American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 405 Batman, you have no right to interfere in my affairs!


Cyborg gasped on the spot, and could not believe her eyes.

What a joke!


How could she be unharmed!

Even the demigod Diana, Wonder Woman, would not be able to withstand such a shell.

This guy is even more powerful than a demigod?

Cyborg's heart was filled with a huge wave.

If she had not seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed that such a thing would happen.

"Homelander, listen..."


Rorschach was too lazy to talk nonsense with Cyborg, and two extremely blazing heat rays burst out from his eyes.

Shot towards the other party.


This is the legendary eye-shooting laser!

Cyborg's face was solemn, and she did not dare to neglect it.

She turned around and flew to the side to dodge at high speed.

But she was still a step late.

Her entire right arm was cut off at the shoulder by Rorschach.


Cyborg could not help but let out such a scream.

Her eyes looking at Rorschach were filled with endless fear.


Too perverted.

Homelander is a complete monster!

Before finding Rorschach, Cyborg never dared to imagine that the opponent's strength could be so strong.

But fortunately... I can fly.

If I can't beat him, I can run.



But in the next moment, Rorschach's mouth curled up a disdainful smile.

He suddenly stretched out his hand to Cyborg who flew into the air.

The telekinesis immediately surrounded the opponent.

Cyborg's body immediately shook violently and was bounced back.

It was like... hitting an invisible wall.

"What, what's going on?"

Cyborg was completely dumbfounded and had no idea what was going on.


The next moment, Cyborg looked back at Homelander on the ground with endless fear and suspicion.

There is no doubt that the weird thing must have been done by Homelander!

Sure enough.

Cyborg turned around and saw Rorschach waving at her.

It's Homelander!

How did he do it!

But it's a pity.

Cyborg didn't have time to figure out these questions.

Because Rorschach immediately made a fist gesture towards Cyborg.

Cyborg suddenly had an extremely bad premonition in her heart.



The huge telekinesis suddenly gathered, and Cyborg turned into slag.


"How is this possible!"

"What kind of monster is Homelander!"

Monica, who was lying on the ground, began to tremble wildly.

Her forehead and back were all covered with cold sweat.

Her eyes looking at Rorschach were full of endless fear, as if she was looking at a prehistoric beast.

Cyborg was the backbone of the criminal company, and her strength was no less than that of Silver Swan.

She is even the only super soldier with the ability to fly besides Silver Swan.

Her super mobility makes Cyborg more advantageous than those giant women.

She is very, very difficult to deal with.

Because you can run away if you can't win.

Although the situation of losing rarely occurs.

But now.

Such a powerful super soldier was killed by the Homelander in just a few moves?

Even the whole process didn't take even a minute!

"Homelander, listen to me, we don't have to fight to the death."

Seeing Rorschach walking towards her step by step, Monica swallowed hard and began to beg for mercy from Rorschach.

Even her voice trembled.

But could Rorschach let Monica go?

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.


A sound of breaking through the air sounded.

A black shadow landed on the side with a grappling hook.

"Homelander, don't kill her!"

A familiar voice also sounded.

No doubt.

It was Rorschach's "old friend" Batman.

Since Rorschach came to Gotham, he has dealt with Batman more times than Bruce Wayne.


Rorschach glanced at Batman, and a sarcastic smile appeared on his lips, "After being beaten by me so many times, don't you realize that you can't interfere with my affairs?"

"No, Homelander, I have other reasons this time!"

Batman ignored Rorschach's sarcasm and said seriously, "Besides you, Gotham has never had other monsters come. I need to know why they came to Gotham. This is very important to me."

It would be fine if it was just ordinary criminals, but this time it was super soldiers!

The kind of super soldiers that ordinary people could never deal with.

More importantly, these super soldiers are outsiders.

How could Batman, who claims to be the guardian of Gotham, sit back and watch such things?

"That's indeed a reason."

Rorschach nodded in agreement.

This made Batman and Monica on the side secretly breathe a sigh of relief.


But the next moment, Rorschach suddenly stretched out his hand and used telekinesis in the air.

He broke Monica's neck in one go.

Monica's eyes widened.

She probably never expected that Rorschach would kill her without hesitation even though he had softened his attitude.

Batman on the side was also stunned.

"Homelander, you!"

He stared at Rorschach with anger.

"Your affairs have nothing to do with me in general, I don't bother to care."

Facing Batman's gaze, Rorschach still looked indifferent, "But since Bruce Wayne helped me find the fragments, I can tell you the answer you want to know."


Batman breathed a sigh of relief again.

He stared at Rorschach with his eyes fixed, and asked in a deep voice: "Who are they?"

"They are a criminal company, and their target is Diana."

Rorschach told Batman some key information.

As for the identities of Cyborg and Monica, Rorschach did not reveal more.

It's not that Rorschach pretended to be profound, because he didn't know those two either.

Only Cyborg Rorschach had some impression.

It seems that due to its low popularity, it was directly shelved by DC not long after its launch.

As for Monica?

She looks like a minor character.

"Crime Company? Is this a description or a name?"

Batman thought for a moment and asked Rorschach for confirmation again.


Batman did not ask any more questions.

With such a unique name, coupled with the fact that he is not on good terms with Diana, it would not be difficult to check.


Batman used the grappling gun to shoot a flying claw again, and his body flew away.

This time, Batman was very self-aware and did not attack Rorschach as he did before.

Or so to say, up to now.

The only way Batman could deal with Rorschach was to get Rorschach out of Gotham as soon as possible.

There was no other way.

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