American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 474: Shocking, Terrible Homelander Kills Soul Devourer in Seconds



Not just the Soul Devourer.

As the Soul Devourer's huge body rushed out, a dense number of "little monsters" flew out around it.

Those little monsters were the Soul Suckers.

Rorschach had not studied the specific relationship between them and the Soul Devourer, but the Soul Suckers usually absorbed other people's souls to feed the Soul Devourer.

Although they were small, they were too numerous.

What's more, these Soul Suckers were completely immune to ordinary attacks and had to be attacked with the dragon scale weapons of the Guardian Clan.

In other words.

Only the power of the dragon could kill these Soul Suckers.



The scene was filled with the sound of swallowing saliva.

Whether it was Yingnan, Guangbo, or other guardians, their faces changed drastically.

They felt like their scalps were about to explode.

Their faces were ashen.

The Soul Devourer has been released, and there are so many Soul Sucking Demons, it's over!

Let alone the Soul Devourer, the Guardians can't even deal with these Soul Sucking Demons.

It's all because of that ignorant guy, he will bring disaster to Tarot!

No, not just Tarot, the whole world.

Once the Soul Devourer rushes out of Tarot, there will be no one in the world who can stop that demon.

"What did this guy do?"

Guang Bo's eyes were dull, staring at the Soul Sucking Demons flying all over the sky, and he couldn't muster any fighting spirit at all.

There was no other reason, the difference in strength between the two sides was too big.

"Guang Bo, cheer up!"

Ying Nan shouted at Guang Bo, and then gave orders to all the Guardians around him, "Everyone, prepare to meet the enemy!"

That deafening sound rang in the ears of every Guardian, but exploded in their minds.

Everyone subconsciously cheered up and waved their weapons.

His eyes were fixed on the soul-devouring beast that almost covered the sky and the densely packed soul-sucking demons.


Another earth-shaking roar.

The soul-devouring beast immediately spotted Luo Xia in front of him, and then flapped its wings and flew towards Luo Xia.

Swish, swish, swish!

Several tentacles on its body also began to shoot out quickly towards Luo Xia.

Once Luo Xia was hit by those tentacles, his soul would be swallowed alive by the soul-devouring beast.

But would Luo Xia let this happen?

There is no doubt that this is impossible.


A sonic boom exploded in an instant, and Luo Xia shot towards the soul-devouring beast like a cannonball.


The next moment.

A loud bang suddenly sounded.

Yingnan, Guangbo and other guardians discovered.

The soul-devouring beast, which was as big as a hill, flew backwards with its entire huge body in an instant.

All of a sudden, the cliff behind him collapsed.

The whole Tarot was shaken violently, as if an earthquake had come.

And the Rorschach who knocked down the Soul Devourer?

He was just suspended in the air.

He looked down at the Soul Devourer that he had beaten to death, like a god of war.

He was so majestic and domineering.

"He actually... knocked the Soul Devourer away with one punch?"

"That's the Soul Devourer!"

"Is he really a human?"

All the guardians were dumbfounded, stunned, and couldn't believe their eyes at all.

Knocking the Soul Devourer away with one punch, what a joke!

But this was just the beginning.


The earth-shaking roar sounded again.

At the same time, the mountain collapsed and huge rocks flew everywhere, and the earth was shaking again.

It was the Soul Devourer that flapped its wings again and rushed towards Rorschach.

Luo Xia just floated in the air, without dodging or evading, and just stretched out his hand to the Soul Devourer.

An extremely huge telekinetic force imprisoned the Soul Devourer in an instant.

Just like the guardians such as Yingnan and Guangbo before.

The Soul Devourer was also imprisoned in the air as if caught by an invisible big hand.



The Soul Devourer roared non-stop, and a pair of extremely huge wings fluttered and trembled non-stop.

The movement was simply earth-shaking.


But it could not break free from Luo Xia's palm.

"You dare to provoke Krako?"

Luo Xia looked down at the Soul Devourer with a look like lightning, and snorted coldly.

"Stop, stop quickly!"

"I am willing to surrender!"

At this moment, a panicked cry for help suddenly came from the mouth of the Soul Devourer in front of him.

This surprised Luo Xia.

He couldn't help but look at the Soul Devourer in front of him with a surprised look.

This beast actually spoke human language?

I have to say, this feeling is still very novel.

But considering that this place is a world of cultivating immortals, Luo Xia soon felt relieved.

Cultivating immortals, it's not strange.

However, Luo Xia was not moved at all by the Soul Devourer's plea for mercy.

His face was still cold, as if he didn't hear it, and he just waved at the Soul Devourer.


It was like an invisible big knife slashing down fiercely.

The huge head of the Soul Devourer flew up into the air at once as Luo Xia waved his hand.

The blood at the broken neck gushed out like a fountain.



Its huge head, like a boulder, fell from the sky and hit the ground hard.

It rolled twice.

Luo Xia let go of his hand at this time and put away his telekinesis.


The huge headless body fell to the ground, shaking the whole earth.

"The Soul Devourer... just died like this?"

"He actually... killed the Soul Devourer?"

"He killed the Soul Devourer with a wave of his hand?"

Yingnan, Guangbo and others on the other side of the river were all like being struck by lightning.

They were completely petrified, and their brains were completely shut down.

Some people even subconsciously rubbed their eyes hard to make sure if they saw it wrong.

After all, the scene in front of them was too horrifying.

That's a soul-devouring beast!

Even the dragon couldn't kill it!

But now.

It was killed easily by someone with just a wave of his hand!

What a joke!

If this scene hadn't happened right in front of their eyes, no one would dare to believe this incredible thing.

Even if they saw this scene with their own eyes, everyone still felt unbelievable.

There was no way.

It was too earth-shattering.

It was simply shattering.



In the extreme shock, such a numbing cry rang out, interrupting everyone's thoughts.

It was the densely packed soul-sucking demons that had crossed the Spirit River and flew in front of everyone.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely tense.

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