American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 459 The Dark Scarlet Witch Arrives to Kill

"Charles, the fighter plane is ready and can take off at any time."

The loyal and reliable Hank also stood up and said to Charles.

"The fighter plane is too slow, Charles, let me take you there."

Luo Xia smiled and said such a pretentious statement.

But the mutant backbones around him didn't think there was anything wrong.

Rorschach's speed was indeed able to leave the Blackbird fighter far behind.

"Okay, then Rorschach, where we are going is..."

"I already know, Charles." Rorschach smiled and interrupted Charles.

His super hearing has been dissipated, and once he hears Iron Man's voice, he knows everything.

Iron Man is already at the secret base of the Illuminati at this moment.

"Rorschach, this is just showing off! Chi Guoguo is showing off!"

Raven laughed and complained.

"No, I will show off next."

Rorschach smiled and used telekinesis to wrap Charles.

His body swayed and he suddenly disappeared.

The mutant backbones at the scene were immediately stunned.

People of the motherland have become stronger!

Much stronger than six years ago!

Immediately afterwards, the mutants began to become excited one by one.

This is a good thing.

The stronger the people of the motherland are, the better it is for Krakow.


Just when the mutants were slandering.

The Rorschach has appeared with Charles outside the Illuminati's secret base.

After some identity verification, Charles drove straight in and took Rorschach to the core of the base.

There, several people were already waiting.

Rorschach looked around and saw basically some familiar faces.

Even though we don’t have much interaction with some people, we can still recognize who they are.

"People of the motherland, I knew you would definitely come. I said we would meet again."

Iron Man Tony Stark first greeted Rorschach.

"People of the motherland!"

Sitting next to Iron Man, a man who looked equally cool and cool, nodded lightly to Rorschach.

Surprisingly, it is Doctor Strange.

"I finally meet the people from my motherland. By the way, I am a fan of You."

A handsome middle-aged man with a beard stood up politely.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Reed Richards."

Reed Richards?

Isn't this Mr. Fantastic?

The one who was made into human noodles by Scarlet Witch in "Doctor Strange 2".

Of course.

This universe is not the parallel universe in "Doctor Strange 2", and even the members of the Illuminati are different.

Coupled with Rorschach's presence, Mr. Fantastic will naturally not face such a tragic fate again.

There was also a man who looked very strong and powerful. He closed his mouth tightly and said nothing. He just nodded to Rorschach.

There is no doubt that it is Black Bolt.

"Rorschach, this is Black Bolt. Whenever he opens his mouth, he will produce a fatal sonic attack, so he usually doesn't speak."

Charles explained to Rorschach on the side.

Rorschach has known this for a long time.

But he didn't say much, he just nodded and greeted Black Bolt.

After everyone had a simple opening, there was no more nonsense and everyone took their seats.

"Rorschach, you are not an official member of the Illuminati, so we have arranged a seat for you to sit in there."

Charles took Rorschach to a separate location, which only made Rorschach more prominent.

Rorschach didn't pay attention and sat down gracefully.

"Okay, bring up the other Stephen."

After everything was ready, Iron Man casually gave this order to the intelligent robot waiting aside.

The two intelligent robots immediately turned around and walked out.

After a while, another Doctor Strange appeared.

Rorschach took a careful look. Doctor Strange's hairstyle was a slicked-back style, with a handful of white hair on each side.

The whole person looked a lot colder.

This is?

Luo Xia recognized it after thinking about it for a while.

This Doctor Strange is surprisingly the Doctor Strange who died at the beginning of "Doctor Strange 2".

"So, what exactly is this place?"

Doctor Strange from another dimension turned his head and glanced at the people present, and couldn't help but ask.

"Forget it, it's not important. What's important is that you need to let me go immediately. She will find her here!"

"When the time comes, this place will be destroyed by her like Kama Taj!"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, Doctor Strange from another dimension once again spoke to everyone with great solemnity.

"Kama Taj was actually destroyed?"

Doctor Strange himself suddenly looked extremely surprised.

In his opinion, Kama Taj can be said to be the most powerful place in the entire universe.

As a result, it will be destroyed?

How is this possible?

"Yes, Kamal Taj was destroyed, by one man."

Doctor Strange from another dimension nodded heavily, "Wanda."


Who is this?

All the members of the Illuminati felt a little confused, and each looked thoughtful.

They had never heard of this name.

After all, many things have changed in this universe since the butterfly Rorschach flapped its wings.

The Battle of New York did not happen, and Hydra was annihilated in history long ago.

Wanda Maximoff never accepted Hydra's secret experiment.

She never became an Avenger.

She has no intersection with the original Marvel events, so she is still a "little transparent" until now.

However, Wanda still awakened to magic, after all, her magic did not come from the scepter.

The scepter is just a switch, nothing more, and it is not the source of Wanda's power.

"You don't know Wanda? In your world, Wanda is not an important character?"

Doctor Strange from another dimension was also very surprised.

"But it's useless, she can still come to this world through sleepwalking witchcraft."

But soon, the face of Doctor Strange from another dimension began to become ugly again.

"So who is this Wanda?"

Mr. Fantastic asked with a serious face.

Doctor Strange from another dimension explained the identity of Scarlet Witch and the fact that Scarlet Witch was hunting Miss America.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became depressing.

Everyone's expressions became solemn when they heard that a person who single-handedly destroyed Kamar-Taj might come to their door.

Even for them, such an enemy is scary enough.



Before he could say anything else, a harsh warning sounded throughout the base.

Iron Man immediately clicked twice in the void, and a screen was projected.

It showed that a woman came in like a killer.

Without a doubt, it must be Wanda.

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