American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 400 Wonder Woman, what I stole is yours!



Diana stepped on the ground with both feet, and stepped out a pit in the ground at once, the visual effect was simply full.


Diana's body was like a cannonball fired from a cannon, "bounced" towards Rorschach fiercely.

In the blink of an eye, it "shot" in front of Rorschach.

Her fist was raised and began to hit Rorschach fiercely.


Accompanied by a dull collision sound, Diana's body shook violently.

Once again, she followed the footsteps of five seconds ago and flew back like a cannonball.

The only difference was that this time Diana did not hit the wall, but hit the ground.

The ground was also smashed into a big pit.

Batman on the side was stunned.

The battle between these two people was a real monster battle, not an exaggeration at all.

"Who are you?"

Diana got up from the ground, staring at Rorschach with surprise and solemnity on her face.

She never thought that the man in front of her would be so strong.

Even she felt her arms tingling and the pain kept coming.

And this was just the result of a casual punch from the other party.

Even when the other party was holding a safe in one hand and dealing with her with only one hand.

"A person you underestimated too much."

Rorschach smiled lightly.

Diana was speechless.

Indeed, she underestimated the Homelander too much.

Even though Bruce Wayne told Diana that the Homelander was not an ordinary person, but a super soldier, Diana still didn't take the Homelander seriously.

After all.

Diana is a demigod!

Having half of Zeus' bloodline!

Even the god of war Ares was killed by Diana.

How could ordinary super soldiers be Diana's opponents?

But Diana never thought that in such an inconspicuous place, she would meet such an opponent.

"OK, this is indeed my mistake, and I will not make the same mistake again."

After saying this, Diana flipped her hand and took the Lasso of Truth in her hand.

With a snap, she swung it towards Rorschach.

The Lasso of Truth immediately flashed with dazzling golden light.

It was so dazzling, and equally dangerous!


But the next moment, a light sound was heard.

It was Rorschach who stretched out his hand and grabbed Diana's Lasso of Truth tightly in his hand.


Diana's pupils shrank fiercely.

This person actually grabbed the Lasso of Truth directly with his hand?

Moreover, he was not affected by the Lasso of Truth at all?

What a joke!

The Lasso of Truth was a treasure made by the god of fire Hephaestus using the belt of the goddess of earth Gaia as material, and it was powerful!

How could an ordinary person possibly resist the divine power?

But now is not the time to consider these issues.

Because Rorschach grabbed the Lasso of Truth and pulled it, and the huge force acted on Diana along the lasso.

The force was as powerful as the sea, and Diana almost couldn't resist it.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Diana gritted her teeth, grabbed the Lasso of Truth with both hands, and began to support her whole body backwards, which barely blocked Rorschach's power.


At the same time, the ground under Diana's feet was suddenly cracked.

However, Diana also successfully resisted Rorschach's power.

"Wonder Woman!"

Rorschach secretly admired in his heart.

Diana's strength is indeed not covered.

Even if his strength is stronger than the opponent, it can't constitute a crushing state at all.


Rorschach has so many means, but he doesn't have to compete with Diana in strength.

Thinking of this, Rorschach stopped talking nonsense.

Looking at Diana's eyes, two heat rays suddenly burst out.


The heat rays shot at Diana.

Diana was trying her best to "tug of war" with Rorschach at this moment, and was shot by Rorschach without warning.


Her body shook violently, and she fell out.

At that moment, Rorschach pulled hard, and the Lasso of Truth was easily taken away by him.

As for Diana?

Although she was hit by Rorschach's heat rays, her super strong defense did not cause Diana any fatal damage.

But it was very uncomfortable.

She looked at the Lasso of Truth that was put away by Rorschach without hesitation, and her face was so ugly.

"Give me back the lasso before I get really angry!"

Diana looked at Rorschach with serious eyes, as if facing a great enemy, "I can give up the shield, trust me, don't let me get really angry."

"Are you kidding?"

Rorschach curled his lips, looking indifferent, "This is my trophy. If you want to take it back, there is only one way, and that way is not talking."

"You forced me to do this, you will regret it!"

Diana made a decision, she gently rolled up her sleeves, and did not forget to remind Batman on the side, "You'd better leave here immediately."

The next big move is not something that a physical mortal like this "Bat Clown" can withstand.

Batman was able to discern the situation, and he knew that Diana was not being alarmist.

So he decisively took out his grappling gun and shot a flying claw at a wall.


The person immediately flew upwards.

He easily stood on the wall and continued to watch the battle.

Leaving or something is simply impossible.

And this time.

Diana had no scruples and began to rush towards Rorschach quickly.


With a loud shout from her mouth, Diana raised her hands, and the protective silver bracelets suddenly collided together.


An incomparably terrifying, almost everything-devouring terrifying energy craze swept towards Rorschach.

Wherever the energy frenzy passed, the ground cracked, and the rolled up stones turned into powder in an instant, truly destroying everything.

It's like the power of prehistoric times.

"What kind of power is this?"

Batman watching the battle couldn't help but gasp.

Even missiles pale in comparison to this kind of power, right?

Is this really a power that humans can unleash?

And this kind of power, even Rorschach did not dare to take lightly.

Regardless, this is also Wonder Woman’s ultimate move.

"Let me see where my limits are!"

Rorschach didn't dodge.

He has never encountered any decent opponents in the Marvel world, and enemies like Diana are also rare.

At that moment, the power in Luo Xia's body burst out instantly.

All the power of thought was released, forming an indestructible barrier in front of him.

The moment the barrier was condensed, an energy frenzy swept over.

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