, this moment is The Riddler’s highlight.

He turned the people of the motherland who suppressed the criminals in Gotham into cowards and softies!

He made history!

Starting today, he, The Riddler, will become a legendary criminal throughout Gotham.

No one can compare to it.

Because the Riddler was the first to defeat the Homelanders!

Even if there are others who continue to defeat the people of the motherland, they still cannot compare with him, the Riddler.

After all, the most famous person in history is the first person to set foot on the moon.

Who was the second person to land on the moon? Does anyone care?

"The people of the motherland were just...defeated?"

Gordon's expression was very complicated, he didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

In the past, the people of the motherland turned the Gotham Police Department into a waste. All the policemen were holding back their energy and wanted to compare with the people of the motherland.

But when the moment came when the prestige of the motherland was challenged, Gordon realized that this was not a good thing.

Because all the criminals in Gotham will realize that the people of our country are not invincible!

Considering the bloody suppression of Gotham by the Motherland in the past, Gotham is afraid that it will usher in a super chaotic situation next.

Those criminals will commit revenge crimes!

This is not something Gordon wants to see.

As for Bruce Wayne?

His eyes were fixed on Rorschach, but he was lost in thought.

Will the people of the motherland surrender so easily?

Will the people of the motherland care about the lives of other people?

He always felt that it was too easy for the people of the motherland to retreat.

"You're happy too soon, Riddler!"

While everyone was watching, Rorschach spoke without changing his expression, "And you also misunderstood one thing."

"The reason why I stay out of your game is not because of your ridiculous threats."

"The most fundamental reason is that a clown like you is not worthy of playing any games with me!"

"You think you set the rules and I have to follow your rules? What gives you such confidence?"

The celebrities who had originally breathed a sigh of relief could not help but secretly sweat and felt a little nervous.

What are you doing, fellow countryman?

Don't anger this madman!


Everyone looked at Rorschach with anxious and expectant eyes.

I hope Rorschach will just shut up and let Harvey Dan answer the question and end this fucking thing.


"I do not deserve?"

The Riddler sneered again, so arrogantly.

"I have changed my mind, my motherland. If you don't participate in this game, I will detonate all the bombs in the venue and kill everyone!"

"Now, tell me, am I worthy of playing games with you?"


Following the Riddler's words, everyone at the scene began to panic again, and cursed the people of the motherland crazily in their hearts.

It's all your fault, my motherland, why are you irritating the Riddler?

But Rorschach couldn't help but sneered.

At this time, he didn't say any more nonsense to the Riddler, but suddenly stretched out his hand inexplicably.

Then he made a downward waving motion.

Several groups of telekinesis were released by Rorschach at this moment, turning into telepathy fists and rushing towards certain specific directions.




In the quiet scene, there were suddenly several sounds of objects breaking.

Everyone was shocked to find that certain places on the floor, under the podium, behind the stairs, etc. suddenly exploded.


Waves of exclamations subconsciously came from the crowd, and everyone was about to pee in fear.

After all, knowing that there are many bombs installed at the site, such a sudden movement is indeed quite scary.

It simply stimulates one's heart.

But the next moment.

Everyone was extremely surprised to find that it was not the Riddler who detonated the bomb, but they saw a bundle of bombs suspended in the air at various places in the hotel where the explosion occurred!

What the hell?

What are you doing?

Everyone was confused subconsciously at first, and then immediately realized that they were from the motherland!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Everyone who came back to their senses immediately turned their heads and focused their attention on the people of the motherland again.

But I saw the people from my motherland just waving.

All the bombs seemed to be half alive and flew towards the motherland automatically!

Flying all the way to the front of the motherland!

"F-fake, right?"

"How is this possible?"

"Aliens, the rumors are true, the people of the motherland are indeed aliens!"

"God, how did this happen?"

The scene suddenly erupted with murmurs of exclamations one after another.

Everyone almost stared out of their eyes and couldn't believe their eyes at all.

With a wave of his hand, he found all the bombs and then let the bombs "fly" to him?

Isn't this too magical?

"Are these the bombs you are talking about?"

Under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone, Rorschach asked the Riddler with an extremely sarcastic look on his face.

When he just arrived at the venue, he had already used super vision and perspective to scan the entire scene.

Rorschach already knew where the bombs were hidden.

In fact, it was not just that.

From the moment he found the bombs, Rorschach used telekinesis to wrap all the bombs.

Except for the one on the chandelier.

Because that one would not pose any threat to everyone.

In other words.

Except for the bomb that would not cause any casualties, the Riddler would not cause any casualties if he detonated any bomb!

From the beginning, the Riddler lost completely!


"How is this possible!"

The Riddler's voice trembled with shock. Where was the previous high-spirited look?

At this moment, the Riddler was completely frightened by Rorschach.


Rorschach then retracted his telekinesis, and the bombs in front of him were instantly crushed into slag and powder.

Completely destroyed.

It can never be detonated by the Riddler again.

After all.

Without the detonator and the bomb itself, can the Riddler still detonate the air?


Up to now, the Riddler has been completely defeated, defeated by the Homelanders.

No, it should be said that the Riddler has never won since the beginning.

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