American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 475 Homelander, the God who saved Tarot!


Facing the overwhelming soul-sucking demons, the guardians couldn't help but swallowed hard.

Their faces all showed an extremely tragic look.

They have guarded the Tarot for more than four thousand years and have fought countless soul-sucking demons. Naturally, they know how powerful the soul-sucking demons are.

Such a large-scale soul-sucking demon is no longer something they can handle.

I am afraid that all the guardians of Tarot will die in battle.

However, after seeing the Soul-Eating Beast being killed with their own eyes before they died, all the Tarot Guardians had no regrets.

"Fire the arrow!"

Yingnan gave an order, and all the guardians shot out the bows and arrows in their hands.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Tsk tsk tsk!

The sound broke through the air immediately.

Several soul-sucking demons were shot to death on the spot.

But compared to the army of soul-sucking demons in front of them, only a handful were killed.

It's not "harmless" at all.


Tsk tsk tsk!

Tsk tsk tsk!

After shooting only two waves, the guardians threw their bows and arrows to the ground helplessly.

Instead he picked up swords, guns and clubs.

Because the soul-sucking demon has already jumped in front of him.

Bows and arrows are useless.


But at this moment, a sonic boom suddenly sounded.

The guardians felt it even more, and a huge air flow hit them head on.

The blow made their breathing stagnate.

And then.

After the flowers bloom in front of my eyes.

Luo Xia's body fell from the sky and landed heavily in front of the guardians.

He calmly waved his hand at the soul-sucking demons.


A wall of telekinesis appeared out of thin air.

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The soul-sucking demons all hit the mental wall hard and were blocked outside, unable to move forward any further.


The guardians couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

And then.

Luo Xia grabbed a soul-sucking demon behind the wall, and the soul-sucking demon was instantly exploded into dregs by the huge power of telepathy.

But the next moment.

The soul-sucking demon dispersed like smoke, and then re-condensed into an intact soul-sucking demon.

Jumping around again.

Will you not die even if you explode to pieces?

It seems that the only way to use Tarot's dragon scale weapons is?

Rorschach knew immediately.

"Here, only our weapons can kill them!"

Yingnan didn't waste any time and immediately handed a stick to Luo Xia.

"No need!"

Rorschach actually smiled.

He released his telekinesis at the bows and arrows that had been shot by the Tarot Guardians.

Swish, swish, swish!

Swish, swish, swish!

The bows and arrows began to fly up from the ground automatically, shooting towards the soul-sucking demons blocked by Rorschach.

Not only that.

Under Rorschach's control, those bows and arrows did not fall after killing a soul-sucking demon.

Instead, he continued to shoot towards the next soul-sucking demon without stopping.

It's like a flying sword in a fairy novel.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Tsk tsk tsk!

that's all.

All the bows and arrows were flying in the air non-stop, shuttled among the blocked army of soul-sucking demons.

One after another, the soul-sucking demons exploded and disappeared into smoke.


All the tarot guardians were dumbfounded.

They never dared to imagine that killing the soul-sucking demon would be so simple and easy.

Even...pleasant things!

In the hands of this young man, the extremely dangerous soul-sucking demons were like lambs raised in captivity to be slaughtered.

I can only tremble and wait for the butcher to swing his knife, but there is nothing else I can do.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Tsk tsk tsk!

The sound of bows and arrows flying through the air continued for a moment, and then there was no movement at all.

Because all the soul-sucking demons have been killed by Rorschach.

"Okay, the matter has been resolved!"

Rorschach's voice sounded.

He clapped his hands as if he had just done something trivial.

"Great, so great!"

"The soul-eating beast is dead, and the soul-sucking demon is gone too!"

"Very good!"

The scene suddenly erupted with low shouts of surprise, and the guardians of the Tarot were extremely excited.

Each one of them felt like a dream.

The serious trouble that had been in his heart for four thousand years was completely eliminated just like that?

Even from beginning to end, their guardian dragon didn't show up!

From now on, they no longer have to worry about soul-eating beasts or soul-sucking demons.

Tarot will completely free you from the fear of the soul-eating beast.

"Young man, you saved Tarot."

Yingnan walked up to Luo Xia with a sigh on his face.

When Luo Xia told her that she wanted to get rid of the Soul-Eating Beast, Yingnan didn't believe it at all and even tried to stop him.

Who could have imagined the result.

This young man’s outrageous “random talk” was actually not an exaggeration!

This person actually has the extraordinary ability to kill soul-eating beasts.

When did such a pervert appear in the outside world?

"It's that devil looking for death."

Rorschach shrugged with an understatement.

It seemed that killing the Soul Devourer was just a trivial matter.

"It is really seeking death to provoke someone like you!"

Guang Bo nodded in agreement.

Originally, the Soul Devourer only needed to hide behind the seal honestly, and not make so many tricks to deceive others to break the seal. At most, it would be sealed, that's all.

As a result, this restlessness directly attracted a peerless killing god, and Lei Ting killed it.

Isn't this what I did?

It's simply that if you don't die, you won't die.

Needless to say, Taro treated Luo Xia as the most important guest.

Yingnan personally took Luo Xia to visit various places in Taro and introduced Luo Xia to the customs and practices of Taro.

Even a grand banquet was prepared for Luo Xia.

The atmosphere was very good.

"Under normal circumstances, Taro is absolutely closed to the outside world. We never interact with the outside world."

"But my countryman, you are an exception. The door of Taro is always open to you. You will always be Taro's good friend."

After the guests and hosts had a good time, Luo Xia said goodbye to everyone in Taro.

Yingnan personally sent Luo Xia to the exit and spoke to Luo Xia from the bottom of his heart.

"I will."

Luo Xia nodded heavily.

For such a place where all the faces are from the East, which is like a template for cultivating immortals, Luo Xia also has a rare sense of intimacy.

It is indeed a good choice to visit this place in your spare time.

"Okay, let's stop here. I should go."

Nodding to Yingnan, Luo Xia was about to turn around and leave directly.

But at this moment, his expression paused slightly.

Because Luo Xia's super perception had already noticed that someone else had come to Taro.

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