American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 467 Major incident, Phoenix power out of control

"Of course, training."

Rorschach smiled at Miss America, "You can't control your abilities at all now, right?"

Miss America was speechless because that was the truth.

If she had more reliable control over her abilities, she wouldn't be chased to the sky by the Scarlet Witch.

"I don't want to say anything discouraging, but I have practiced countless times for more than ten years, but even now, I don't know how to open the space door."

Miss America was slightly self-conscious.

Doesn't this make her look too useless?

"Do you know what you are missing?" Raven said with a meaningful look on her face, "An experienced teacher! We have many here! Come on, I will take you around Krakow first."

Raven just took Miss America away.

Rorschach doesn't need to worry about the next thing.

Although it has been confirmed by Charles, Miss America is not a mutant at all.

But Rorschach believes that Charles and the White Queen's experience in guiding mutants will definitely come in handy here.

It won't be long before Miss America can truly master her own abilities and open the space door to any parallel universe at will.

What about Rorschach?

He immediately called Hank over.

He handed over the fruits of his many years of hard work in the DC world to Hank.

That's right, it's the technical information on using Kryptonian fragments to create Kryptonite.

"Hank, the technology here is not perfect yet and the conversion efficiency is too low. I need to speed up the progress."

Rorschach ordered to Hank.

This is also an important reason why Rorschach did not transform and absorb the "Kryptonite Mountain" in the DC world, but planned to return to Marvel just now.

Progress is too slow.

According to Oliver's technology, it would actually take more than fifty years to completely convert that entire mountain of kryptonite.

This is too exaggerated.

Moreover, for such a large kryptonite mountain, according to the other party's technical data, it is estimated that the kryptonite eventually converted will be equivalent to one million origin points.

Rorschach was naturally not so satisfied with this.

"I understand and I will do my best."

Hank adjusted his glasses and responded to Rorschach solemnly.

"I know you will." Rorschach nodded with unusual assurance.

Hank has always been very reliable in his work.

But even so, Rorschach still underestimated the difficulty of this matter.

Hank led a research team and spent a full month.

To study, to analyze.

No obvious results were obtained.

Converting Kryptonian fragments into Kryptonite is not that easy.

Even though we have the foundation on Oliver's side, it's still very difficult to go further.

no way.

The technical upper limit is there.

"Maybe I'm too impatient."

Rorschach then thought about it and felt that his mentality was not correct.

When it comes to scientific research, how many scientists take several years, ten years, or even decades to produce results?

There are also countless people who may not be able to achieve any results even after a lifetime of research.

It's only been a month, so what does it count?

What's more, Hank already represents the top scientific level in the Marvel world, even better than Tony Stark.

Who in this world is most likely to fulfill Rorschach's requirements?

There is no doubt that Hank has the greatest possibility here.

"Hank, don't work too hard. What I've given you is a long-term project, and you don't have to produce results in a short time."

After walking around the laboratory, Rorschach saw that Hank was still researching without sleep or food, so Rorschach couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder.

Speak to the other person from the bottom of your heart.

As for Hank's research method, if it weren't for the mutants' powerful bodies, it would be too much for ordinary people.

"I know, I will."

Hank nodded repeatedly, but his actions were still not idle.

Rorschach could only shake his head and sigh, and silently left the laboratory.

Similar conversations have been held between the two many times.

Rorschach tried to persuade Hank many times, but to no avail.

After coming out of Hank's place, Rorschach went to the X-Men training base again.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

As soon as she arrived at the base, she saw Miss America punching the air one after another.

Looking very hard.


Raven saw Rorschach coming in and immediately wanted to say hello to Rorschach.

However, Luo Xia immediately made a silent gesture and stopped him.

Raven didn't say anything more, but continued to coach Miss America as if nothing had happened.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!


Another ten minutes passed.

Miss America punched forward, and a cool five-pointed star space door immediately appeared in front of her.

"Successful, I succeeded again, did you see it Raven!"

Miss America clapped her hands and shouted excitedly.

Although her ability is still very basic now, it is much stronger than the original "random trigger".

Don’t forget that it’s only been a month, that’s all.

She had been standing still for more than ten years!

This is already a huge improvement.

"Not bad, America."

Luo Xia just walked out with a smile.

"People of the motherland!"

Miss America was shocked at first, and then she became more and more excited.

She didn't expect that she would do this in front of the people of her motherland.

"Did you see it? I did it. I opened the space door!"

Miss America excitedly pointed at the space door and shouted to Rorschach.

"Yes, you did, very well."

Rorschach nodded with great approval, which made Miss America even more excited.

If she initially stayed in Krakow just because of the deal with Rorschach, now after staying here for more than a month, Miss America really likes this place.

Treat this place as your own home.

He also respects and admires Rorschach more and more, Clark's king and the benefactor who saved him.

It definitely feels different to get recognition from such a character.

"I am proud of you."

She wanted to continue saying something to Miss America, but Rorschach's heart suddenly moved, and in the end she just said this to the other party.

Then he swayed and disappeared with a bang.

Because just now, Rorschach's super hearing had heard that something happened to Clarko.

The Phoenix Female Piano is out of control!

If this matter is not handled well, it may be a disaster for the entire Krakow.

With Rorschach's current strength, very few people in the entire universe are afraid of him.

But Qin, who holds the power of the Phoenix, is definitely one.

If the opponent's power completely exploded, Luo Xia wouldn't be able to fight it.

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