American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 470: The motherland, the motherland is here!

San Francisco, California.

Bus all the way.

"Did you see that girl? Writing papers on the bus, that's what my mother wants me to be."

Katie sat next to Shangqi, whispering to a girl who was working hard in front of her.

"Then I'm really sorry for her."

Shangqi couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

He had known Katie since he moved here, and the two had been friends for ten years.

No one knew Katie better than him.

This was a very "open-minded" person, just like himself, without any ambitions or ideals.

Being a doorman with Shangqi was also fun.

Not to mention writing papers on the bus, I couldn't even write in the office.

The two were talking and laughing heartlessly as usual, when a big man with a ponytail suddenly walked up to Shangqi.

He looked Shangqi up and down, and suddenly said coldly: "Give me the necklace, and no one will get hurt."

The so-called "necklace" was the pendant on Shangqi's neck.

It was also Rorschach's target.

Shang-Chi's mind immediately moved.

The first thought that flashed through his mind was, could this person be sent by his father Xu Wenwu?

Otherwise, who would target his pendant?

That pendant is not a valuable thing like a gem.

What's more, the clothes worn by the big man in front of him are also very valuable, and it is even more impossible for him to be a robber.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

Although he had a guess in his mind, Shang-Chi still shook his head like a fool.

The ponytail man sneered.

He didn't say any more nonsense to Shang-Chi, and started to rob directly!

Shang-Chi was forced to do nothing but take action.


With just one punch, the ponytail man was knocked to the ground.

However, the ponytail man was not just one person, there were many accomplices on the bus.

At that moment, six or seven big men all surrounded Shang-Chi and beat him up.

But Shang-Chi had been through the rigorous training of Xu Wenwu since he was a child, and his skills were amazing.

He was also very capable of fighting against many people alone.

He easily knocked all the big men to the ground.

"Thank you, who are you?"

Katie was stunned. Is this really the old friend she had known for ten years?

It's too exaggerated!


At this time.

A big man with a beard who had been sitting in the last row of the bus suddenly stood up.

He took off the shabby military coat on his body, and his exaggerated muscles were immediately revealed to everyone.

Not only that, one of this man's arms was broken.

But at the "break", a metal "part" was installed, and no one knew what it was used for.

But even so, anyone with eyes could see at a glance that the big man was definitely not an ordinary person.

At least not comparable to those who besieged Shang-Chi before.


As expected.

The next moment.

The broken hand of the bearded man shook violently, and a big knife popped out.

Not only that, the big knife turned red in an instant.

It was obviously heated by the other party in an unknown way.


Without saying a word, the bearded man swung the big knife and slashed at Shangqi fiercely.

The two of them started a fierce battle in the narrow bus.

Although Shangqi was unarmed, he was a master of martial arts and could deal with it in an orderly manner.

But the bus was in trouble, and was destroyed by the bearded man.

What's more, the brake system was completely destroyed, and the bus was completely out of control.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

A huge bus began to run rampant on the road.

The passengers on the bus began to scream in panic.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely tense.


But in the next moment.

Something strange happened.

The bus, which was running out of control, seemed to have been paused.

It suddenly stopped.

The speed dropped from 80 kilometers per hour to zero!

What was even more strange was.

The bus speed changed so much that all the passengers on the bus should have been thrown out due to the huge inertia.

But an unknown force enveloped everyone at the same time, leaving everyone safe and sound.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

"Thank God!"

The passengers on the bus looked at each other.

Although they were confused, they all had a look of joy on their faces as if they had survived a disaster.

Only Shang Qi and the big man Qiu Ran looked around with great vigilance.

No matter what force caused the bus to stop strangely, it was obviously a supernatural power.

And if it was a supernatural power, it meant...

There were supernatural people!


There was a loud bang.

The door of the bus was also opened by an unknown force.

A very young oriental youth walked in leisurely.

The bus suddenly fell into silence.

Then the whole bus exploded.

"People of the motherland!"

"He is from the motherland!"

"The people of the motherland saved us!"

All the passengers were in high spirits and cheered with great excitement.

The eyes that looked at Rorschach one by one were burning.

People of the motherland.

It was unexpected that they would see such a heavyweight in person.

As for Shang Qi and Qiu Ran, they smelled something unusual.

Who in the world doesn't know that the people of the motherland are not typical superheroes like Iron Man and Captain America.

Although this person has saved the world many times, he usually doesn't take action unless it's a major disaster.

The kind of "pediatrics" like this should not alarm the people of the motherland at all.

Under everyone's gaze, Luo Xia walked up to Shang Qi in a swaggering manner.

Shang Qi's heart suddenly trembled. Could it be that the people of the motherland are also here for him?

He can deal with the people sent by his father with ease, but he can't deal with great gods like the people of the motherland.

"Lend me your pendant."

Luo Xia's voice sounded, and he spoke directly to Shang Qi without any nonsense.

Shang Qi's expression suddenly changed.

The expression of the tall man beside Shang Qi changed even more.

"People of the motherland, if it is other things, I will definitely help you, but this thing? This is my mother's relic, I'm sorry!"

Shang Qi shook his head firmly.

"Then~ I'm sorry too."

Luo Xia said this to Shang Qi and reached out to him casually.


The pendant hanging around Shang Qi's neck suddenly flew into Luo Xia's hands.


After doing all this, Rorschach swayed and disappeared in front of everyone.

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