American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 401 Homelander: Thank you for feeding me, sister Diana


There was a turmoil in the world.

It's like the end of the world is coming.

The terrifying momentum cannot be described in words at all, just like a mortal standing next to the crater of an erupting volcano.

My mind and heart were immersed in a huge shock.

And when everything returned to calm, a young figure appeared in front of everyone again.

Still so calm and calm.

Not to mention being injured by Diana's ultimate move, the opponent didn't even blush or breath.

Not even a strand of hair was messed up.

"how so?"

"What kind of monster did I encounter this time!"

Diana stared at Rorschach in shock, feeling huge waves in her heart.

His ultimate move actually didn't hurt this person at all?

Since when has there been such a terrible person on earth?

"Is this, is this the true strength of the people of the motherland?"

Batman on top of the wall was even more stunned, so shocked that he was completely speechless.

He has always felt that the power shown by the people of the motherland is terrifying and shocking.

But now I realize that it was just a small fight before!

This battle with Wonder Woman truly revealed her true strength.

It was so powerful that Batman's outlook was shattered.


How could such a terrifying monster exist in the world?

"Impressive, Diana!"

In the quiet scene, Rorschach's voice sounded.

With a hint of approval on his face, he nodded to Diana.

This is not Rorschach's deliberate pretense, but Rorschach's true thoughts in his heart.

That shot just now made Thanos kneel when he saw it.

Rorschach has been wandering in the Marvel world for so long, and he has never seen anyone who can unleash such a powerful attack.

But these words seemed a bit harsh to Diana's ears.

She ignored Rorschach, let out a low drink, and suddenly jumped in front of Rorschach.

He began to launch a fierce attack on Rorschach.

She could give up the shield, after all, it was indeed somewhat unfair.

But the Lasso of Mantra, Diana was not willing to be taken away from her no matter what.

Bang bang bang!

Whoosh whoosh!

The two sides started a fierce battle in front of Batman.

However, fierceness does not mean evenness, nor does it mean equality.

From beginning to end, Diana was beaten by Rorschach like a third grandchild.

He could only hold his head while being beaten, and had almost no power to fight back.

Diana's body also gradually developed a lot of bruises and scars.


Another punch knocked Diana upside down. Rorschach clapped his hands lightly: "Give up, Diana, you are no match for me."

"It's too early to tell! Amazon warriors never give up!"

Diana wiped a trace of blood from the corner of her mouth and rushed towards Rorschach again.

Rorschach shook his head and sighed slightly.

Since Diana is so tenacious, he can only continue to hammer.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

There was another dazzling battle, and Diana's body became more and more scarred, and she began to pant.

Didi didi!

Didi didi!

The faint sound of police sirens also sounded at this time.

Diana, who never talked about failure lightly, finally had to admit the fact:

This time, she lost.

Even after her fight with Rorschach, Diana still didn't understand that it was impossible to truly defeat the people of her motherland without being fully prepared.

"People of the motherland, this matter is not over yet."

Diana stared at Rorschach.

After saying these words, he turned around and left quickly without hesitation.

Disappeared into the night and disappeared.

"I'll take these things first, and hurry up to find the remaining pieces!"

Rorschach ignored Diana and just glanced up at Batman standing on the wall.


Then his body swayed and he disappeared.

"People of the motherland, you are back!"

As soon as I got back to the apartment, Catwoman stuck to me like a clingy cat.

Rorschach discovered that this seemingly reserved woman was actually quite enthusiastic.

"What is this? A safe?"

When she saw the safe in Rorschach's hand, Catwoman was a little confused.

Because no matter how you look at it, the safe looks like it was "picked up" directly from someone else's house!

Could it be...

Do the people of the motherland have the hobby of "picking up things" just like me?

Catwoman's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Shaking his head helplessly, Rorschach did not waste too much time with Catwoman.

He greeted him and returned to his room.


After closing the door gently, Rorschach couldn't wait to take out the mantra lasso.

The process of extracting the energy source is related to Rorschach's ultimate secret system, and Rorschach will not reveal anything even in front of Catwoman.

【Special energy source detected! 】

[Energy source analysis in progress...]

[Energy value: 2000 source points, status: extractable. 】

Pulling up the system panel and looking at the values ​​​​on it, Rorschach couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

To be honest, two thousand origin points will not bring too effective strength improvement to Rorschach now.

But Rorschach is also very satisfied.

After all, this number is not too small anyway.

Even something like the Allspark only has 3,000 origin points.

As for the pieces of shield fragments, Rorschach also checked.

Well, there are only 800 origin points.

The reason is that the number of fragments is too small.

Even with Bruce Wayne's energy, he only found two fragments in half a month.

It's just a small part of the shield.

Considering that most of the fragments have not been found, Bruce Wayne may need to use these fragments as a basis to find other fragments. Rorschach made a decision after a little thought:

Only absorb the Truth Lasso for the time being, but not the shield fragments.

As soon as he said it, Rorschach immediately grabbed the Truth Lasso in front of him and gave the system an extraction command.


[Extraction successful! ]


Following the system's prompt, Rorschach immediately saw that the Truth Lasso in front of him turned into ashes and disappeared.

Rorschach immediately had two thousand more Origin Points on his "account".

Although not much.

But it was indeed a good start.

And how long has Rorschach been in the DC world so far?

This harvest is already very, very good.

You know, at the beginning, Rorschach harvested hundreds of Origin Points.

Now he has harvested two thousand in more than a month, what else does he want?

He also has to thank Sister Diana for feeding him.

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