"Okay, can we start now?"

Rorschach continued walking towards Whitney, "I ask, you answer."

How could Whitney dare to say any nonsense? He nodded wildly and frantically: "If you have anything to ask, please feel free to ask. As long as I know, I will tell you everything."

Lana also looked at Rorschach nervously, not daring to take a breath.

For an ordinary high school student like her, Rorschach knocking over a 2.5-meter-tall stone man with one punch was indeed too terrifying.

"The first question is, how did this stone appear and why does Smallville have this kind of stone?"

Rorschach looked at Whitney seriously and asked.

Although there is already speculation in mind, it is better to confirm this kind of question.

Whitney and Lana looked at each other, becoming more and more certain that Rorschach was not from Smallville.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the other party not to know.

"More than ten years ago, a meteorite shower hit Smallville, and these stones were brought by the meteorite shower."

Whitney answered truthfully.

Luo Xia nodded secretly in his heart.

More than ten years ago, this time was completely consistent, and it happened to be Da Chao's current age.

Then there is no doubt about the matter. It seems that these meteorites are the source of so many meteorites in the DC world.

He came to Earth with Da Chao.

"Second question, who is the meteorite weirdo?"

Rorschach asked again to confirm.

Whitney was a little confused.

Originally, he thought that Rorschach was a meteorite monster like himself.

As a result, the other party didn’t know what the meteorite weirdo was?

Is it because the other party has just arrived in Smallville and has just gained abilities, so he is a novice?

"The stone in your hand contains some incomprehensible energy, which can affect some people and give them certain abilities."

"These people who gain abilities due to the influence of meteorites are generally called meteorite weirdos."

Whitney explains again.

This is the same as Rorschach's previous guess.

The so-called "meteorite monster" in this small town must have been exposed to the special cosmic energy radiation in the kryptonite, which caused some kind of mutation.

Feeling carefully on Whitney, Rorschach did indeed feel a certain amount of cosmic energy.

I wonder if I can absorb the cosmic energy from Whitney?

When Rorschach thought of this, he directly stretched out his hand towards Whitney.

"伱, what do you want to do?"

Whitney was immediately startled and shrank back as a reflex.


But an invisible wall of power suddenly came from behind, and Whitney was immediately blocked.

Whitney couldn't rush out at all, and watched helplessly as Rorschach put his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, I don't eat people."

Rorschach couldn't help laughing when she saw Whitney looking like she was about to pee with fear.

Whitney breathed a long sigh of relief when she saw that Rorschach just put his hand lightly on her shoulder and did not hurt herself.

But at the same time, he was also frightened by the other party's inexplicable actions.

You are a grown man, why would you do something to yourself?

Shouldn't it?

It’s not my fault that I’m handsome!


"how come!"

But then, Whitney was extremely surprised to find that her ability suddenly disappeared.

The strange ability that made me love and hate him suddenly disappeared.


Whitney tried again.

As a result, no matter what he tried, the whole scene was calm.

No stone is under its control anymore.

The ability really disappeared.

"what have you done?"

"Why did my powers disappear?"

Whitney stared at Rorschach with wide eyes and surprise.

He has been in the "meteor monster circle" for so long, and this is the first time he knows that his original abilities will disappear.

"That's right, your powers are gone."

Rorschach nodded.

Just now, he had absorbed all of Whitney's cosmic energy.

Whitney across from him was stunned, and his expression was extremely complicated for a moment.

I don’t know whether I am happy or sad.

"Last question, are there many meteorite weirdos in this town?"

Rorschach ignored Whitney and looked at him seriously again and asked.

"I'm not too sure. Many meteorite weirdos hide their identities and don't dare to expose them, for fear of being regarded as freaks."

Whitney shook her head.

Rorschach was a little speechless.

Frankly speaking, he really couldn't understand the brain circuits of these people.

Shouldn't everyone be envious of having superpowers?

Shouldn't it suddenly become a popular fried chicken?

Why is everyone shouting for beating all of a sudden?

"But I remember clearly that many people went to the hospital for physical examination because they were affected by meteorites."

Whitney added another sentence.

Rorschach nodded and waved to Whitney: "Okay, you can go."

Upon hearing these words, Whitney and Lana rushed out as if they had been granted amnesty.

Rorschach was lost in thought.

When he absorbed the cosmic energy from Whitney just now, he discovered something.

The cosmic energy in Whitney is non-toxic!

Although I don't know the principle, it is indeed non-toxic.

Could it be that the toxins are left in Whitney's body?

Or is it some other reason?

Rorschach doesn't know.

But this is good news for Rorschach.

At least it proves that it is feasible to separate the toxicity of kryptonite energy.

There is a living example.

Then the next words...

Rorschach's eyes are clear.

It seems that he will stay in Smallville for a while.

"Find a place to settle down first."

Rorschach made a decision and walked out of the cave in big strides.

Back in Smallville, Rorschach plans to find a real estate agent and buy a house to live in first.

"You are not from Smallville, are you here for the first time?"

But while he was still on the road, a "familiar" figure appeared beside Rorschach.

Clark Kent.

Although Lana is now with Whitney, she is still one of the people Clark Kent cares about most.

He was so frightened in the cave that Clark Kent was naturally alarmed.

Especially when Clark Kent heard that the guy in the cave was investigating the meteor shower more than ten years ago, he couldn't sit still.

Those meteor showers came to this planet with him!

So Clark Kent appeared.


Rorschach's eyebrows jumped slightly. He had just appeared in Smallville and "encountered" Superman?

There wouldn't be such a coincidence in the world, right?

He thought about it for a while and had a vague guess.

"Yes, it's indeed my first time here."

But then, Rorschach chatted with Clark calmly.

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