American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 480 Homelander: I want to invade the Time Management Bureau!

That's right.

The weapon in the hands of the TVA agents not only has the ability to control time and erase objects including organisms, but also can eliminate the superpowers of the target object.

Make the target object become an ordinary person.


TVA agents are all ordinary people. How can they easily arrest so many "time aliens" in so many timelines?

From the fact that TVA has infinite gems in the drawer and uses the cosmic cube as a paperweight, it can be seen that they have captured many great gods.

Such a powerful person can be captured by an ordinary person with some sticks and weapons?

This is obviously impossible.

Let's not mention anything else, just look at Loki, the god of cunning and trickery, who was kneaded like an ant by TVA agents.

But is Loki weak?

Even if he has been beaten by countless people in the movie universe, he is still a god anyway.

A god far superior to humans.

Could he be beaten into shit by a few ordinary people with a stick?

Of course it is impossible.

No matter how unexpected it is, it is impossible.

The most fundamental reason is that the weapons in their hands can emit an unknown energy.

And then erase the superpowers of the target!

However, at this moment.

The superpowers of the Homelander seem to be still there.

"Lose the power?"

Rorschach raised his eyebrows.

According to what the TVA people said, do they still have the ability to erase other people's abilities?

Rorschach knew that the superpowers of people who entered TVA would be weakened, but he didn't know that they still had this ability after leaving TVA.

However, he carefully felt his physical condition, fortunately, it was okay.

He was fine as usual and was not affected at all.

Pah pah pah!

The sound of buttons being pressed continued.

It was several TVA agents, who looked at Rorschach in panic and began to frantically check and operate their weapons.

After a check, they found that there was no problem with their weapons at all.

Then the question came.

Why did the weapon fail on the Homelander?


At this time, Rorschach raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth and suddenly stretched out his hand to those TVA agents.

Several TVA agents felt that they were caught by an invisible big hand.

All flew up in the air, covering their necks, blushing.

"It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be."

"What went wrong!"

Pah pah pah!

The black female agent was completely dumbfounded.

With her eyes wide open, she looked at Rorschach in disbelief and frantically operated the weapon in her hand.


It was useless at all.

At this time, Rorschach gently waved his right hand, and all the agents who flew up in the air were smashed to the ground by him.

They fainted immediately.

The black female agent on the ground was also the same.

After doing all this, Rorschach leisurely checked the equipment on the TVA agents.

Rorschach was still quite interested in those things.

Apart from other things, the light gate that was opened before is a super portal that can go to different universes and different timelines!

Not only does it transcend the limitations of space, but it also transcends the limitations of time!

There are also some other gadgets that control time, such as making Loki's time flow rate become one-sixteenth of the normal time flow rate, etc., which can be called artifacts.

"Rorschach, what happened here?"

A voice sounded, and Eric brought several X-Men people and quickly came to Rorschach.

They looked at the TVA agents lying on the ground, and their faces were so ugly.

Someone invaded Krako and even attacked Rorschach.

But they didn't notice anything from beginning to end!

How could this happen?

"Are you okay, Rorschach?"

Eric stared at Rorschach with a serious face and asked.

Although he knew that Rorschach's ability was very powerful and it was unlikely that he would be hurt.

But the few people lying on the ground were obviously not ordinary people.

Eric couldn't help but sweat.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. They are all ordinary people." Rorschach said lightly.

Ordinary people?

The X-Men didn't dare to believe it.

Even aliens couldn't invade Krako silently, let alone ordinary people?

But Rorschach couldn't lie at this time!

The X-Men were simply screwed.

"Take the people away first and keep them under strict supervision. I will explain everything to you later."

Rorschach waved his hand and gave orders to everyone.

Wolverine personally took action and took several X-Men to capture several TVA agents.

"Their weapons and equipment are all good stuff. Collect them all and send them to Hank's laboratory."

Rorschach added.


Several TVA agents were stripped naked and sent to the prison in Krako for strict supervision.

"Rorschach, what's going on?"

"Someone invaded Krako, who has such great power?"

"I heard you were attacked?"

As for Rorschach, he was surrounded by the mutant backbones who rushed over at the first time.

Everyone was shocked when they heard that someone broke into Krako and attacked Rorschach.

Krako is the country with the highest safety factor and the best security system on the entire earth. How could it be invaded?

While the backbones were shocked, they also felt deeply ashamed.

Krako is basically managed by them. This kind of thing can be said to be their dereliction of duty.

Serious dereliction of duty.

"Everyone, you don't have to blame yourself. This is not your responsibility."

Seeing everyone's guilty look, Rorschach waved his hand.

He told the X-Men about the Time Management Bureau.

Time Mutation Management Bureau?

An organization that supervises and adjusts the timeline?

An organization that writes scripts for everyone in the universe and then lets everyone "operate" according to their scripts?

What is this?


Everyone was severely stimulated.

"It's ridiculous. What do they think they are? They can manipulate other people's lives just because they can control time?"

"Mad men, this is a crazy organization, and everyone in it is crazy."

"Just because you, Rorschach, don't live according to their script, they are going to erase you?"

In addition to being shocked, all the mutant backbones also cursed TVA.

There is no good impression of this so-called Time Mutation Administration.

But despite the curses, everyone's faces began to become solemn, and it can even be said that they haven't been solemn to this extent for a long time.

If TVA is really as Rorschach said, how can they deal with such an organization that can control time?

"It's easy to be a thief, but you can't be a thief for a thousand days. I plan to go to TVA in person."

But after a moment of hesitation, Rorschach made such a decision.

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