American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 406: Homelander: What a pity, I am not a good person

Criminal Corporation.

A room similar to a command center.

Dr. Poison, Dr. Cyber, Gigantamax, Silver Swan and other key players from the company gathered together.

They stood in front of a big screen, all of them looking very serious.


on the screen.

An Asian boy suddenly grabbed a metal fist and shook it hard.


The metal fist was immediately clenched into slag.


The other party stretched out his hand again, and the Cyborg woman was caught and imprisoned in the air, unable to fly.

The other party shook his hand from a distance.

The picture in front of me suddenly turned into a blur.

This video is actually the battle process between Cyborg and Rorschach that was automatically recorded by Cyborg.

After she was killed by Rorschach, Dr. Poison logged into the corresponding data center and found the memory image of Cyborg that was automatically transferred to the cloud.

"A native of the motherland, his name and origin are unknown, but through his battle with Latonia, we can see that he is very, very powerful."

"According to intelligence, this person had a fight with Diana some time ago."

"Although we don't know the outcome of that battle, even if he loses to Diana, it shouldn't be too far behind."

Dr. Poison glanced at the "colleagues" around him and introduced the relevant information about Rorschach with a serious face.

"Latonya was killed so easily? It's incredible!"

The giant woman first let out an exclamation.

Silver Swan and other people around him also found it difficult to remain calm.

They knew how strong Cyborg was, so seeing Rorschach kill her opponent so easily was such a shock to them.

"No, I think even Diana is not as strong as him."

Silver Swan spoke in a deep voice and gave this judgment.

Each of these backbones of the company is Diana's opponent, and each of them has fought against Diana many times.

I still know Diana’s strength very well.

Even if it is Diana, it is natural to defeat Cyborg, but it is absolutely impossible to kill Cyborg in such a short time.

"Poison, don't tell me that you have an idea for him. This guy is too dangerous, even for us."

The giant woman warned Dr. Poison solemnly.

"No matter how strong a person is, they all have their weaknesses, and I believe the people of the motherland are no exception."

Dr. Poison was very convincing. She had already made a plan, "What's more, this is our chance to kill Diana. I don't believe you are willing to miss it."

"What are you going to do?" Silver Swan looked at Dr. Poison seriously.

The giant woman didn't object.

Because Dr. Poison was right.

They have been in the company for so long, and they only have the simplest long-cherished wish: to kill Diana.

But it never happened.

The people of the motherland are indeed an important opportunity.

"Let Dr. Neuro go there. The people of the motherland are not demigods. I don't believe he can get rid of Dr. Neuro's control like Diana!"

Dr. Poison made this decision immediately.

It's exactly the same as Monica's plan.

"Silver Swan, you will go with Dr. Neuro for this mission."

Dr. Poison immediately issued this order to Silver Swan.

"You know, I want to kill Diana myself!"

"But you and I both know that we don't seem to have the strength at the moment, so I guess we can only settle for the next best thing, right?"

Silver Swan said nothing, turned around and walked out.

"Wait a moment!"

Doctor Poison stopped Silver Swan, "Just in case, bring Potion No. 1!"

Potion No. 1 is the most powerful strengthening potion developed by Dr. Poison.

But at the same time, the side effects are also the biggest.

But facing strong men like the people of the motherland, only Potion No. 1 is the safest.

Rorschach didn't take Cyborg's matter to heart.

After all, Cyborg is really just an insignificant role to him, not worth mentioning.

As for the criminal enterprise behind Cyborg?

Rorschach also didn't take it to heart.

If the other party is interested, Rorschach will naturally not pay too much attention to this company.

But if the other party really doesn't know how to praise and does something that doesn't overestimate his own capabilities.


Rorschach could only wipe out this company.

Catwoman, on the other hand, has been a little nervous these days.

For the first time, she knew that in addition to the people of the motherland, there were other "super humans" in Gotham.

And there's more than one.

That's just the "robot" whose body was implanted with bones after being killed by the motherland.

But the one named Diana is actually Wonder Woman!

Do you dare to believe this kind of thing?

After Catwoman knew the truth, it could be said that her whole person was in bad shape.

In any case, that woman is also a demigod, a legendary figure.

Even Catwoman admires and worships that guy very much.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t “pick up” the opponent’s shield fragments at the memorial hall.


This legendary woman actually exists and has become the enemy of the motherland!

This happened.

"People of the motherland, Diana is not a bad person, right? Do you have any misunderstanding?"

At the dinner table, Catwoman couldn't help but look at Rorschach with some concern and asked.

"Diana is indeed not a bad person, on the contrary, she is a good person."

Luo Xia nodded with deep understanding, but then changed the subject, "But unfortunately, I am not a good person."

Catwoman: "..."

If you think about it carefully, what the people of the motherland said is right.

Just look at the methods of the people of the motherland and you will know that good people cannot do those things.

"Don't think too much. I know what's going on with Diana. She won't be a problem."

Rorschach smiled at Catwoman and comforted her.

Seeing Rorschach's confident look, Catwoman didn't say anything more.

Anyway, ever since she got to know the people of her motherland, they have been really good at killing people and killing Buddhas. She has never met any opponent.

Catwoman believes that even facing someone like Diana will not be an exception.

Just as he was about to continue talking to Catwoman, Rorschach's expression changed slightly.

A very playful smile appeared on his face.

"Selena, I'm sorry. I originally planned to enjoy a nice dinner with you, but unfortunately..."

Rorschach spread his hands towards Catwoman.

"There's nothing to be sorry for. I know there must be something wrong with you. Just go and deal with it."

Catwoman is very understanding and genuine.

"Besides, I can wait until you come back to continue."

"Anyway, it shouldn't take you long, right?"

"Yes!" Upon hearing this, Luo Xia nodded in agreement.

Anyway, it’s just a shot of Wonder Woman. How long will it last?

Come back for dinner without delay.

Just now, he overheard Diana asking Batman about her whereabouts.

In this case, don't let Diana wait too impatiently!

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