American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 409 Hiss, how can the people of my country be so terrible!

"Yes, my goal is the people of the motherland!"

"I really want to see if the people of my motherland are as powerful as the legends say!"

Dr. Neuro did not deny this, but grinned.

His expression looked a little crazy, but also a little ferocious.

It's that standard "perverted villain" smile.


"You'll see it soon!"

A voice suddenly came from outside the door.

The expressions of Dr. Neuro and Silver Swan both changed.


Before he could react, the apartment door was smashed open by a strong force.

With a swish, it hit Dr. Neuro and Silver Swan.

Silver Swan's face was extremely cold, and he pushed the neurologist beside him aside and kicked him away at the same time.


The door was immediately kicked into pieces.

At this time, a young figure walked in from the door so swaggeringly.

Not Rorschach or who?

"People of the motherland!"

Catwoman, who was tied to the chair, suddenly let out a scream.

The kind of surprise.

She knew that the people of the motherland would definitely come to save her!

No, it really came.

And it came so quickly.

"Selena, I'm so sorry for making you feel wronged."

A look of apology appeared on Rorschach's face.

Then his eyes shot a heat ray directly towards Catwoman, cutting the rope tied to her body.

Catwoman immediately shook off the mess on her body, stood up happily, and ran to Rorschach's side.

From the beginning to the end, Dr. Neuro and Silver Swan stood aside and watched all this comfortably without stopping.

In their eyes, Catwoman is a completely dispensable and insignificant character.

All they really care about is Rorschach!

"Laser! Did you see it? His eyes actually shot out lasers! This is great material!"

When the neurologist saw that Rorschach really shot the laser as rumored, he was so excited.

He clapped his hands repeatedly and shouted to the silver swan with great excitement.

"Okay, let's do it quickly!"

Silver Swan's face was extremely serious, and he shouted to the neurologist in a deep voice, "I told you before, he is a very dangerous person!"

Only then did Dr. Neuro's expression become more serious.

Although he is crazy, he is not stupid. A person who can be so valued by Doctor Poison and Silver Swan cannot be just an ordinary person.

So Dr. Neuro stopped talking nonsense and immediately started to activate his abilities on Rorschach.

The "bottles and jars" that were buckled on his head suddenly began to shine.

"what happened!"

"This is impossible!"

"My ability actually...has no effect on him!"

But the next moment, the neurologist screamed out in shock.

He is no longer as crazy and confident as before.

A face full of disbelief.


Silver Swan was even more shocked.

The ability of Dr. Neuro is actually completely ineffective against the people of the motherland?

What a joke!

Even a demigod like Diana has been tricked by Dr. Neuro!

It's just that he finally broke free from control.

"No, absolutely not!"

"I don't believe it!"

Dr. Neuron murmured in his mouth, and continued to use his abilities on Rorschach in shock and anger.

But the result didn't change at all.

He found that the other party was like an insulator for himself. No matter how crazy his abilities were, he could not affect the other party at all.

And this time.

Rorschach had already helped Catwoman clean up the mess on her body, so she turned around.

A heat ray was shot at Dr. Neuro.


Dr. Neuro's heart was immediately shot out by Rorschach.

His body shook and he fell to the ground, turning into a corpse.

died on the spot.

Until his death, Dr. Neuro's eyes were wide open, and he was unwilling to rest in peace.

Until the moment of his death, he did not understand why his ability had no effect on Rorschach.


Silver Swan's face was full of shock, his eyes widened, and he murmured as he looked at Dr. Neuro's body on the ground, completely unable to accept it.

This important minister who had a higher status than himself in the criminal company died like this?

So scrawled to death?


However, Rorschach did not give Silver Swan any time to be surprised and dazed.

He tilted his head slightly and continued to shoot the heat ray at the silver swan.


As a super soldier, Silver Swan is naturally not as easy to fall into as Dr. Neuro.

She swayed suddenly, as agile as a cheetah, and instantly dodged Rorschach's heat ray attack.

But before he could stand still, Luo Xia appeared in front of him like a ghost.

One punch hit Silver Swan's body.


Silver Swan flew backwards like a cannonball, smashing a big hole in the wall of the apartment.


However, the silver swan also took the opportunity to spread its wings and flew into the night.

Crazy escape.

"very scary!"


Silver Swan's face was full of fear, she was almost scared to death.

What kind of monster is that Homelander?

He is so scary!

The punch from the other party just now almost took her life, and she was instantly seriously injured!

Compared with this man, Diana is nothing!

No wonder, no wonder Cyborg was killed by this guy.

She actually agreed to the company to deal with such a monster, is her brain broken?

But fortunately, she can fly.

If she can't beat him, she can still escape.


But the next moment, a sonic boom sounded.

Silver Swan felt that her eyes were blurred, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

Blocked her way.

Silver Swan just glanced.


Her brain exploded directly.


It's Homelander!

Homelander can actually fly?

Why can Homelander fly!

What kind of pervert is this guy!


Silver Swan gasped on the spot, with shock and horror all over his face.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Rorschach's voice sounded, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips, and he glanced at the Silver Swan opposite.


Before he finished speaking, two heat rays shot directly at Silver Swan.

How dare Silver Swan confront Rorschach, flapped his wings and turned to escape.

Not only that, he immediately took out the No. 1 potion given to him by Dr. Poison.

He injected it into his body all at once.


At that moment.

Silver Swan's serious injury caused by Rorschach's punch was instantly healed.

A force so strong that it was about to burst his body swept over his body in an instant.

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