American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 412 The Amazon warrior was confused: Who are the people from my country?


Since the target has been found, Luo Xia naturally has no nonsense.

He started at super speed and rushed directly to the "seaside fortress".

That's right.

Paradise Island still attaches great importance to the mother box. It has built a solid fortress on the cliff by the sea and dispatched a large number of Amazon warriors to guard it day and night.

It is to prevent any accidents from happening to the mother box.

The place with the highest security level and the strongest defense force in the entire Paradise Island can be said to be this fortress.

It is no exaggeration to say that not even a fly can fly in.

But it's a pity.

That's just normal times.

This kind of thing has changed after Luo Xia broke into Paradise Island.


Accompanied by such a sonic boom, Luo Xia's figure appeared outside the fortress in the blink of an eye.

"What's the sound?"

"What's going on?"

The Amazon warriors stationed at the fortress checkpoints all showed extremely vigilant colors.

They knew that Paradise Island had been invaded, so they have been on high alert.

But just now, they only heard a sound of breaking through the air, that's all.

In addition, they vaguely felt a flash in front of their eyes.

Apart from that, they didn't notice anything.


But the next moment.

The whole fortress trembled violently, as if there was an earthquake.



The sound of collapse and shattering came immediately.

The Amazon warriors stationed in the fortress were shocked to find that there was a big hole in the wall of the fortress!

Not only the outermost wall, but also the eight consecutive walls used for defense inside were all like this!

The whole fortress was actually penetrated by someone in an instant!


All the Amazon warriors took a breath of cold air and didn't believe their eyes at all.

How could such a thing be possible?

Who on earth was the invader who could even do such a thing?

Could it be a god?

"The fortress has been breached! Katie, notify the queen, and everyone else, follow me to defend the enemy!"

Antiop, the Amazon female general in charge of guarding the fortress, drew out her sword and gave this order to the soldiers stationed here.


Katie immediately took out a bow, took out a signal arrow, put it on it, and shot it into the air.

The arrow burning with blazing flames drew a long trace in the air, and the billowing smoke spread out.

So that everyone in Paradise Island could see it.

Queen Hippolyta, who was commanding the defense at the gate of Paradise Island, naturally saw the signal from the fortress.

Her face changed immediately.

Something happened in the fortress!

"It's bad, Queen, someone has invaded the fortress!"

A female general next to Hippolyta also changed her face wildly.

Could it be that the outside world attacked Paradise Island for the purpose of coming for the mother box?

But humans, Amazon, and Atlantis had clearly reached an agreement that each of the three parties would keep a mother box!

Why did humans break this agreement?

Although there were many puzzles in my heart, it was not the time to explore these issues in detail.

Queen Hippolyta suppressed these doubts in her heart and stood up immediately.

She gave orders to several generals around her: "Deborah, you follow me, and the others stay here to defend against the enemy!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

A female general wearing armor and looking heroic responded.

Immediately holding the long sword in her hand, she followed Hippolyta down the city wall.

The other female generals were fully responsible for the command on the scene.

Tap tap tap!

Tap tap tap!


The sound of galloping horses sounded.

Hippolyta personally led a team of people and quickly rushed to the seaside fortress.



While Hippolyta and the others were still on the road, the gates of the fortress were all opened.

Antiope began to rush in with all the female warriors at the fastest speed.

There was no other way.

The holes opened by Rorschach were really high. For those Amazon female warriors who could not fly, they could not enter from the "road" opened by Rorschach.

They could only open the checkpoints.


Tap tap tap!

Such sounds were naturally not hidden from Rorschach.

Even if he used his thighs to guess, he knew that those Amazon warriors were rushing here.

But Rorschach did not pay much attention.

Because his attention at the moment was all on the black "cube" placed on the high platform in front.

Mother Box!

That's right, it was the Mother Box!

"This thing is much uglier than I imagined."

This was Rorschach's first reaction after seeing the Mother Box.

The Mother Box without stimulation is just an ordinary, "ordinary" square stone.

That's all.

"I hope you won't let me down!"

Then, Rorschach began to look forward to it, and appeared in front of the Mother Box.

[Special energy source detected! ]

Sure enough.

When Rorschach arrived in front of the Mother Box, the system immediately sounded a prompt.

Rorschach rarely felt a slight nervousness, like the mood of a college entrance examination student waiting for the announcement of the results.

[Energy source analysis...]

[Energy value: 10000000000 Origin Points, Status: Unextractable. ]



Although he had prepared for this from the beginning, when this result that he didn't want to see appeared, Rorschach was still very depressed.

This is really missing 100 million.

No, not 100 million, but 10 billion!

10 billion Origin Points are enough to make Rorschach directly deified!

But unfortunately, just like the Infinity Stones in the Marvel Universe, they are also unextractable.

Otherwise, Rorschach would not be a Golden Homelander, and he might even reach the Thinking Homelander.

"Who is it!"

"Stop and don't move!"

At this time, several sharp shouts came from behind.

It was Antiope and his Amazon warriors who had rushed in.

When they saw that Rorschach, the uninvited guest, was standing in front of the Mother Box, their faces changed drastically.

Rorschach turned around slowly and shrugged at the female warriors: "I guess you won't believe me if I tell you that I'm not interested in the Mother Box now?"

Not interested in the Mother Box?

I don't believe you!

How could Antiope and others believe Rorschach's nonsense?

"Capture him!"

Following Antiope's order, several Amazon warriors immediately rushed towards Rorschach.

To capture Rorschach.

"Sorry, I don't plan to stay in the Amazon for long."

Rorschach said, and waved his hand lightly, and a huge telekinesis followed.

Boom boom boom!

The female warriors who rushed towards Rorschach immediately fell out.

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