American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 479 Time Management Bureau? It's nothing in front of me!


Inside the X-Men training facility.


Miss America threw a punch.

Accompanied by the sound of such an object breaking, a five-pointed star space door flashing with blue light immediately appeared in front of it.

It can only be said that it is also a space door, but the space door created by Miss America is much more fancy and gorgeous.

"America, very good, you have mastered your abilities."

Next to Miss America, Charles couldn't help but nodded with great satisfaction.

In just over three months, Miss America has gone from being able to "randomly trigger" to being able to open space doors at will.

I have to say, he is still very talented.

Even this kind of progress is enough to kill a large number of mutants instantly.

I don’t know how many mutants have been unable to control their abilities after years of training.

Of course.

This is also inseparable from Charles' training.

After all, when Miss America was "wild", she didn't make any progress in more than ten years.

"Professor, this is all thanks to your teaching."

Miss America couldn't suppress her excitement on her face and immediately thanked Charles, "I couldn't have done this without you."

"No, I just made some trivial suggestions, that's all. This is your talent, America."

Charles was as humble as ever.

"So Professor, can I join the X-Men!"

Miss America asked again, staring at Charles expectantly.

She has been staying in Krakow for a long time, so she naturally knows what the X-Men are in Krakow and what they symbolize.

She is still very eager to join this group.

Charles smiled: "Son, it doesn't matter if I say this, but I still think highly of you."

"Professor, if you don't have the final say, then who has the final say? King Rorschach?" Miss America asked subconsciously.

"Yes, of course I said so."

A voice sounded, and Rorschach's figure appeared.

"His Majesty!"

Miss America's eyes suddenly lit up, and she immediately began to beg Rorschach, "I have mastered my abilities now. The professor can testify. Really, can I join the X-Men?"

"Although I have the final say, I basically won't interfere with this kind of thing." Rorschach smiled.

The smile on Miss America's face froze slightly.

But what do you promise, just use me to make a fool of yourself?

"America, joining the X-Men is not a small matter. You don't know the X-Men well enough yet. I personally suggest that you calm down before talking."

"However, just like Charles, I am very optimistic about you."

Seeing Miss America pouting, Rorschach added with a smile.

The first half of the sentence was automatically ignored by Miss America.

Miss America only heard Rorschach's affirmation, and she couldn't help but have a look of pride in her eyes.

"Okay America, you don't need my guidance anymore. Rorschach and I have something to discuss."

After Charles said hello to Miss America, he left the X-Men training room with Rorschach.

The two were walking by the lake while talking about some serious matters, mainly matters related to Krako.

Although Rorschach is the king of Krakow, Charles and Eric are basically handling everything big and small.

Charles would "report" to Rorschach every once in a while.

"Rorschach, are you sure you don't want to join the Illuminati? Those guys have asked me several times."

After talking about the business, the two started chatting.

"You are enough, Charles."

Rorschach shook his head without hesitation. He would not tie himself into a certain organization.

Not to mention, all the Illuminati are involved in are major events.

If you don't cause trouble, it's fine. If you do, it will be big trouble.

"Well, I'll tell the others to give up."

Charles shrugged and said to Rorschach.

Rorschach's reaction was not unexpected at all.

"Also, Reid's wedding is coming soon, and you should be on the invitation list."

Charles remembered another thing, glanced at Rorschach casually and said.

Reed Richards, Mr. Fantastic, we didn't know each other before, but now, we can be considered acquaintances.

But Rorschach still didn't have much interest in attending the other party's wedding.

After all, the two are not familiar at all.

"Auroro is back, Rorschach, please excuse me for a moment."

After chatting with Rorschach for a while, Charles suddenly noticed something, said hello to Rorschach and left.

Rorschach was alone by the quiet and deserted lake, admiring the beautiful scenery of Krakow, which was quite pleasant.


At this moment, very suddenly, two golden rectangular light gates appeared out of thin air.

This is?

Rorschach's attention was immediately attracted.

Why does that rectangular light door look so familiar?

Swish, swish, swish!

next moment.

Within the two rectangular light doors, five people wearing specific uniforms and holding stick-like weapons rushed out.

Rorschach only glanced at the people in front of him and couldn't help feeling a little stunned.

Time management!

I went, and people from the Time Administration actually came!

"The time alien has been confirmed!"

One of the black female agents held a "tablet" in her hand and glanced at the Rorschach portrait on it.

Then the ruthless sentencing to Rorschach began.

"On behalf of the Temporal Variation Authority, I arrest you for violating the sacred timeline."

"Put your hands up!"



Following the words of the black female agent, all the agents of the Time Administration activated their weapons in unison.

The top of the "stick-like weapon" began to shine with golden light.

Rorschach was no stranger to that weapon.

That thing seems to be able to directly erase people, and it can also slow down the flow of time.

In the American TV series "Rocky", the black female agent in front of her just slowed down Rocky's time with a stick.

Then he caught Loki easily.

But to Rorschach, that thing was a complete joke.

"Last chance, time alien, cooperate with us!"

The black female agent snapped at Rorschach again.


Rorschach grinned disdainfully and extended his hand to the black actress.

Use telekinesis.


The other person suddenly felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer and flew upside down to the ground.


At the same time, his ribs were also broken, and a large mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth.

"how so!"

"You actually haven't lost your abilities. This is impossible!"

Several cries of horror immediately sounded.

All the TVA agents almost had their eyes popped out.

I can't believe my eyes no matter what.

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