American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 410 Paradise Island Invasion Plan, Target Mother Box

"This, this feeling!"

Silver Swan was shocked as she felt her current state. She couldn't believe it.

Is the effect of the No. 1 potion so good?

She felt that at this moment, she had become an omnipotent god of war.

Silver Swan felt that it was no problem for her to beat Diana.

Of course.

According to Silver Swan's understanding of some of Dr. Poison's products, the effect of the No. 1 potion was so good that the side effects must be huge.

Otherwise, why didn't anyone use it?

But at this time.

I couldn't care less.


With a shake of her body, Silver Swan's speed suddenly increased, and she dodged Rorschach's heat ray pursuit in an instant.

She calmly floated in front of Rorschach.

"Homelander, you are so aggressive, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Silver Swan looked at Rorschach and sneered, "What kind of power do I have now? You can't imagine!"


Before he finished speaking, the Silver Swan flapped its wings and rushed towards Rorschach.

The Silver Swan, whose strength had skyrocketed, was floating!

But the next moment, the Silver Swan was taught a lesson by Rorschach.


Rorschach punched out and hit the Silver Swan directly.

The Silver Swan's body shook violently and flew back directly.

Its speed was three times faster than the speed at which it rushed towards Rorschach.


The sound of bone breaking also sounded, and the Silver Swan's chest immediately sank in.

I don't know how many bones were broken, and the internal organs were smashed into a ball of mud by Rorschach.


Then, the Silver Swan's body fell directly downward like a cannonball.

But Rorschach just stretched out his hand, and a huge mental force imprisoned the Silver Swan.

The figure of the Silver Swan falling at a high speed was fixed in the air.


"How is this possible!"

At this time, Silver Swan's face was full of fear and shock, and the whole person was about to urinate.

After injecting the No. 1 drug, Silver Swan could clearly feel that his strength was five times the original!

Five times!

It was no problem to beat Diana.

With such terrible strength, Silver Swan thought that he had no problem dealing with Homelander.

Who would have thought that he was still a weakling in front of Homelander!

What kind of pervert is this Homelander?

How could there be such a powerful person in the world?

But unfortunately.

But no one gave Silver Swan this answer.

The next moment, Rorschach's right hand clenched towards Silver Swan.

Silver Swan, who had seen the video of how Rorschach killed Cyborg, immediately realized something.

The face changed wildly: "No..."


Silver Swan's voice stopped abruptly, because her whole body exploded like Cyborg.


The sound of the sonic boom sounded, and Rorschach's body shook and disappeared directly.

In an instant, he appeared in front of Catwoman.

"I told you, are you looking for death?"

Catwoman glanced at Dr. Neuro, who was lying on the ground with his eyes wide open, and shrugged calmly.

Since Homelander has returned, it is needless to say what the fate of the other flying woman will be.

As always.

Those who dared to provoke Homelander were all sent to hell by Homelander, without exception.

"Selena, let's go back!"

Rorschach walked to Catwoman at this time.

He reached out and hugged the other's delicate body, shook his body, and flew away in the air.

"How many times have I told you that you must call me when you encounter any danger, why didn't you call me?"

The first moment he returned to the apartment, Rorschach began to "interrogate" Catwoman.

His face was still very serious.

Although Rorschach has completely shocked the entire Gotham now, making the criminals in the entire Gotham dare not make any rash moves.

But there are so many crazy people in Gotham, who can guarantee that there will not be a few people who are looking for death?

What's more.

Gotham is just Rorschach's first stop, he won't stay for too long.

What if someone attacks Catwoman after he leaves?

Since Rorschach chose to accept Catwoman, he must be responsible for Catwoman's safety.

So Rorschach had already told Catwoman that she must call him if anything happens.

With Rorschach's current speed, he is confident that he can reach Catwoman in any city in DC and rescue her in time.

"Why are you so angry? I'm fine."

Catwoman's voice became weaker and weaker, and she didn't even dare to look into Rorschach's eyes.

She didn't think there was anything at ordinary times, but at this moment, Catwoman felt that Rorschach's aura was too strong.

It was so strong that she was honest, like a primary school student being scolded by a teacher.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of one, there must be no next time!"

Rorschach reached out and knocked on Catwoman's head.

"I know!"

Catwoman rubbed her little head with her hand.

Seeing that Catwoman's attitude was okay, Rorschach didn't say much.

But I was thinking to myself, it seems that I have to find a way to strengthen Catwoman's strength in the future.

It's not a big deal in Gotham now, but Rorschach's stage is not Gotham.

He is destined to clash with the top forces in the DC world.

He will deal with superheroes and super villains in the future.

And Catwoman.

At that time, she will become Rorschach's weakness.

It is necessary to take precautions early.

Of course.

There is no need to rush this matter.

The current DC world is still safe.

Batman has just been born for half a year, and Superman has not yet been "born". The other party is still just Clark Kent.

Rorschach still has time.

"Selina, I have some things to deal with."

After putting away all those thoughts, Rorschach said hello to Catwoman and went out again.

What to do?

There is no doubt that it is to destroy the crime company!

Since the other party did not know what was good for him, Rorschach would naturally not leave this trouble.

Super hearing spread out and covered the entire America in an instant.


Some key words such as "Homelander", "Silver Swan", and "Doctor Neuro" were immediately filtered out by Rorschach.

After listening to these voices, Rorschach smiled.

"I found you!"

However, he did not rush to leave, but continued to monitor several backbones of the criminal company.

Because just now, Rorschach heard another interesting conversation.

"Okay, let's stop here for the matter of the motherland. Now, let's discuss the invasion plan of Paradise Island."

"I think the time is ripe!"

The invasion plan of Paradise Island?

Rorschach said that he was also very interested in this plan.

Paradise Island, that is a place created by God, there must be many good things in it.

Just look at Diana's equipment.

In addition, there is another very important thing in Paradise Island that Rorschach is very interested in: the mother box.

Rorschach doesn't know whether the mother box can be extracted, but if it can, it will be a big deal.

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