American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 478: Time Management Bureau: Time aliens must be captured

"Save me? What are you talking about!"

Xu Wenwu didn't believe what Rorschach said, and the hatred in his eyes didn't diminish at all, "You just destroyed everything I have!"

"It seems that you still don't know the truth of the matter."

Facing Xu Wenwu's resentful and unwilling eyes, Rorschach hesitated for a moment and told him the truth of the matter.

"Everything Yingnan told you before was true."

"The voices in your mind are just the bewitching of the Soul Devourer."

"Do you know why I came here? Because someone in Krako has also been bewitched, and I came here to completely solve this trouble."

"And you? If you really go to rescue your wife, you will only release a terrible demon and be devoured by the demon."

"I know you may not believe me, so please ask, do I have any reason and position to lie to you?"

Xu Wenwu was stunned by what Rorschach said.


The Homelander has taken away his ten rings, turning him into an ordinary person.

An ordinary person who is completely an ant in front of the Homelander.

In this case, is there any need for the people of his country to deceive him?

This doesn't make sense logically.

Of course.

It's a bit difficult for Xu Wenwu to accept that he has been deceived by the Soul Devourer for a long time and his wife didn't call him or anything.

After all, this has been Xu Wenwu's obsession for so many years.

"Yingnan, Guangbo, goodbye!"

However, Luo Xia didn't plan to say anything more to Xu Wenwu.

After saying hello to Yingnan and several other guardians, he left Tarot without looking back.

As for how the guardians deal with Xu Wenwu, that is not what Luo Xia considered.

Luo Xia returned to Krako as soon as possible.

"The Soul Devourer has been eliminated, and Qin will never go berserk again."

Luo Xia told everyone the good news.

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became relaxed and cheerful.

Especially Qin, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

From then on, she would no longer be the time bomb that exploded from time to time.

This is a good thing for her and for the entire Krako.

"Great, Jean, I told you long ago that the dean would solve all this."

Cyclops Scott even held Jean's hands and said to her with a look of relief.

"Rorschach, thank you!"

Jean nodded heavily to Rorschach, full of gratitude.

"Okay, I received your thanks, so let's turn the page, everyone should do what they should do, I still have things to do."

Rorschach smiled and waved his hand.

Then he said hello to the mutant backbones and returned to his room.

The first thing he had to do was to strengthen.

He just harvested 100,000 origin points!

This is not a small amount.


As Rorschach gave this command to the system, he immediately felt the changes in his body.

After an impatient test, Rorschach was pleasantly surprised to find that his current strength had reached 36,000 tons.

In terms of speed, it was also astonishing at 25,000 meters per second.

"Not bad!"

Feeling his physical condition at the moment, Luo Xia nodded with satisfaction.

This trip to Tarot not only successfully solved the Soul Devourer, but also gained an unexpected harvest of 100,000 origin points at once. It can be said that the trip was worthwhile.

Luo Xia was in a very good mood.

"Do you want to go to Tarot a few more times?"

Having tasted the sweetness, Luo Xia couldn't help but fall into deep thought, and his heart began to become active.

The movie did not explain the specific origin of the Ten Rings, but in the comics, the origin of the Ten Rings is still very awesome.

Its predecessor was actually Nezha's Qiankun Circle!



There is Nezha in Marvel!

Not only Nezha, but also the Jade Emperor!

The Tarot in the movie "Shang-Chi" is where the Jade Emperor lives.

The birth of the Ten Rings involves a complicated history, but to put it simply, for some reasons, the Jade Emperor split Nezha's Qiankun Circle into twelve rings and scattered them all over the universe.

In the endless years, the ten rings reappeared in the light of day, and were obtained by Xu Wenwu due to some chance.

In other words, the ten rings are artifacts from Tarot!

Tarot is a place that directly matches the heaven, and the artifacts in it are not just ten rings!

If Luo Xia can go there to search, the harvest must be very amazing.

But soon.

Luo Xia gave up this idea.

Even if he never thought he was a good person, at least the bottom line is still there.

He will not turn the world upside down just because he wants to become stronger.

The Jade Emperor is a god anyway, and Tarot is a divine domain, so he can't mess around.

Anyway, now, Luo Xia's speed of becoming stronger is already very amazing, and he is already very satisfied.

So in the following time, Luo Xia began to become unusually low-key.

When he has nothing to do, he stays in Krako, goes to Hank's laboratory, or goes to see how Miss America is training.

Nothing worth mentioning.

However, what Rorschach didn't know was that although he didn't intend to cause trouble, someone had already targeted him.


Time Management Bureau.

In an extremely spacious office.

Agent Mobius was presiding over a very serious meeting.

"The culprit who caused the chaos in the timeline of the 617 universe, and the time alien that disappeared six years ago and we are highly concerned about, Homelander Rorschach, has recently reappeared."

As Agent Mobius said this, a picture of Rorschach appeared on a projector in front of him.

That's right.

617 universe.

It's not the 616 universe of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Rorschach did not travel to the movie universe, but another parallel universe that is highly similar to the movie universe.

"According to intelligence, Homelander Rorschach obtained six Infinity Stones and mastered the ability to travel through parallel universes."

"During the six years he disappeared, it can be confirmed that he traveled to other universes."

"As for which universe he traveled to? Unfortunately, we don't know, but it must be a universe outside the jurisdiction of the Time Administration!"

"Of course, this is not important. What is important is that six years later, Homelander appeared again."

"And this time, we must catch him!"

"Thanos should not have been killed by him, and Infinity Ultron should not have been killed by him, and the Infinity Stones should not have been mastered by him!"

"The ability to travel through the universe should not be allowed!"

"This time alien has violated many important regulations. I want you to catch him and put him on trial immediately!"

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