American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 435 Dachao: My countryman, only you can help me

"Okay, let's just stop here today. It's time for me to go back."

"I'm afraid my parents will be worried if I stay out for too long."

After communicating some things with Jo-El, Clark Kent bid farewell to Jo-El.

"Your parents on Earth? Of course, I'm glad you found a second home here."

Joelle said from the bottom of his heart.

"Let's see you some other time."

The corner of Clark Kent's mouth twitched, but after all, he still couldn't shout the word "father" to Jor-El.

All this was a bit too sudden for him.

"It turns out that you are Kal-El!"

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded not far away.

Clark Kent was suddenly startled and turned his head to look hurriedly.

I saw a strange guy appearing at the gate of the Fortress of Solitude.

Clark Kent's expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

With his super perception, he didn't even notice that this person came to him. He must not be an ordinary person.

"Who are you?"

Clark Kent stared at the uninvited guest and asked in a low voice.

"Hello Joe, long time no see."

The figure ignored Clark Kent and strutted directly into the Fortress of Solitude.

"Brainiac! Why are you on Earth!"

Qiao El stared at this figure for a few seconds before spitting out such a name from his mouth.

His expression was even more solemn.

That's right.

The visitor turned out to be the super-intelligent robot Brainiac, who had been killed by Rorschach.

To be precise, what Rorschach killed was just one of Brainiac's bodies, nothing more.

"I didn't expect that one day we would see each other again."

There was a touch of sarcasm on Brainiac's face, but he was more energetic, "No, you are just Joel's conscious body now, and this is not considered 'goodbye'."

"Karl, let's go!"

Jor-El ignored Brainiac's sarcasm and immediately warned Clark Kent in a deep voice.

"Who are you?"

Clark Kent's expression was extremely serious.

No matter how stupid he is, he still knows that the person in front of him is no ordinary person.


"You talk so much, Jor-El!"

Brainiac let out a cold snort.


He stretched out his hand suddenly and inserted it on a crystal in the crystal fortress.

Joel's shadow immediately began to flicker, and then suddenly disappeared.

Click, click, click!

In just a blink of an eye, the Crystal Fortress "shrunk" back.

Transformed back into its original cube.

Brainiac's program was far more advanced than Jor-El's, and he easily took control of the Fortress of Solitude.

"Do you know how long I've been looking for you, Kal-El?"

Retracting the cube on the ground, Brainiac began to walk towards Clark Kent step by step.

"What's your purpose?"

Clark Kent stared at Brainiac.

"Don't worry, I just need a drop of your blood, that's all!"


Brainiac put down these words and began to rush towards Clark Kent.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

The two sides began to engage in a fierce battle.

Brainiac is obviously going to have the upper hand, but I have to say that Clark Kent's potential is really great.

Although he was suppressed and beaten by Brainiac, he was only a little embarrassed.

That's all.

No harm was done at all.

Not only that.

With the battle with Brainiac, Clark Kent's potential was constantly pushed out, and he actually completed growth and leaps in a short period of time.

In turn, Brainiac was knocked to the ground.

Brainiac became more and more confused.

what's going on?

What happened to the earth?

He couldn't beat the fake Kal-El before, but now he can't beat the real one either?

But fortunately, Brainiac is not without some back-ups.

In the ensuing battle, he suddenly found a piece of black kryptonite.

Suddenly pressed on Clark Kent's chest.



Clark Kent seemed to be suffering from epilepsy, and his body began to shake violently.

What's more, because the shaking speed was too fast, the whole person turned into a "phantom".

It's impossible to see the whole person of Clark Kent clearly, only a vague outline can be seen.


From the blurry outline, a shadow flew out.

The original Clark Kent also returned to normal.

He stared at the guy who appeared in front of him with wide eyes and couldn't believe it.

That was actually another me!

After returning the Fortress of Solitude to Clark Kent, Rorschach never cared about such a thing again.

He began to focus all his energy on Lex Luthor.

Lex Luthor plays a very important role in Rorschach's next plan to become stronger.

No matter what the motive was, whether he was really frightened by Rorschach, or whether it was the other party's plan to capture the meteorite monster.

According to Rorschach's observation, Lex Luthor did not perfunctorily or deceive himself.

Instead, he really invested a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources to continue looking for other meteorite monsters.

But in addition to this.

Lex Luthor is also quietly building a new secret laboratory.

Sure enough.

This guy is not so honest.

But Rorschach doesn't really care about this kind of thing.

With Lex Luthor's ability, what kind of waves can he make?


While using his super perception to observe Lex Luthor, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Rorschach turned his head and looked "in the air", and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Clark Kent!

Superman actually came to the door on his own initiative?

It must be said that this was indeed something Rorschach had never expected.

I don't know what Superman came to find me for?

With such doubts and curiosity, Rorschach walked over and opened the door.

Clark Kent's anxious face appeared in front of Rorschach.

"Homelander, I need your help!"

"Although I know this seems very sudden and strange, I have no one to turn to except you."

Clark Kent said to Rorschach breathlessly.

Superman's request for help?

This is interesting.

"Come in!"

Rorschach waved at Clark Kent and invited Superman into the house.

Rorschach was very curious about what happened that could make Superman so flustered.

In any case, this is Superman!

Of course.

At this stage, it is just curiosity.

As for whether to help or not, that is another matter.

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