American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 408 Your target is not me, but my countrymen!


The angry Diana didn't say anything. She gritted her teeth and rushed towards Rorschach again.


A familiar sonic boom sounded.

Luo Xia swayed and the person disappeared on the spot.

His figure was intertwined with Diana's figure.

But it only took a short moment, and the two intertwined figures separated instantly.

Because a figure "ejected" like a cannonball.

Without a doubt, it’s Wonder Woman Diana.

Rorschach, on the other hand, stood still as steady as a rock.

His face wasn't red, he wasn't out of breath, and he looked completely fine.

It was as if knocking Diana over was just a trivial matter.

"Diana, you are no match for me."

"You can't get your things back with anger alone."

Rorschach's voice sounded, and he looked at Diana lightly and spoke.

Diana slowly regained her composure at this moment.

She fixed her eyes on Luo Xia and shouted in a deep voice: "People of the motherland, what is your purpose?"

to be honest.

Rorschach's series of operations really confused Diana.

The other party repeatedly robbed her things and refused to return them, but he chose not to kill her.

It seems that he is very welcome to find his own place.

And while in Gotham, Diana also found out a lot of information about Rorschach.

This person is cruel, ruthless, and kills without blinking an eye.

But at the same time, they are maintaining the peace of a city.

Some people regard the motherland as a god, while others regard it as a devil.

Whether this person was good or evil, Diana couldn't tell for a while.

This is a person that Diana has not been able to see through despite her long life.

"People of the motherland, this matter will not be settled like this."

After looking at Rorschach solemnly for a moment, Diana said these words and turned around and left without looking back.

After the short collision just now, Diana knew that she was no match for the people of her motherland, and there was no point in continuing the fight.

"Dear motherland, you seem to have been deliberately provoking Diana to take action against you."

Batman jumped in front of Rorschach at this time, and he saw everything clearly, "What is your purpose?"

"Batman, are you sure you want to take care of my business?" Rorschach glanced at Batman with a half-smile.

"Whatever war you want to start with Diana, it doesn't have to be in Gotham!"

Batman's voice was solemn, "Under what conditions will you leave Gotham?"

Batman has seen through that the key to everything, the core of everything, is the people of the motherland.

Diana came to Gotham because of her motherland.

The people in the criminal enterprise are because of Diana.

After all, the source is the people of the motherland.

As long as the people of the motherland leave Gotham, Diana will also leave Gotham.

The people in the criminal company will naturally stay away with Diana.

Gotham will be restored to its original state.

Instead of facing the threat of "extraordinary humans" at any time like now.

"First find all the fragments I want. The rest depends on your mood."

Rorschach waved his hand casually.

"Even if you leave Gotham, I will ensure that I will spare no effort to find what you want, and I will give it to you as soon as I find it."

"That's no reason why you have to stay in Gotham."

Batman said to Rorschach seriously again.

"You're right."

Rorschach nodded with deep understanding, "But you are wrong about one thing. Gotham is not your home. I stay here without your consent."

"Finding the fragment is only a prerequisite for me to leave Gotham, but it is not the entire condition."

"Goodbye, Batman!"

After saying these words to Batman, Rorschach stopped paying attention to him.

The body shook and disappeared.


Back at the high-end apartment, Rorschach just opened the door and immediately felt something was wrong.


It was so quiet in the apartment.

Catwoman had said that she would wait for her to come back for dinner together, which meant that the other party should be at home at this time.

And this kind of deathly silence is not what it should be like when someone is at home.

Rorschach didn't waste any time and immediately deployed his super hearing and clairvoyance eyes to check.

Sure enough, they found that the apartment was empty and Catwoman wasn't home at all.

Could it be...

Are you overthinking it?

Did Catwoman suddenly go out for something?


Catwoman has her own phone. If she goes out temporarily, she should tell herself.

Almost instantly, Rorschach smelled something.

Catwoman, something must have happened.

He no longer hesitated and immediately used his super hearing to cover the entire Gotham.

Catwoman's voice was captured immediately.

"Since you know my relationship with the people of the motherland, how dare you arrest me? Do you know that you are seeking death? The people of the motherland will not let you go!"

Catwoman sounded calm.

She was never an ordinary person.

In addition, with a great god like Luo Xia here, the girl really didn't panic at all.


After locking onto Catwoman's voice, Rorschach immediately used his super vision and clairvoyance ability to look over.

Catwoman's figure immediately appeared in Rorschach's eyes.

But at this moment, Catwoman was tied up in the living room of an old apartment.

Opposite Catwoman stood a short and ugly middle-aged man.

There were some bottles and jars on the middle-aged man's head, and no one knew what they were for.

But seeing this honor, Rorschach could immediately guess that this person should be a character like the Mad Doctor.

Anyway, he was not an ordinary person.

Rorschach guessed correctly.

This guy was actually the Neuro Doctor sent by the Poison Doctor.

Next to the Neuro Doctor stood a woman who was covered in a robe like the Cyborg Woman.

Without a doubt, it was the Silver Swan.

"You seem to believe in the Homelander."

The Neuro Doctor couldn't help but grin, "But unfortunately, you will soon see that the Homelander is just like that."

Catwoman couldn't help but sneer when she heard this, as if she had heard the funniest joke in the world.

She really didn't know whether this crazy guy in front of her was ignorant or a madman, and dared to look down on Homelander so much.

During the time when Homelander came to Gotham, weren't there many people who challenged him?

Which one was not destroyed by him like a dead tree or rotten wood?

Even super criminals were the same.

Catwoman didn't think that this guy in front of her would be an exception.

"Wait a minute, your target is not me, but Homelander!"

And soon, Catwoman realized all this, and her eyes couldn't help but widen slightly.

These guys really think their lives are too long, right?

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