American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 395: Become a god in one battle, a legendary motherland

"How is it possible!"

"How is this possible!"

"What kind of monster is he!"


In a shabby apartment three blocks away from the Gotham Hotel.

A young man with a big middle part, a slightly fat look, glasses, and a gentle look, was trembling all over.

His face was full of shock, fear, and disbelief.

That's right.

The Riddler.

This gentle young man was the Riddler who planned everything behind the scenes and was arrogant enough to provoke Rorschach.

In front of the Riddler, there were several large screens, and there were some split screens on the large screens.

The pictures on the split screens were all pictures of the opening ceremony of the Gotham Hotel.

And at this moment.

Every picture was adjusted by the Riddler, and all of them showed Rorschach's figure.

Rorschach's seemingly ordinary figure was no different from the devil from hell in the eyes of the Riddler at this moment.

Scared to death.

The Riddler was really scared to death.

If he hadn't controlled everything in the surveillance system, he would have suspected that the surveillance had been hacked and played him a fake video.


How could the bombs he had carefully hidden be known to the motherland?

That would be fine, but why did the motherland wave their hands and the bombs automatically fly into the motherland's hands?

What an international joke!

How could humans do such an incredible thing!


In an instant, the cold sweat on the riddle man's forehead began to flow like a waterfall.

Even his body trembled slightly.


The riddle man finally felt panic.


He picked up a cup of coffee on his table, gulped it down a few times, took a few deep breaths, and finally calmed down.

Then, he turned his attention back to the big screen.

His eyes were fixed on the young figure, his teeth clenched.

My motherland, you really exceeded my expectations!

But I haven't lost yet!

Thinking of this, the Riddler regained his composure again: "Homelander, you really impressed me. I admit that I am a little inferior in this confrontation, but I haven't lost yet! Because you will never know who I am! I can design more advanced games again and again. As long as you lose once, you lose!"

"And me? As long as I win once, I win!"



Gotham Hotel.

With the Riddler's words, everyone's faces became ugly one by one.

The joy brought by Homelander's "eliminating" the bomb was suddenly extinguished like a basin of cold water.


No one knows who the Riddler is!

Even if the Riddler's conspiracy was stopped by Homelander once, who can guarantee that it can be stopped by Homelander every time?

Even if it is missed only once, it is a huge threat to everyone.

With a madman like the Riddler, how can everyone live in peace?

"I don't know who you are?"

Hearing the Riddler's words, Rorschach's mouth curled up with a sarcastic smile, "Who gave you such confidence?"


After saying this, Rorschach shook his body and disappeared at the scene.

Leaving only a sonic boom and a powerful airflow.

It made the people around breathless.

"This, this, disappeared?"

"What happened? Where is Homelander?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What the hell is this speed?


In the dilapidated apartment.

"Homelander knows who I am?"

The Riddler was frightened by Rorschach's words.


"This is absolutely impossible!"

"He must be bluffing me!"

But soon, the Riddler shook his head fiercely and threw the absurd idea behind his mind.

Looking at the entire crime process, the Riddler has been controlling it remotely behind the scenes and has never appeared in front of the stage.

There are no clues or flaws in everything.

Even if it was Homelander, it was impossible for him to know who he belonged to!


But at this moment, the Riddler was stunned.

Because he was extremely confused to find that the Homelander on the surveillance screen was gone!

Just disappeared!

What happened?

Bad network signal?

Is there something wrong with the camera?


While he was wondering, there was a loud noise behind him, which scared the Riddler.

The Riddler turned his head subconsciously and looked back, and saw a young and familiar face, looking at him with a smile.

If not Homelander, then who else?

"Hello, Riddler."

Rorschach waved to the Riddler and said hello to him.

It was like meeting old friends.


But the Riddler seemed to be struck by lightning.

His face was filled with endless fear and horror: "Homelander, how could it be possible! How could you find this place!"

This place is three blocks away from the Gotham Hotel, how could the Homelander arrive in an instant?

What a joke!



Gotham Hotel.

A loud noise appeared in the sound system.

It sounded like something fell to the ground or was hit hard.

"Hello, Riddler."

Then, the voice of the Homelander suddenly sounded in the sound system.

"Homelander, how is it possible! How could you find this place!"

The next moment.

It was the Riddler's panicked scream as if he had seen a ghost.

Even if it was just listening to this voice, everyone could clearly feel how desperate the Riddler was at the moment.


"It's Homelander!"

"How could Homelander be with Riddler!"

Everyone in the hotel looked at each other, some of them couldn't understand.

But soon, everyone recalled Homelander's incredible super speed just now, and they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Homelander, actually found Riddler in such a short moment and knocked on the door?



The next moment.

The familiar sonic boom sounded again, accompanied by a strong airflow.

Everyone felt that their eyes were blurred.

The "mysteriously disappeared" Homelander reappeared, and in his hand, he was holding a person.

Without a doubt, it was the Riddler.

"What kind of devil are you?"

"Don't come over here, don't come over here!"

Throwing the Riddler to the ground, the Riddler retreated like he had seen a ghost.

He didn't even dare to get close to Rorschach.

At this moment, in the eyes of the Riddler, Rorschach was a devil!


It's really the Riddler!

Hearing the Riddler's voice, everyone could confirm this without a doubt.

Therefore, each one was more and more shocked and unbelievable.

How long has it been, and the arrogant Riddler has fallen into the hands of Homelander?

He is worthy of being Homelander!

"Again, I don't allow criminals to appear in Gotham."

"Whoever commits a crime will die!"

Rorschach ignored the Riddler's plea for mercy, casually stretched out his hand to pinch the other's neck, and exerted a little force.


The Riddler's neck was immediately broken.

Thanks to Sadaf for the reward, I’m very grateful!

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