American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 466 Isn't it just rewriting reality? I'll change it for you!

"Are you comforting me or what? This kind of thing is never easy."

The blackened Wanda shook her head repeatedly, a little confused and a little sad.

Thinking about how she had made such great efforts but failed, she still couldn't let it go.

"Wanda, although you don't want to admit it, the Dark Book has indeed affected your brain and made your thinking enter a dead end."

Rorschach hit the nail on the head and pointed directly to the crux of the problem, "Your request is very simple, but you just want two children, which is really not a difficult thing."

"Let alone, modern scientific and technological means are so advanced, test tube babies and cloning can easily do this."

"Even if you don't believe in science, what about magic?"

"You once created two sons in Westview, why can't you do it again?"

When she was in Westview, Scarlet Witch didn't get the Dark Book, and her strength was far less powerful than it is now.

At that time, she could rewrite the reality of a small town and create Vision, Quicksilver, and her own pair of sons.

Now it's not possible?

Blackened Wanda was stunned. She had never really considered the ideas proposed by Rorschach.

But soon she shook her head again: "You don't understand. I can't do it again. I can't do it. It was just an accident."

The most critical factor for Wanda to rewrite Westview at that time was that she couldn't accept Vision's death.

She subconsciously completed it under the huge emotional impact.

And now?

Wanda has let it go.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you can't do it." Rorschach spread his hands, "But I can do it."


Blackened Wanda began to think that Rorschach was making fun of her again.

This guy is not even a magician, right?

But soon.

Blackened Wanda was speechless.

Because Rorschach flipped his hand and took out the Infinity Gauntlet.

"Infinity Gems, you actually have all the Infinity Gems!"

Blackened Wanda was shocked.

Thanos tossed around in the universe, bringing endless disasters and pain to their universe.

For this thing, isn't it?

The result.

The person in front of me also has it?

"What did you do? Why do you have the Infinity Stones!"

The blackened Wanda stared at Rorschach and asked.

Could it be that the person in front of me is the "Thanos" from another parallel universe?

If that's the case, the blackened Wanda will never accept this person's help.

"Wanda, you misunderstood."

The Doctor Strange from another dimension spoke at this time to explain to Rorschach, "Homelander is not Thanos, he didn't snap his fingers, he is a superhero like the Avengers, you used sleepwalking witchcraft to control Wanda in their world, then you should know this."

The blackened Wanda was silent.

Because the Doctor Strange from another dimension was telling the truth.

When she controlled the other self, she read the other's consciousness and thinking.

In that other universe, there is indeed no big devil called Homelander.

Just now, the blackened Wanda overreacted.

But if that's the case...

The blackened Wanda's eyes lit up and she regained hope.

Since Homelander has all the gems, it is no problem for her to create her own son.

She can even revive the two sons who disappeared with Westview!

Those are her real sons!

"Then, please! Please help me!"

Blackened Wanda said to Rorschach.

There is nothing to say next.

Rorschach put on the Infinity Gauntlet and "created" a pair of sons for the other party according to Blackened Wanda's request.



When the two boys rushed to Blackened Wanda in a very close manner, Blackened Wanda's face was already full of tears.

Doctor Strange and Miss America from another dimension, as well as the second Doctor Strange who was using magic to monitor all this in Kamar-Taj, all breathed a sigh of relief.

The matter was perfectly resolved.

No one was hurt.

"Thank you, my countryman!"

"I will always remember everything you have done for me!"

After hugging her two sons tightly in her arms for a moment, Scarlet Witch, no, Wanda, raised her head again.

She said to Rorschach sincerely.

At this moment, Rorschach immediately knew that there was no need to worry about Wanda's affairs.

The influence of the Dark Book on her would be ended.

For Wanda, family affection is more important than anything else.

With her two sons, the Dark Book is not a concern.

Even in the original movie, her two sons did not recognize her, which was enough to make Wanda "repent" and take the initiative to destroy the Dark Book.

Not to mention now.

"And you, America."

Then, Wanda turned her eyes to Miss America again, with a sincere apology on her face.

"Forget it, let everything go."

Miss America was so angry that she couldn't vent it at this time.

She opened her mouth, but finally waved her hand "generously".

Facing such a Wanda, Miss America, who is kind-hearted by nature, really has a hard time caring about anything.

"Wanda, then I won't disturb your mother-son reunion."

Rorschach smiled and waved again.


A space shuttle door appeared again.

He, Doctor Strange from another dimension, and Miss America stepped into it one by one, and then disappeared.

Last time, because he was not very skilled, Rorschach's shuttle door was a little off, which alarmed Iron Man.

However, after becoming skilled this time, Rorschach's shuttle door was opened in Krako, in the King's Palace.

It was exactly where he left before.

"Rorschach, are you back?"

Butler Raven was busy with some things. When she saw Rorschach and others suddenly appear, she immediately greeted them excitedly.

After learning that the matter was perfectly resolved, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became enthusiastic.

This is all needless to say.

After this incident, Miss America also abided by the agreement between her and Rorschach.

She stayed in Krako and became a legal citizen of Krako.

Since then.

Krako now has one more super mutant who can help everyone travel through parallel universes.

"Homelander, America, I have to go."

"Strange, thank you for everything you have done for me."

As for Doctor Strange from another dimension?

After a few days of playing in Krako, he formally said goodbye to everyone.

Rorschach naturally had nothing to say.

He immediately used the Infinity Stones to open a space door and sent Doctor Strange from another dimension back.

"Okay, America, let's go back."

Raven smiled and greeted Miss America, "You have three days to rest before I start training you. Do you need me to be your guide?"


Miss America was caught off guard.

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