American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 473 The Tarot Guardian is shocked: The Homelanders are so terrible!

Kick me out?

Rorschach smiled, he didn't even look at Yingnan's hand on his shoulder.

He just said to Yingnan: "You are the guardians here, protecting this world from the invasion of demons, so I want to solve this matter amicably, but if I have to, I can only apologize."

"No, I'm sorry, young man, I can't let you do this."

Yingnan said this to Rorschach, and then he began to exert force violently, trying to catch Rorschach.

But the next moment.

Yingnan's mouth twitched, and his face couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

Rorschach just stood in front of him!

Not to mention being caught by Yingnan, his body didn't even shake.

It seemed that Yingnan's capture was just a breeze.

And for Yingnan in front of him, Rorschach was like a mountain, and he couldn't shake it at all.

It turned out that this young man was really extraordinary!

Such a thought flashed through Yingnan's mind.

Then she did not hold back any more and used all her strength to capture Luo Xia.


It was still useless.

Luo Xia still stood there with a smile, not moving at all.

"It's really amazing. I haven't seen such a talented young man for a long time!"

Yingnan looked at Luo Xia in shock and murmured.

Her strength was top-notch in the entire Tarot. Those masters who were bewitched by the Soul Devouring Beast before could hardly pass her level.

Even Xu Wenwu, the owner of the Ten Rings, and Yingnan's sister Yingli could not beat him.

Yingnan's strength was even more evident.

She was the one who had the deepest understanding of the power of the dragon in the entire Guardian clan.

But now.

She couldn't shake him at all even when he stood there and let her hit him!

How could Yingnan not be shocked?

"Next, I'm sorry!"

She wanted to continue attacking Luo Xia, but at this time, Luo Xia suddenly stretched out his hand to Yingnan.

An enormous telekinetic force immediately imprisoned Yingnan.

Yingnan tried his best to break free, but he couldn't break free at all.

"Everyone, follow me to meet the enemy!"

A sharp shout came from Guangbo's mouth.

It was Guangbo who once again led his tribesmen to rush towards Luosha.

Each of them still held a "dragon scale" weapon in their hands.

That's right, the weapons of the Tarot Guardians are made of dragon scales.

Although they look simple, they are like those weapons in Wakanda, and their power is very terrifying.

Tap tap tap!

Tap tap tap!

A group of people began to swing their weapons in their hands and rushed towards Luosha in a swarm.

But Luosha didn't dodge or evade, but just waved gently at the guardians who rushed over.

A huge telekinetic force was also released.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Something shocking happened.

Including Guangbo, dozens of Tarot Guardians flew into the air at once.

It was like being caught by a pair of invisible big hands!

It was as if the gravity on the ground suddenly disappeared, so that everyone was lifted into the air.

"What kind of trick is this?"

"Who is this guy!"

"Is it fake? How is this possible!"

After a brief silence, there were exclamations one after another.

Including Yingnan and Guangbo, all the guardians looked at Luo Xia with extremely shocked eyes.

They couldn't believe their eyes.

Just waved their hands, and everyone was imprisoned?

These Tarot guardians were so vulnerable in front of this young man!

Who is this guy?

"Everyone, I am 100% sure to kill that demon, you wait for my good news!"

After Luo Xia said this, he started his speed.


With such a sonic boom, Luo Xia's body disappeared in an instant.

Plop plop!

Those Tarot guardians who were imprisoned in the air just fell from the sky like dumplings.

Of course.

With these people's skills and abilities, they will naturally not be hurt at all.

"Not good!"

After getting up from the ground.

Guangbo and his men immediately looked at the cliff on the other side of the lake with great tension.

Their faces changed immediately.

Sure enough.

The figure of the young man has appeared under the seal entrance.

"Quick, we must stop him!"

Guangbo shouted and rushed to the other side of the river.

Yingnan did the same.

He began to exert all his strength and rushed to the other side of the river at the fastest speed.


But the next moment.

A dull and loud sound came out, and a terrifying force also broke out.

The whole Tarot was shaken.

Luo Xia punched hard at the densely packed "dragon scale wall" that sealed the cave entrance.

That's right.

The scales used to seal the Soul Devouring Beast were the dragon scales of the divine dragon.

That's not an ordinary thing.

Not only is it extremely hard, it also contains an enormous amount of spiritual power, and its defensive power is still very amazing.

Even Xu Wenwu, who had obtained the power of the Ten Rings, had to hammer hard for a long time before he broke the seal.

But in Luo Xia's case?



With that punch just now.

Every dragon scale on the entire "Dragon Scale Wall" began to tremble violently.

Spider-web-like cracks appeared on the entire wall, spreading in all directions.

And then.


The entire dragon scale wall collapsed.


"This kind of thing is simply impossible!"

"He actually broke the seal with one punch!"

Yingnan, Guangbo and other guardians on the other side of the river were all shocked and cried out in disbelief.

The seal was so strong, how could someone break it with one punch?

What a joke!

Even the dragon guarding this place couldn't break the seal in one go, right?

What kind of freak was attracted by the Soul Devourer this time?


While they were in shock, a roar of a beast suddenly exploded.

Like thunder in the sky, it shocked everyone.

The next moment.

Under the gaze of everyone.

A terrifying monster that was fifty or sixty meters long just flapped its wings and flew out.

"Soul Devourer!"

"It's over, it's the Soul Devourer!"

"It's bad, it's really bad now!"

All the guardians looked ashen.

It was as if they were slapped hard by someone, and their faces were as ugly as they could be.

They had guarded this place for more than four thousand years, just to prevent the Soul Devourer from passing through the Dark Portal.

But now, this kind of thing has finally happened.

Not only here, but also the outside world will be destroyed.

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