American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 471: My countrymen? I dare not provoke them.


Seeing Rorschach take the pendant away, Qiu Ran and other subordinates of Xu Wenwu all looked extremely ugly.

Since the pendant was taken away by the Homelander, it was no longer something they could handle.

Even if they were a hundred times or a thousand times more powerful, they would never be able to snatch the pendant back from the Homelander.

"Let's go!"

Qiu Ran's mouth twitched, and he had to wave to his subordinates and took everyone out of the car.

"Boss, we are in big trouble."

The moment he got out of the car, Qiu Ran took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.


Ten Rings Base.

"What did you say, Homelander?"

Xu Wenwu was sitting in front of the tea table calmly making tea, so leisurely.

But after receiving a call, his voice immediately rose slightly by an octave, and the complacency on his face disappeared in an instant.

Instead, he showed an extremely solemn and painful look.

Since he got the ten rings, Xu Wenwu has mastered the unimaginable power in this world.

For thousands of years, he has conquered almost everything he wanted to conquer.

He has never been defeated.

All the strong men in the world, including Iron Man, Captain America and other Avengers, or Professor X, Magneto and other X-Men.

Xu Wenwu never really took them seriously.

In front of his ten rings, Xu Wenwu believed that there would be no opponents.

But there was one person who was an exception.


That guy is a complete copy of Superman.

Even Xu Wenwu was very afraid of him.

This is a strong man that even Xu Wenwu has no confidence in.

Not to mention, Homelander is not only extremely powerful, but also has a large number of mutant forces under his command.

Although Xu Wenwu didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that Homelander was an existence he couldn't afford to provoke.

It was an existence that his Ten Rings Corps couldn't afford to provoke.

If the pendant was taken away by such a person, it would be really very troublesome.

"Boss, what should we do?"

The voice of the big man sounded again in the receiver, and the other party asked Xu Wenwu's opinion in a serious voice.

"Let's withdraw first."

Xu Wenwu hesitated for a moment, and could only decide this way.

After the communication was interrupted, Xu Wenwu began to fall into deep thought.

Why did the Homelander take away Shang-Chi's pendant?

The pendant has no other value except hiding the map leading to Tarot.

What's more.

Even if it is really a priceless jewel, with the Homelander's rank, why would he personally take it?


The Homelander's goal must be Tarot!

In addition to Tarot, Xu Wenwu can't think of any other reasons.

And since the Homelander's target is also Tarot...

Xu Wenwu's eyes can't help but light up slightly.

The mantis stalks the cicada, and the oriole is behind!

Why doesn't he just stare at the Homelander!

For Xu Wenwu, the pendant is not important, but the map inside the pendant is important.

As long as the map is found and the way to Tarot is found, it doesn't matter if the pendant is stolen by others.

"Mobilize a satellite to fully monitor the whereabouts of the motherland!"

"In addition, activate the positioning system on the pendant."

Xu Wenwu immediately issued such an order.


After returning from Shangqi, Rorschach went to Shangqi's sister Xu Xialing again.

He also "borrowed" the pendant from Xu Xialing.

Then he returned to Krako.

The total time before and after was only about ten minutes.

For Eric Charles and other backbones of Krako, Rorschach was like he had never left.

At most, he just smoked a cigarette and went to the toilet in the middle.


Rorschach called Hank over again and handed the two pendants to him, "These two pendants hide the map through Tarot, see if you can find it."

Hank nodded without any nonsense, took the pendant and walked down.

And Xu Wenwu's side.

After hearing his subordinates report that Homelander had also taken the second pendant, it was certain.

Homelander's purpose must be Tarot!

Same as his purpose.

Xu Wenwu also regained his spirits.

Under his command, a satellite has begun to make corresponding adjustments silently.

Fully monitoring Krako and everything about Homelander.

However, Rorschach is not too clear about this matter for the time being.

Even if he has great ability, it is impossible for him to detect the satellite monitoring.

After Rorschach returned to Krako, his mind was basically all on the two pendants.

"Rorschach, I found it!"

And Hank, as always, did not disappoint Rorschach.

Ten days later, he took Rorschach to his laboratory with great interest.

"I found the map hidden in it!"

Hank pushed the glasses on his nose and walked to the computer and tapped a few times.


A digital projection appeared in front of Rorschach.

What was displayed on it was a dynamic map.

That’s right.

A dynamic map.

No wonder Tarot has never been found by others for so many years. It turns out that the terrain there changes in real time!

It's similar to the illusion maze in fairy tales.

It's impossible for outsiders to find it.

And according to the plot in the movie, the final entrance to Tarot is still hidden in a cave.

There is a waterfall outside the cave!

How can ordinary people get into the waterfall and find the cave?

Only after passing through the cave will you enter another world, a similar existence to the other dimension.

That setting is definitely a paradise.

"Good job, Hank!"

Rorschach patted Hank on the shoulder and gave high praise.

Then he memorized all the changes in the dynamic map in his mind.

"Rorschach, this is the pendant."

Hank's voice sounded, and he handed the pendant he had studied back to Rorschach.

Rorschach didn't think much about it and put the pendant away casually.

He told Shang-Chi and his sister that he was borrowing it, and that was not a lie, but the truth.

In any case, this was also the relic of their mother, and Rorschach had no reason to "embezzle it".

"Okay, Hank, take a good rest, look at your dark circles."

Reaching out and patting Hank's shoulder, Rorschach greeted him and disappeared with a bang.

Accompanied by such a sonic boom.

The next moment.

Rorschach's figure appeared outside a lush bamboo forest.

According to the map, he had to pass through this bamboo forest to truly reach the key "hole".

To enter Tarot.

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