American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 436 The Darkened Dachao Comes to Kill

Clark Kent nodded, without any nonsense, and immediately followed Rorschach into the house.

"Tea or coffee?"

After all, he was a guest, and Rorschach still planned to entertain Clark Kent.

"People of the motherland, we don't have time now, so there is no need to bother."

Clark Kent waved his hand, and it could be seen that the other party was really anxious.

When Rorschach saw this, he stopped being pretentious.

He sat down directly in front of Clark Kent.

Just as he was about to say something, Rorschach's expression suddenly changed.

Because at this time, he suddenly noticed something: "Wait a minute Clark, are you bleeding?"

There is a famous scene in "Batman vs. Superman" where Batman seriously asks Superman: "Will you bleed?"

In the eyes of ordinary people, Superman is an invincible, god-like, perfect and strong man.

No matter how powerful a person is, they will bleed, get injured, and die, but Superman will not, because Superman is a god!

But now.

Rorschach discovered that Clark Kent had blood and wounds on his body.

Superman actually bleeds!

Who is it that can beat Dachao to death?

Rorschach is still very curious about this.

Could it be.

Did someone realize that Da Chao was afraid of Kryptonite, so he used Kryptonite to destroy Da Chao and then hurt Da Chao?

This is the only most reasonable reason Rorschach can think of.

after all.

It is really too difficult to beat Dachao head-on to bleed.

It's not that Rorschach is narcissistic. Judging from the two battles between him and Da Chao, apart from him, there is really no one who can do this kind of thing.

"That's what I'm telling you, folks, there's a very dangerous man coming to Smallville."

Clark Kent's face was extremely solemn, and he was also extremely fearful.

"I don't know who he is, and I don't know what his purpose is, but I'm sure he must have a very big conspiracy."

"I don't know this person, but I think maybe you will know that his name is Brainiac."

Clark Kent spoke quickly to Rorschach and gave him a name.


Luo Xia raised his eyebrows slightly.

This name does sound very familiar. He must be a character in DC comics.

It's just not that famous.

But after thinking about it carefully, Rorschach still remembered something.

It seemed to be an intelligent robot, and it also seemed to be a super villain.

Wait a moment!

When I think of this, everything comes together.

It turns out that the robot he killed a few days ago was Brainiac!

Wasn't the other party's purpose at that time just to take away a drop of Dachao's blood?

Originally Rorschach thought he had killed the other party.

But now it seems that that guy is just like Ultron, not so easy to kill.

"Go on, Clark."

Rorschach pondered for a moment, then stared at Clark Kent seriously and asked.

If it were other things, Rorschach really wouldn't be interested.

But this Brainiac is Rorschach's enemy, so Rorschach naturally wants to know about it.

"The thing is like this, after you left that day..."

Clark Kent began to talk about Rorschach.


But just halfway through his words, a sonic boom sounded.

next moment.

The door of Rorschach's house was suddenly violently broken open.

A huge strong wind also blew in, which was caused by someone moving too fast.

Luo Xia looked at the uninvited guest who suddenly appeared in his home, with a slight shock on his face.

Another big super?


This other Super Champion seems to be in a very bad state.

Yes, this is a dark version of Superman.

The function of Brainiac's black kryptonite is to split a person in two.

Split out another dark version of the "clone".

at the same time.

The original owner will lose all abilities.

"You, a loser, are actually here?"

The dark version of Superman glanced at Clark Kent, his face full of contempt and disdain, "You have such a powerful ability, but you live such a useless life, I am really ashamed."

If he doesn't disappear if he kills the main body, the first thing the dark version of Superhero will do is to kill Clark Kent.

"I won't let you do whatever you want, I will stop you!"

Clark Kent, who has become an ordinary person, stares at the dark version of Super with his eyes firmly fixed on him.


The dark version of Superman swayed, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and suddenly appeared in front of Clark Kent.


He reached out, grabbed Clark Kent's neck, and picked him up.

"You're such a loser and you dare to talk nonsense."

With a cold snort, the dark version of Superman threw Clark Kent out like a piece of trash.


Clark Kent fell to the ground like a dead dog.

His head hit the wall and he fainted on the spot.

And this time.

The dark version of Superman began to walk towards Rorschach step by step: "Homelander, all the memories of you in my mind are labeled with a label, 'shame'!"

"Yes, you are very powerful, but now, I have been reborn! I am no longer the same person as before."

"Today, I will return all the shame to you!"


After saying this, the dark version of Superman shook his body and rushed towards Rorschach as fast as lightning.

That speed was actually three times faster than the previous Clark Kent.

Is it really three times stronger when he turns black?

Rorschach complained slightly, turned his hand violently, and punched the dark version of Superman hard.


With a loud bang, the dark version of Superman's body immediately flew backwards like a cannonball.

A big hole was knocked out of the wall of Rorschach's house, and then it fell back onto the street outside.


Cracks also appeared on the ground.

"This shouldn't be!"

"How could this happen!"

The dark version of Superman immediately got up from the ground, staring at Rorschach with his eyes full of surprise.

His strength had been greatly enhanced by the black kryptonite, and he thought that he would have no problem dealing with Homelander.

As a result.

He was beaten by Homelander!

How strong is this Homelander?

Did he not use his full strength when he beat up his other self before?


The dark version of Superman was immediately angry.


He shook his body and rushed towards Rorschach again.

But Rorschach just stretched out his hand, and a huge telekinesis came into play in an instant.

He immediately imprisoned the dark version of Superman.

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