American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 476 I am trying to steal your ten rings!

Who could it be?

Rorschach was still very curious about this.

He himself was a person who had just entered Tarot, and he was very clear about how difficult it was to enter Tarot.

It can be said that without the guidance of the map, outsiders would not be able to enter at all.

But the coincidence is that up to now, the map is still in Rorschach's hands!

So, who else would have this ability?

"Homelander, what's wrong?"

Seeing Rorschach's expression slightly moved, Yingnan immediately couldn't help staring at Rorschach and asked in a deep voice.

"Someone is coming again."

Rorschach told Yingnan the truth.

Yingnan's face immediately showed a look of surprise and solemnity.

"Yingnan, the teleportation array has been activated again, and someone is coming again."

Guangbo also rushed out quickly at this time and shouted to Yingnan at the top of his voice.

Their related arrays have also detected that someone has come.

Yingnan nodded, indicating that he knew, and then looked at the entrance.

Rorschach did the same.

I also want to see who is coming out of the passage.




Accompanied by billowing smoke and dust, a row of cars drove into Tarot in a heroic and high-spirited manner.

Xu Wenwu?

Rorschach's perspective eyes can be used at this time.

He performed a perspective scan of the car team, and all the people in the car came into view in an instant.

In an instant, Rorschach knew who was coming.

Xu Wenwu?

The person who came was Xu Wenwu, the owner of the Ten Rings!

In the movie, Xu Wenwu led people to attack Tarot.

But this time Xu Wenwu didn't have a map at all, how did he do it?

But Rorschach didn't worry too much about this matter.

Xu Wenwu is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years anyway, so he naturally has certain means.

Even if he doesn't rely on the map in Rorschach's hand to enter Tarot, it is not a strange thing.



Under everyone's gaze, Xu Wenwu's convoy drove into Tarot in a domineering manner.

They stopped again when Guangbo and his men stopped them.

Xu Wenwu also got out of the car immediately, and with a group of armed Ten Rings, he approached Guangbo and his men in a domineering manner.

"Xu Wenwu, what are you doing here? This is not a place for you to come!"

Guangbo shouted at Xu Wenwu with a cold face.

Guangbo had no good words for the guy who kidnapped Yingnan's sister.

"Boy, watch your tone."

Xu Wenwu pointed at Guangbo with his hand, his eyes were extremely stern.

"Xu Wenwu, this is indeed not a place for you to come."

Yingnan also walked back at this time.

As for Luo Xia?

He did not leave, but followed Yingnan and walked in front of Xu Wenwu.

The reason was simple, because Luo Xia had set his eyes on Xu Wenwu's Ten Rings!

Is the Ten Rings a special energy source?

Luo Xia didn't know.

But now that he has seen it, Rorschach doesn't want to miss it.

Anyway, Xu Wenwu is not a good person, so Rorschach doesn't have any psychological burden if he takes action.


When Xu Wenwu saw Rorschach appear, his pupils shrank slightly.

How come Homelander is like this, and he is completely in harmony with Tarot?

Although Xu Wenwu doesn't know the purpose of Homelander entering Tarot, based on his understanding of Tarot, this is an extremely exclusive place.

Especially Homelander is not a good person in the traditional sense.

How could he be accepted by Tarot all of a sudden?

Then, will Homelander intervene in Tarot's affairs and help Tarot stop him together?

Xu Wenwu doesn't know.

But Xu Wenwu made a decision in an instant.

No matter who it is, he can't stop him from taking his wife away.

Even Homelander!

Although he has always been a little afraid of Homelander, it doesn't mean that he dare not take action against Homelander.

Xu Wenwu's eyes began to become extremely firm.

"You locked up my wife, and you still talk to me in this tone?"

Xu Wenwu put his eyes on Yingnan and snorted coldly, "I'll only say it once, give Yingli to me!"

What the hell?

Isn't Yingli dead?

When did Tarot lock Yingli up?

Yingnan and Guangbo and other Tarot guardians were a little confused.

But soon.

Everyone reacted again.

Well, it seems that the Soul Devourer is doing it again!

"Xu Wenwu, you misunderstood."

Yingnan told Xu Wenwu about the Soul Devourer's tricks to deceive others and that the Soul Devourer had been killed by the motherland.

But Xu Wenwu was already in a state of confusion. He believed that his wife was captured by Tarot, so how could he listen to Yingnan's explanation?

"In that case, I will burn this place!"

With Xu Wenwu's cold snort, he immediately raised his hand and made a gesture.


Following his action, the members of the Ten Rings Army behind him immediately raised their weapons.

Under Guang Bo's leadership, the guardians did the same.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.


Before giving the order, Xu Wenwu set his sights on Rorschach.

This person was the only one he was afraid of.

"This is a feud between me and Tarot. Are you sure you want to intervene?"

Xu Wenwu finally asked Rorschach for confirmation.

"I have no intention of intervening in the dispute between you and Tarot."

Rorschach shook his head.

But just when Xu Wenwu was relieved, Rorschach took another turn.

"But I am still very interested in your ten rings, so I decided to snatch it."

Looking at Rorschach's understated tone, it seemed as if he was talking about something insignificant.

That's right.

Whether the ten rings are a special energy source or not, Rorschach plans to snatch them.

If it is an energy source, it can naturally enhance Rorschach's strength, needless to say.

But even if it is not, wouldn't it be better to keep it for Krako's people?

This thing is a big cheat anyway.

What's more, according to Rorschach's experience, the possibility that the ten rings are a special energy source is still very high.

Hearing what Rorschach said, Xu Wenwu was immediately furious.

The Ten Rings Army behind Xu Wenwu was also furious.

They were all familiar with the name of Homelander, and they all knew that Homelander was a super strong man who had defeated aliens.

But wasn't it too arrogant?

He simply didn't take Xu Wenwu seriously at all!

"Homelander, I have given you enough respect, but you really don't know what's good for you!"

Xu Wenwu snorted angrily, "In that case, I can only destroy you together!"


After saying this, Xu Wenwu swung his fist and blasted towards Rorschach through the air.

Accompanied by a dazzling light.

One of the ten rings on Xu Wenwu's arm blasted towards Rorschach at lightning speed.

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