American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 419 This is the price of provoking our motherland!

Of course.

With Rorschach's current status, he has seen countless beauties, even goddesses.

Not the "goddesses" that are praised by lickers, but the real goddesses.

For example, Hela, who was beaten by Rorschach, Diana of Paradise Island, etc.

So Rorschach has no idea about Lana.

It was just because she was Dachao's high school lover that he looked at her more.

That's all.

After seeing her, this woman was nothing special to Rorschach.

Just like Whitney, the passerby next to her.

However, from the conversation between Lana and Whitney, Rorschach can easily draw a conclusion:

The meteorite he found was probably discovered by Whitney first.

The other party also buried it in the cave.


Rorschach really couldn't understand why a teenage boy would bring a girl to this bare cave to offer treasures.

Whitney probably wanted to show off this kryptonite to Lana.

After all, kryptonite looks really high-end to people who don't know the details.

In any case, this is also a stone that emits green light.

And from the situation of the kryptonite found before, this kryptonite also has obvious signs of human burial.

If this is the case...

"Well, I just need to ask them about some questions."

Rorschach thought for a while and made a decision.




The obvious footsteps were clearly audible.

The figures of Lana and Whitney appeared in the cave.

"Lana, I have hidden a treasure in here... Who are you!"

"Why are you here!"

Whitney's words stopped abruptly.

He had just walked into the cave and looked up, and found that there was a stranger in the cave.

Not only that.

The stranger actually held his "treasure" in his hand.

Whitney's face changed immediately.

Lana also showed a look of surprise on her face.

She looked Rorschach up and down, but found that she had never seen this person before.

He didn't look like someone from Smallville.

Because there were not many Asians in Smallville, only a few.

Even if Lana was not familiar with him, she knew it.

"Put down the gem in your hand, it's mine!"

Whitney screamed, staring at the kryptonite in Rorschach's hand with her eyes, and shouted.

Sure enough.

Rorschach's guess was correct.

The kryptonite was indeed discovered by the other party first.

"You don't even know what this thing is, and you dare to talk so much."

Rorschach shook his head and smiled.

Whitney was slightly stunned.

Rorschach was right, he really didn't know what the green gem was.

But is this kind of thing important?

"Listen, kid, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, give me back the gem."

Whitney's voice became a little bit more fierce, and she stretched out her hand to grab the kryptonite in Rorschach's hand.

Rorschach didn't dodge or evade, and let the other party grab the kryptonite.

There was just a hint of sarcasm on his face: "If you have the ability, just take it."

The embarrassing moment came.

Whitney first used his right hand to exert force, but found that the gem was as solid as a rock and didn't move at all.

Then he began to use both hands.

He even held the kryptonite in his arms and tried to snatch the kryptonite with all his strength.


But he couldn't resist Rorschach's easy grab.


Whitney felt her body lighten.

It turned out that Rorschach casually stretched out his other hand, grabbed Whitney's collar, and lifted her up.

The kind that lifted off the ground.

Lana on the side opened her mouth wide, in shock.

This Asian boy looks delicate and handsome, but he is so strong?

"How can this be!"

Whitney was also stunned.

He struggled twice and found that he couldn't get away at all.

His face gradually became gloomy.

"Okay, let's stop the farce. Next, I ask and you answer. Do you understand?"

Rorschach glanced at Whitney in his hand like holding a chicken.

"I understand. No wonder you don't want to return the gem to me. I should have thought of it earlier!"

"But do you think you are the only one who has gained the ability?"

Whitney sneered at this time, and then suddenly shook his body in Rorschach's hand.


He couldn't help but shout out.



As the other party shouted, some stones in the cave began to fly into the air and automatically flew towards Whitney.

"What is this?"

Rorschach was very surprised.

He didn't expect that Whitney, a high school student, was not an ordinary person.

He was an extraordinary person.

Meteorite monster!

In an instant, such a word flashed through Rorschach's mind.

He wanted to see what level this meteorite monster was, so he put Whitney down.



But he saw pieces of stone gathering on Whitney one after another.

In just a few seconds, a stone man almost two and a half meters tall appeared in front of Luo Xia.

"Whitney, you, you are also a meteorite weirdo!"

Lana on the side was dumbfounded.

However, this also verified Luo Xia's guess that this stone man was indeed the so-called meteorite weirdo.

Thinking about Whitney's previous and subsequent conversations and the other party's attitude towards kryptonite, it is not difficult for Rorschach to deduce.

The "meteorite" the other party calls is probably kryptonite.

Kryptonite came to the earth with Dachao, isn't it a meteorite?

"Lana, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I'll explain it to you later."

"But now, I want to get the gem back first!"

Whitney said these words to Lana and began to rush towards Rorschach.

The entire cave seemed to shake with every step.

The momentum was still very terrifying.

Of course.

It was for Lana.

But in front of Rorschach.

Just scum.


Rorschach casually punched the stone man in front of him in the air.

An invisible mental fist immediately hit the opponent.


The stone man was scattered on the spot.

Amidst the flying stones, Whitney fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

"how come!"

Whitney's heart was filled with huge waves. She was actually killed with one punch?

Is this guy actually so powerful?

"Is this the meteorite weirdo?"

Rorschach shook his head.

Is this so-called meteorite monster too weak?


"Are you OK!"

Lana screamed and rushed to Whitney's side, with panic on her face.

Looking at Luo Xia, he seemed to be looking at a big devil.

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