American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 396 Wonder Woman Diana appears in Gotham


A burst of exclamations suddenly rang out at the scene.

Rorschach actually killed the Riddler in public!

Such a fierce style and behavior still stimulated everyone.

Even if this is Gotham, there are rarely such lunatics.

But soon everyone came back to their senses. This is Homelander!

Who is Homelander?

This is a super ruthless person who openly challenged all Gotham criminals in the media and did what he said, which really shocked all Gotham criminals!

The only one with blood on his hands and did not hide his identity, but made the Gotham Police Department and various law enforcement agencies selectively blind.

And this time.

Homelander used his actual actions to prove to the whole of Gotham that his majesty as Homelander cannot be challenged, and whoever provokes will die.

No exception!

"The super criminal 'Riddler' who arrogantly provoked Homelander has been shot dead by Homelander in public. Homelander has once again proved to the whole of Gotham that he is still the same Homelander!"

"The 'Riddler vs. Homelander Showdown' that Gotham has paid close attention to has come to an end. Riddler was defeated miserably and finally paid the price for his wrong move of provoking Homelander."

"He dismantled the bombs in the entire venue in a blink of an eye, and captured Riddler who was three streets away to the scene in the blink of an eye. Homelander once again demonstrated his superpowers!"

"Reviewing the duel between Riddler and Homelander, we can summarize it in four words: an egg against a stone. Riddler and Homelander are not in the same league at all."

"Riddler has become the biggest joke in Gotham. He tried to step on Homelander to 'get to the top', but he could only prove Homelander's strength and invincibility once again!"


What happened in the Gotham Grand Hotel was reported vigorously by various media.

There is no doubt that it immediately set off an uproar in the whole of Gotham.

Rorschach's enormous prestige in Gotham has soared again, and it can even be called a deification.

The three words "Homelander" are even worshiped in the hearts of many people.

"Devil! That guy must be a devil!"

"Too scary, the devil is just like this, right?"

"With this person around, we should be honest!"

On the contrary, the criminals in Gotham are more and more in awe of Rorschach.

Awe to the bone.

Not only those ordinary criminals, but even those super criminals are really shocked by Rorschach.

To be honest.

What the Riddler did, even if those super criminals were to do it, they might not be able to do better.

Homelander can kill the Riddler like a grasshopper, so he can also kill any of them like a grasshopper.

In this case.

Gotham once again ushered in peace.

Although it is impossible to not pick up things on the road and not lock the door at night, those ordinary citizens will not feel worried and afraid even if they walk alone on the empty streets at night.

Because Homelander is here, no one dares to commit crimes again!

As for Bruce Wayne?

He felt great pressure.

Ever since Homelander eliminated the Riddler with an invincible crushing force, he has almost become a god in Gotham.

It is no exaggeration to describe him as "in his prime".

I don't know how many people regard Homelander as an idol, and how many people are his fans and strong supporters.

Homelander's popularity in Gotham is unmatched by anyone.

And all this is abnormal in Bruce Wayne's view. A criminal should not be so mythical.

If this continues, what will Gotham become?

"It can't go on like this!"

"Homelander must leave Gotham as soon as possible!"

Bruce Wayne secretly made such a decision in his heart.

That's right.

Facing a nearly super-god-like figure like Homelander, Bruce Wayne has no way to deal with it except to get him out of Gotham as soon as possible.

In addition, Rorschach once again demonstrated his magical skills in the Gotham Hotel, and even Bruce Wayne was deeply shocked.

The huge pressure made Bruce Wayne more eager to find Rorschach's weakness.

Driven by various complex motives, Bruce Wayne began to work harder to investigate the fragments Rorschach gave him.

"Not bad!"

"Things are getting on the right track!"

Rorschach, who monitored Bruce Wayne's status, couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Although he didn't dare to guarantee whether Bruce Wayne could find other fragments within the month he requested, there was one thing that was beyond doubt:

Others couldn't do better than Bruce Wayne.

"Let's see if Bruce Wayne can bring me any surprises in a month!"

With this expectation, Rorschach began his "decadent" career in Gotham.

Every day he ate, drank and had fun with Catwoman, enjoying the worship of the people of Gotham, and there was nothing else to do.

Until another half a month later.


In a high-end gallery in Gotham.

Bruce Wayne was standing in front of an abstract painting, carefully looking at the foggy and dizzying picture.

"Although this painting is not as famous as the paintings of masters like Monet, it also has a very important position in the abstract painting school because it created a branch of the abstract painting school, the 'decomposition school'."

"The 'decomposition school' is a figurative deconstruction of the abstract painting school. It mainly depicts the inner activities of the characters, just like these clouds, no, they cannot be called clouds..."

The shrewd and capable curator was explaining this painting to Bruce Wayne with saliva splashing.

"In fact, you don't have to waste your energy like this."

Bruce Wayne interrupted the curator beside him with a smile, "When I saw the price of this painting, I had already decided to buy it."

"That's right, a young master like you doesn't care about the artistic value of this painting. What you care about is the discussion among everyone in the circle about the fact that Young Master Wayne bought another famous painting at a sky-high price, right?"

Another voice sounded.

But a tall and beautiful woman in a dress walked up to Bruce Wayne.

Bruce Wayne glanced at the other person and immediately knew that the person coming was not an ordinary person.

Because temperament cannot be disguised.

"I guess you see through all of us, right?"

Bruce Wayne responded to the other person casually while thinking in his mind.

There doesn't seem to be such a person in Gotham, right?

And if Rorschach was here, he would recognize her at once.

This woman is Diana, the Wonder Woman.

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