American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 413 Is this my countryman? Too perverted!




Several female warriors flew across a distance of several meters and hit the wall behind them heavily.

Then he fell to the ground.

One by one, they just couldn’t get up.

Rorschach's actions seemed to be an understatement, but the huge power of telepathy was really not something that ordinary people could bear.

what's the situation?

Antiope's eyes widened when he saw Rorschach just waved his hand and several of his elite subordinates flew out.

His face was full of surprise and solemnity.

First, in that extremely domineering way, he broke through the fortress in an instant.

Then he got rid of his subordinates in this understatement.

The man in front of me was too unfathomable.

"Line up to meet the enemy!"

Antiope gave a sharp shout.

Then he took the lead and rushed towards Luo Xia with the sword in his hand.

The same is true for the other Amazon warriors.


But a familiar sonic boom suddenly sounded.

Rorschach's body suddenly disappeared on the spot.

Bang bang bang bang!

Then there were continuous collision sounds.

All the Amazon female warriors, including Antipuo, were knocked away by a powerful force.

He lay on his back and fell to the ground.

In just a short moment, they were all knocked down by Rorschach.

Without exception.

At this time, the sonic boom also disappeared, and Rorschach's figure reappeared.

But he was seen standing there calmly and calmly, as if nothing was wrong.

"How can it be!"

"How can it be!"

Antiope looked at the unruly face, and a huge wave suddenly set off in his heart.

If she hadn't experienced it personally, she would never have believed that dozens of extremely elite Amazon warriors were defeated in an instant!

What kind of devil is this man?

How could there be such a powerful person in the world?

"who are you!"

Antipuo got up from the ground with great effort, stared at Rorschach with his eyes, and shouted in a voice full of endless fear.

"People of the motherland!"

Rorschach didn't hide anything and told the other party his name.

Anyway, with the power of Amazon, it is very easy to find out your true identity.

There is really no need to hide it.

People from the motherland?

Antiope's brows couldn't help but raise.

She had never heard of this name before.

Has Amazon seriously fallen behind after so many years of isolation?

There is such a terrifying and powerful person among human beings?


But Rorschach was too lazy to say anything to Antiop. He swayed and disappeared again like a ghost.

There was only a sonic boom and a strong airflow, which made Antiope's hair messy.

"Did he really give up on the Mother Box?"

It wasn't until this moment that Antiope finally had some belief.

The opponent defeated everyone easily with his overwhelming invincibility.

No one can stop the other party from stealing the mother box.

But the other party just left.

The mother box was not touched!

So in that case, what kind of trouble are you going to make when you break into the fortress?

As soon as these thoughts flashed through his mind, Antiope immediately came to the Mother Box.

Checked the status of the mother box.


After a careful inspection, I couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

There is indeed nothing wrong with the mother box.

That's good.


a voice sounded.

But it was Queen Hippolyta who quickly came to Antiope with a few soldiers.

"Her Majesty the Queen!"

Antiope immediately saluted the other party.

After Hippolyta checked that the mother box was intact, her hanging heart relaxed.

Then he asked with a serious face: "What happened here?"

"Your Majesty, the person who broke into this place is a very young man. We cannot identify his identity for the time being, but he calls himself a native of the motherland."

People from the motherland?

Hippolyta raised her eyebrows, she had never heard of this name before.

But no matter who the other party is.

But for him to be able to break into the fortress and escape from Antiope in such a short period of time, he must be no ordinary person.

"Where did the people of the motherland flee to? Antiope, you didn't send anyone to pursue him. Could it be that he has fallen into the sea?"

Hippolyta glanced at the scene and found that all the soldiers garrisoned at the fortress were there, so she made such a natural guess.

"Your Majesty, that's not what happened."

Antiope, however, shook his head and reported to Hippolyta.

"Although this is very shameful, we are not the opponents of the motherland, and the motherland did not escape, but left calmly after defeating all of us."

Antiope's words immediately shocked Hippolyta.

The Mother Box is such an important thing, so Hippolyta naturally sent the most elite warriors in the entire Amazon to protect it.

Antiope's strength is top-notch even in the entire Paradise Island.

How could that native countryman defeat Antiope and the others in such a short period of time?

Who is that person from the motherland?

"Since he defeated you all, then the Mother Box..."

Hippolyta's expression changed immediately, and she thought of a very critical question.

The Mother Box was still there!

"I also felt strange, but the Homelander did not take the Mother Box away."

"He said that he was no longer interested in the Mother Box, and then he left."

Antipio explained to Hippolyta in a deep voice.

Hippolyta was silent.

She had just checked it, and the Mother Box was indeed fine.

In other words, the Homelander's lack of interest was not just a lip service.

The other party actually did the same.

In that case, why did you invade here?

Are you bored?

"Your Majesty, it's not good!"

While she was wondering, an Amazon warrior immediately rushed to Hippolyta to report, "I just received a message that the Amazon's treasure house was invaded."

Hippolyta's face changed immediately.

She and Antiope beside her looked at each other, and at the same time, they uttered a name: "Homelander!"

No doubt.

The thief who invaded the treasure house of Paradise Island must also be Homelander.


Hippolyta didn't have any more nonsense, and immediately waved her hand and rushed out with a team of people.

Hippolyta and the others' guesses were very correct.

It was indeed Rorschach who invaded the Amazon treasure house.

As soon as he left the fortress, he used his super perception to find the treasure house.

And he broke in violently.


He felt that he had opened the door to a new world.

Various rare treasures were displayed in front of him.

There were weapons such as swords, armor, and some other strange things that Rorschach had never seen.

But it didn't matter.

Because the system panel began to send various prompt sounds one after another.

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