American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 402 Diana, please keep working hard!

After beating Diana and snatching Diana's Lasso of Truth, Rorschach completely put the matter behind him.

Anyway, after fighting with Diana, he was sure that Diana was no match for him.

And Diana's strength was one of the best even in Paradise Island.

In this way.

Rorschach also knew what the strength of Paradise Island was.

It can be summarized in one sentence: it was not enough to pose a threat to Rorschach.

In the next few days, Rorschach basically did what he had to do, as if nothing had happened.

Of course.

During this period, he also used his super senses to pay attention to Diana.

Rorschach found that Diana did not leave, and also lay dormant in Gotham.

However, Diana did not do nothing. She had been quietly investigating everything about herself.

Trying to know yourself and the enemy, and never be defeated in a hundred battles.


Diana still remembered her Lasso of Truth and planned to snatch it back from Rorschach next time.

Unfortunately, what Diana didn't know was that her Lasso of Truth had been "disappeared into ashes" and could never be taken back.

"Diana, welcome to your next feeding!"

"Please keep working hard!"

Rorschach couldn't help but curl up a very playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

But Rorschach didn't expect that he didn't wait for Diana, but waited for an uninvited guest first.

Ding ding ding!

While eating steak and drinking red wine with Catwoman, there was a knock on the door.

"Is there anyone?"

Catwoman was a little surprised.

This place is not open to the public, but the private residence of Homelander and her.

It stands to reason that no one should come to the door.

Of course.

Catwoman believes that in front of those powerful people in Gotham, Homelander's residence should not be a secret.

But who of those people dares to disturb Homelander easily?

"I'll go and see!"

After greeting Rorschach, Catwoman put down her knife and fork, got up and went to open the door.

But she found that there was no one outside, not even a ghost.

What ghost?

Catwoman walked out of the door, looked around the street, and didn't find any figure.

She immediately smelled something unusual.


But when she went back, Catwoman found an envelope on the floor at the door.

There were a few words written on the envelope: Homelander.

This scene was so familiar!

Catwoman immediately picked up the envelope and ran straight to Rorschach.

"Homelander, someone just left this for you. Could it be the Riddler's imitator?"

Catwoman subconsciously guessed so, and was amazed.

It has only been a short time since Homelander killed Riddler. It is impossible for such a stubborn person to appear in Gotham, right?

But if he really appears, it will be lively again.

Catwoman is not worried at all, but more interested.

Rorschach is also very interested in this, so he uses his perspective eyes to see through the envelope.

The content on the card inside immediately caught Rorschach's eyes.

There was only one sentence on it: See you at the abandoned square in Shibei.

There was not even a signature.

"That's it?"

Rorschach curled his lips.

Just someone came to ask him out and pretended to be profound, and he would go?

What a joke!

No matter who the messenger was, Rorschach had no intention of paying attention.

"Homelander, someone asked you to meet at the abandoned square, but there was no signature."

Catwoman also opened the envelope at this time, read the card inside, and said to Rorschach.

"Don't pay attention to it."

Rorschach waved his hand, continued to pick up the knife and fork, and ate with Catwoman.

"Then~ I'll throw it away?"

Catwoman shook the card in her hand.

"Throw it away."

Catwoman didn't hesitate and threw the card into the trash can as if it were garbage.

She continued to talk and laugh with Rorschach.

The atmosphere at the scene was very good.

It was as if that card had never been sent to him.

"Okay, Selina, you are already very beautiful, no need to dress up!"

After dinner.

Rorschach was watching TV boredly, while urging Catwoman a little speechlessly.

Originally, the two planned to go shopping and watch a movie after dinner.

It was a very casual thing.

As a result, Catwoman acted very solemnly.

She put on makeup, did her hair, and tried on clothes, and it took more than an hour and she was still not done.

Rorschach had already watched two episodes of the TV series.

"Okay, okay, don't rush me!"

Catwoman's voice came from inside.

As a result, this "Okay, okay", Rorschach finished watching another episode of the TV series.

Now it's good, the mall can be completely saved, and it's OK to go directly to the movie.

"How about it, Homelander, do I look good like this?"

Catwoman, who finally finished her makeup, came to Rorschach like a cheerful elf.

She also turned around.

"Looks good!"

Rorschach looked her up and down and nodded in agreement.

It's not a compliment, but it comes from the heart.

Catwoman is very beautiful, not to mention when she is dressed up.

"Let's go!"

Catwoman smiled with great satisfaction.

She took Luo Xia's arm and went out like a proud princess.

"People of the motherland!"

"He is from the motherland!"

Along the way, there were such exclamations and discussions everywhere.

No matter who it was, no one could remain calm the moment they saw Rorschach.

Rorschach was already used to this situation and got into the luxury car with Catwoman as if nothing had happened.

Leave a trail of smoke and dust.

Half an hour later, Rorschach and Catwoman appeared in the largest movie theater in Gotham.

There is no doubt that it caused another stir.

There were people taking photos and signing autographs, etc. It took almost half an hour to stop.

That's the price of being famous.

"People of the motherland!"

When everything was over, a woman with glasses and blond hair came to Rorschach.

Beside that woman, there was a woman covered in robes.

Cover yourself completely.

Like the follower of the yellow-haired woman.

"In the company of a beautiful woman, I finally understand why you didn't come to the appointment."

The yellow-haired woman glanced at the Catwoman next to Rorschach, and then glanced at Rorschach with a half-smile.

In fact, Rorschach had already discovered that this woman was secretly following him.

But as this guy said, who would care about her when she is accompanied by a beautiful woman?

Luo Xia didn't bother to pay attention to such a mysterious guy.

After watching the movie with Catwoman, it's not too late to go back and clean up this thing.

"Sorry, I'm not free now."

"If there's anything else, let's talk about it after I'm done."

Rorschach ignored the yellow-haired woman, put down these words, hugged Catwoman and walked away.

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