American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 458 Doctor Strange and Miss America travel through the universe

After greeting the leaders of Krako, Rorschach came to the King's Hall with Charles, Eric and others.



The White Queen, Cyclops, Hashirama Senju, and other core mutants all surrounded him excitedly.

"Everyone, I'm back!"

Among the crowd, Rorschach nodded to everyone with a smile.

In the past, I didn't really feel much, but now that I have been to another universe, Rorschach really feels that Krako is my home.

Stepping into this familiar place at this moment, Rorschach really has a warm feeling of returning home.

Needless to say, the next step is naturally not much.

Charles and others have already prepared a grand welcome ceremony to welcome Rorschach's return.

Rorschach is not hypocritical.

Together with everyone, the host and the guest are happy.

"Okay, tell me about the situation in these years. Nothing should have happened in Krako, right?"

After the banquet, everyone gathered together again and discussed business.

Rorschach was still very relieved about Krako's powerful "national defense force".

Not to mention, Charles and Eric, the two hangers-on, can almost withstand any threat.

Not to mention Cyclops, Storm and other X-Men.

As for the five Infinity Stones that Rorschach left in Krako?

It's a bit bullying to say this.

That's why Rorschach was relieved to wander in other worlds for so many years.

"Don't worry, Rorschach, everything is fine in Krako."

Charles smiled and nodded to Rorschach, and then briefly introduced the general situation of Krako.

As Charles said, everything is fine.

"So, what about Krako?"

Rorschach asked casually again.

When Rorschach asked this, he clearly saw that the expressions of several mutant backbones moved slightly.

It seems that something really happened in the Marvel world!

Rorschach knew what was going on.

"Rorschach, there is one thing I think you need to know."

Eric said with a serious face, "We just captured two people from other universes."

From other universes?


It seems that the strength of the two "visitors from other dimensions" should not be very strong?

Rorschach's curiosity was really aroused all of a sudden.

"Rorschach, to be honest, when you insisted on going to other universes, I didn't understand it a little bit."

Hank's voice sounded at this time, and the first scientist of Krako couldn't help but sigh, "But the facts prove that you are right. The world will soon usher in the era of the multiverse, and fortunately, we are not completely ignorant of this."

After sighing, Hank began to take the initiative to introduce the two "visitors from other dimensions" to Rorschach.

"Just yesterday, our cosmic barrier was suddenly broken, and two uninvited guests came to our universe."

"One of them is Stephen Strange, he is a magician."

"And the other one is America."

"After preliminary observation, America seems to be an ordinary girl, nothing special."

"Of course, the specific situation still needs us to investigate."

And the expression on Rorschach's face opposite Hank became quite interesting.

Doctor Strange?

Miss America?

Isn't this the plot of "Doctor Strange 2"?

Multiverse of Madness?

If so, doesn't it mean that this universe will face the threat of the blackened Scarlet Witch?

Blackened Scarlet Witch, this is a tough character.

One person overthrew Kamar-Taj, killed the Illuminati, and traversed the entire universe without anyone to fight against.

To be honest, Rorschach used to be a little lacking in confidence when facing such a tough character.

But what about now?

Rorschach really wanted to see how powerful the evil Scarlet Witch was.

"What about those two people? Were they imprisoned in Krako?"

Rorschach immediately looked at the backbones in front of him and asked.

"In fact, they were not imprisoned in Krako, but in another secret base."

Charles' face showed a meaningful look.

"Rorschach, there is something we need to tell you." Eric said, "During the years when you traveled in the universe, Charles and some people formed a secret organization."

Thinking of Iron Man's reaction before, Rorschach raised his eyebrows: "Iron Man is also in that organization, right?"

Wait a minute!

Rorschach's heart immediately moved when he thought of this.

An organization founded by Professor X and Iron Man?

This is the Illuminati, right?

This organization is a complete troublemaker, and it is more likely to cause trouble than to help.

I didn't expect Charles to actually establish such an organization with Iron Man and others.

"After the Infinite Ultron invaded our universe, some people in our universe finally realized that the multiverse really exists. In order to deal with this threat from the multiverse, Stark and I established an organization."

"It's called the Illuminati."


It really is the Illuminati.

Rorschach was speechless.

"Rorschach, the Illuminati plans to try Strange and the others in two hours. You should come with us."

"When I founded the organization, I told everyone that this organization is open to you."

"Because you are the biggest trump card of our universe."

Charles' voice sounded, and he said to Rorschach seriously.

In any case, Homelander is also recognized as the world's strongest!

When Infinite Ultron invaded the universe, it was Homelander who saved the world.

For things involving other universes, Homelander is the most qualified to participate.

Of course, the most critical thing is that if the situation develops to an uncontrollable point, Rorschach has to turn the tide.


Rorschach nodded.

In fact, he is really interested in some things in other parallel universes.

For example, are there Rorschachs in other universes?

Rorschach knew that he had traveled through time several times and gave birth to some parallel universes.

In those parallel universes, there must be other Rorschachs.

But what about other things?

Rorschach didn't know.

In addition, Rorschach is also optimistic about Miss America's ability to travel through the multiverse.

It can even be said that the other party's ability is also very useful to Rorschach.

If the other party stays in Krako, then in the future, if Rorschach or other people from Krako encounter danger in other universes, everyone can rush over to provide support.

"Okay, Rorschach, it's time for us to go."

After communicating with each other for a while, Charles looked at the time and stood up and said to Rorschach.

Rorschach didn't say anything nonsense and set off with Charles.

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