American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 397 Homelander: Diana, are you looking for me?

"No, I don't think so."

Diana shook her head meaningfully, "There is a question that I still don't know the reason for, I hope you can give me an answer."


Bruce Wayne raised his eyebrows and couldn't help looking Diana up and down.

At this point, anyone who is not a fool can see that the woman in front of him came to find him specially.

Not just an encounter in the gallery.

"I always like to help beautiful women solve problems, I hope I can help you this time as always."

Bruce Wayne showed Diana a cynical smile.

This kind of disguise has become a habit.

"Mr. Bruce, I'll leave for a while."

The curator next to him saw that Bruce Wayne started to pick up girls, so he greeted him very tactfully and left the scene.

"Why are you paying attention to some issues that you shouldn't pay attention to."

Diana glanced at Bruce Wayne meaningfully.

Bruce Wayne was slightly confused, and he had a vague guess in his heart, but he was not sure.

"So~what is the question you are talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, Bruce Wayne!"

Diana said directly, "Why are you investigating Paradise Island and Wonder Woman?"

That's right.

This is the real reason why Diana came to Gotham.

She found out that someone was investigating her and her hometown!

Bruce Wayne was secretly surprised.

All his actions were very covert, why did this woman know?

There is only one answer.

This woman is related to everything he investigated!

So his investigation alarmed this woman.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Bruce Wayne began to play dumb.

Before figuring out the identity of the woman in front of him, Bruce Wayne couldn't reveal anything casually.

"No, you know."

Diana smiled, then flipped her hand and took out the Lasso of Truth.


Bruce Wayne was stunned and was completely confused by Diana.

Why would this woman who looked very beautiful and elegant carry a rope with her?

Could it be...

It's some special fetish?


No way, no way?

I really can't tell!

"Madam, you took out this rope, are you going to play some fun game with me?"

Bruce Wayne still maintained his dandy look and teased Diana.


Diana nodded in agreement.

Then she actually reached out and tied the rope towards Bruce Wayne.

Bruce Wayne: "..."


Are you kidding me?

No matter how thick-skinned he is, he can't play a bondage game with a woman in public.

But Diana ignored Bruce Wayne at all and tied Bruce Wayne's hands with a rope very skillfully.

Bruce Wayne wanted to say something, but suddenly found that the rope wrapped around his hands actually lit up!

What the hell?

No matter how stupid Bruce Wayne was, he knew that something was wrong.

He immediately tried to break free from the rope, but found that he couldn't break free no matter what.

"It's useless. Once you are tied up by the Lasso of Truth, no one can break free."

Diana's mouth curled up a faint smile.

She didn't stop him and watched Bruce Wayne perform.

After Bruce Wayne tried a few times and found that it was true, he gave up.

"It seems that you are not an ordinary woman."

Bruce Wayne looked at Diana with his eyes and said meaningfully.

"I'm not here to discuss me, but to discuss you."

Diana didn't talk nonsense with Bruce Wayne anymore, and asked directly, "Tell me, why do you want to investigate Paradise Island and Wonder Woman."

"Homelander, he forced me to do this." Bruce Wayne answered honestly.

? ? ?

Before he finished speaking, Bruce Wayne's eyes widened.

What's going on?

What happened to him just now?

Soon, Bruce Wayne cast his astonished eyes on the lasso of truth that bound his hands, and was amazed.

How could he not guess that he became so "honest" because of the glowing rope.

"I bet the Gotham Police Department would spend any price to get this rope." Bruce Wayne also told the truth.


Diana thought for a moment and found that she had never heard of this name. "Who is he?"

"No one knows who he is, but he has all kinds of incredible abilities, such as shooting lasers from his eyes, such as a body like steel."

Diana's expression moved slightly.

Could it be that he is from the Crime Company?

Recently, her old rivals have joined together to form a crime company.

It's not an adjective, the name is the Crime Company.

Although the name is a bit rustic, this company is not a cover, and it really has some super soldiers to deal with her.

Is the one called Homelander one of them?

“Wonder Woman actually came to Gotham?”

In the apartment, Rorschach, who was watching TV with Catwoman, was slightly surprised.

It seems that his previous guess was correct, and the fragment was indeed the fragment on Wonder Woman's shield.

In this way, the appearance of Wonder Woman can be understood.

After all, the other party is not a waste or a good-for-nothing. It is natural for Bruce Wayne to find out something.

It is reasonable for him to come to his door.

And looking at the current momentum, there is no doubt that the other party will find out about him.

In this case.


Let's go meet the other party.


"Where is Homelander now? How can I find Homelander?"

Diana's face began to become solemn, staring at Bruce Wayne and asked in a deep voice.

She has been tracking down the criminal group and trying to disintegrate it, but she has not obtained any very useful clues.

And now, perhaps it is an opportunity.

"Homelander is in Gotham, but no one knows where he is. Everything about him is a mystery."

Under the effect of the Lasso of Truth, Bruce Wayne was so honest that he answered every question.

"Are you looking for me, Diana?"

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Diana was immediately surprised.

Someone actually came to her side, and she didn't even notice it?

Is this person Homelander?

It's really not simple!


Bruce Wayne's expression also changed slightly.

"Homelander, tell me, why are you tracking down Paradise Island?"

Diana stared at Rorschach with a serious expression and asked in a deep voice.

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