American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 414: Looting the entire Paradise Island

[Special energy source detected! ]

[Energy source analysis in progress...]

[Energy value: 2500 origin points, status: extractable. ]


[Energy value: 3000 origin points, status: extractable. ]


[Energy value: 10000 origin points, status: extractable. ]


Listening to the "extractable" flashing in his mind, Luo Xia couldn't help but get excited.

He couldn't help but show a hint of excitement on his face.

Great harvest!

This is a great harvest!

After a simple tour in the treasure house, Luo Xia conducted a preliminary test on almost all the treasures in front of him.

The results were very exciting.

All the treasures are extractable energy sources, and the amount of origin points is not low.

Some are in the thousands, and some are in the tens of thousands.

There is no need to calculate deliberately. With Luo Xia's current brain power, when the system "broadcasts" the amount of origin points, the total amount will automatically appear in Luo Xia's mind.

Two hundred and seventeen thousand origin points!

That's right.

Two hundred and ten thousand!

This trip to Paradise Island is really not in vain!

Luo Xia has obtained the system for several decades. Whether it is completing tasks or extracting special energy sources, there has never been a time when he can obtain so many origin points at one time.

The most I remember is that it seems to be just over ten thousand.

"Not bad, very good!"

Luo Xia nodded with great satisfaction.

Naturally, there is no doubt next.

Luo Xia immediately began to pick up a treasure beside him and extracted it.

[Extraction successful! ]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 2500 origin points! ]

With these two prompts, the treasure in Luo Xia's hand turned directly into ashes.

Luo Xia's face was full of excitement, and he began to pick up the second treasure.

[Extraction successful! 】

[Extraction successful! ]

[Extraction successful! ]

Origin points were continuously received, and Rorschach's account balance began to increase visibly.


"What on earth did you do!"

Until an angry voice sounded.

The Amazon Queen Hippolyta finally brought people to the treasury.

The result was seen.

One treasure after another was destroyed by the young man in an inexplicable way.

Immediately revealed an extremely angry look.

"It turned out to be Queen Hippolyta."

Rorschach did not stop the action at hand, and picked up another treasure casually, "I'm sorry, I may not be able to stop for the time being."


Hippolyta immediately drew out the long sword in her hand.

"Then I'll let you stop!"

Accompanied by this angry shout.

Hippolyta immediately drew a residual image on the spot and killed Rorschach.

Instantly appeared beside Rorschach.

The sharp sword in his hand turned into a cold light, ruthlessly slashing at Rorschach's head.

Rorschach still held a treasure in his left hand, and did not put it down. His right hand stretched out casually.


A light sound came, and Hippolyta's long sword froze in the air!

Because Rorschach easily held Hippolyta's long sword with one hand.


Hippolyta was shocked.

Although he had long known from Antiope that this countryman was very powerful.

But Hippolyta never expected that the other party could be so powerful.

He blocked his own sword with bare hands!

What a joke!

Hippolyta let out an angry roar and began to use all her strength to pour into the sword in her hand.

The queen didn't believe it. She was the queen of Amazon, but she couldn't beat a hand of the countryman?

But soon.

Hippolyta was shocked to find that.

No matter how hard she tried, how desperately she attacked.

The long sword in his hand was held so simply by the Homelander, but it was really unshakable!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several sounds of breaking through the air were heard.

But the Amazon warriors around couldn't stand it anymore, and they all rushed towards Rorschach with their weapons.

The treasure in Rorschach's hand turned into ashes at this moment, and he waved his hands at the Amazon warriors who were rushing towards him.

Bang bang bang bang!

The Amazon female warriors who rushed over immediately shook their bodies and all flew backwards.

They fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

"How is this possible!"

Hippolyta almost popped her eyes out.

Although she had tried her best to overestimate Rorschach's strength, she still found that she had underestimated him in the end.

With a wave of her hand, all her team of elite warriors were knocked to the ground. What kind of power is this?

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Hippolyta would never have believed it.


The next moment.

Rorschach waved his hand again and punched Hippolyta.

Hippolyta immediately felt suffocated!

That simple punch made Hippolyta feel frightened.

Hippolyta had to temporarily give up the long sword in his hand.

He gritted his teeth and punched Rorschach hard.


Amidst the dull collision, Hippolyta's body shook, and she immediately flew backwards like a cannonball.

Suddenly a big hole was made in the wall of the treasure house, and everyone was knocked out.

But the next moment.

Hippolyta rushed forward again.

His eyes were fixed on Luo Xia, as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Instead of wasting time here, it's better to defend against the enemies outside."

Rorschach was still extracting the treasures unhurriedly, and casually reminded Hippolyta.

The tone was like talking to an old friend.

"Is this your purpose? For these treasures on Paradise Island?"

The expression on Hippolyta's face became more solemn, and there was also some anger, "Aren't you afraid of provoking a war between humans and Paradise Island?"

"Just to be clear, I am me and everyone else is everyone else."

Rorschach clapped his hands, knocked the fly ash out of his hands, and picked up another treasure, "I have nothing to do with other people."

"I don't know what the purpose of those people is, but my purpose is indeed the treasure here."

"What grudge does Paradise Island have against you? Do you insist on destroying these treasures of ours!?"


Rorschach was stunned for a moment, then realized that Hippolyta had misunderstood.

But it is.

Seeing the treasures turn into ashes in my hands, I don't know what's going on. Don't you think that you are destroying?

Rorschach didn't bother to explain.

Just misunderstand.

"I won't let you succeed!"


Hippolyta said this and rushed towards Rorschach again.

"Since you are so stubborn, I'm sorry, I can only take some heavy blows."

Rorschach shook his head slightly, punched out, and knocked Hippolyta out again.

But this time, Hippolyta failed to get up again.

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