American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 477: Ten rings obtained, strength increased dramatically!

Is this the ten rings?

Feeling the energy coming from the "bracelet", Luo Xia couldn't help but nodded secretly.

These ten rings are indeed a magical thing.

The link that Xu Wenwu hit him was more powerful than the missile.

And it's more than a little bit stronger.

But even so, in front of Luo Xia, Xu Wenwu's attack was like a breeze blowing on his face.

It poses no threat to Rorschach at all.


Luo Xia just reached out and grabbed the "bracelet" firmly in his hand.

【Special energy source detected! 】

[Energy source analysis in progress...]

[Energy value: 10,000 source points, status: available for extraction. 】

that moment.

In Luo Xia's mind, a prompt sound like this came from the system immediately.

Very good!

Rorschach's face immediately showed excitement.

Sure enough, his previous guess was correct, the ten rings were indeed a special energy source.

And the energy value is not low, each ring has 10,000 origin points.

If there are ten rings, that means there are a hundred thousand origin points!

This is a huge harvest.

Xu Wenwu is really a treasure-giving boy!

At this moment, Luo Xia felt that Xu Wenwu was becoming more and more pleasing to the eye. It was extremely pleasing to the eye.

"Are these people from the motherland?"

As for Xu Wenwu, who was opposite Luo Xia, his expression suddenly became extremely serious.

He knew that the people of the motherland were very strong, but he was able to hit a target with all his strength, but was caught so easily by the other party, as if he were grabbing a fallen leaf. Isn't it a bit exaggerated?

But this is just the beginning.


Xu Wenwu then let out a low shout and began to control the shot out to recover it.


That ring was imprisoned by a force so huge that it couldn't be resisted, and it couldn't move at all.

Although the light above was still dazzling, it burst out with extremely powerful power, trying to fly back from Rorschach's hands.




Another sharp shout.

Seeing this, Xu Wenwu decisively changed his strategy and began to punch Luo Xia hard again.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The other four rings flew out at the same time, hitting Rorschach with thunderous force.

All the five rings on his right arm were knocked out by Xu Wenwu at once.

Needless to say, its power goes without saying.

In the movie, Shang-Chi was instantly turned into a dog by this move and flew backwards for several hundred meters.

It also stirred up terrible waves.

But in front of Rorschach?

Luo Xia just stretched out his hand and used his huge telekinesis power.

The four shooting rings seemed to have been hit by a freezing spell, and they were instantly frozen in front of Luo Xia.

Xu Wenwu's face became increasingly ugly.

It’s fine if the first ring is easily taken away by the opponent, but the result is the same for the fifth ring?

What an exaggeration!


Under the extremely fearful gaze of Xu Wenwu, Luo Xia reached out and took the other four rings in his hand.

Got the five rings!

During this whole process.

Xu Wenwu tried his best to control the Five Rings and wanted to make the Five Rings return.

But there is no use for it.

In front of Luo Xia's irresistible mammoth force, the five rings did not stir up even a single drop of water.

"Extract the energy source!"

And at that moment.

Rorschach didn't waste any words and immediately issued such an order to the system.


In an instant, the five rings that were still shining suddenly dimmed.


Turned into ashes.

It was blown away by the wind and disappeared completely.

It was as if it had never appeared before.

"How can it be!"

"what have you done!"

"Where are my five rings!"

Incredible exclamations suddenly sounded.

Xu Wenwu, opposite Luo Xia, almost had his eyes popped out.

His face was full of shock.

Not only Xu Wenwu, but also the Ten Ring Legion behind Xu Wenwu were all stunned.

The people of the motherland actually destroyed five of the ten rings?

This kind of thing is simply unbelievable!

But Luo Xia obviously had no intention of explaining anything to Xu Wenwu.

He swayed and appeared in front of Xu Wenwu like a ghost.

Xu Wenwu didn't even react. His other arm, which was wearing a five-ring ring, was grabbed by Luo Xia.

Xu Wenwu was startled and subconsciously attacked Luo Xia to resist.

But at that moment, he was shocked to find that his whole body was imprisoned by an inexplicable and powerful force.

The whole person can't move!

We can only watch helplessly as the people of the motherland attack their only remaining five rings!

"kill him!"


A loud shout immediately exploded.

But it was Xu Wenwu's men who all held their weapons tightly and rushed towards Luo Xia with murderous intent.

Rorschach didn't even look at those people, just waved lightly.

Whoosh whoosh!

The group of people who rushed up immediately flew out as if swept by a tornado.

Then he fell to the ground in a mess.

One looks like a dead dog, and the other is embarrassed.

"What kind of monsters are the people of the motherland!"

When they looked at Rorschach again, their eyes were filled with endless fear and shock.

They are the Ten Ring Legion!

The most powerful force in the world, enough to confront Tarot's existence head-on.

As a result, the whole army was wiped out with just a wave of one man's hand!

If you don’t experience it yourself, no one will believe it.

After casually disposing of Xu Wenwu's ten-ring army, Luo Xia immediately "attacked" Xu Wenwu without any nonsense.

He grabbed the other five rings in the opponent's hand, pushed hard, and snatched the other five rings into his hand.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Wenwu could only watch helplessly and could not make any effective resistance at all.

"don't want!"

"People of the motherland, don't!"

The only thing he could do was to yell at Rorschach with great reluctance.

The ten rings were his only hope to save his wife. Once she was robbed, there would really be nothing left.

But it's a pity.

At this moment, Xu Wenwu, who had lost the power of the ten rings, was even more unable to stop Luo Xia.

He was imprisoned by Rorschach, and watched helplessly as the other five rings were also reduced to ashes in Rorschach's hands.


Xu Wenwu's face was ashen, and he sat down on the ground in despair.

It’s over!

It's all over now!

"People of the motherland, why are you doing this? You have ruined everything for me!"

Xu Wenwu raised his head and stared at Luo Xia, roaring loudly.

"Xu Wenwu, whether you believe it or not, I actually saved you."

Rorschach shrugged and told the other party seriously.

This is not to fool Xu Wenwu.

If Luo Xia hadn't intervened, wouldn't Xu Wenwu have died tragically at the hands of the Soul-Eating Beast?

How tragic to be betrayed by both his own children.

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