American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 483 The Time Administration Bureau is shocked: The people from the motherland are too terrib

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

In this way, Rorschach killed all the gods and Buddhas who stood in his way, sweeping through thousands of troops like a rolling mat.

All the obstacles that appeared in front of him were swept away domineeringly.

There were no exceptions.

"Sir, the time alien Homelander has invaded TVA, and the emergency team can't stop it!"


An agent ran to Mobius breathlessly and reported to Mobius.

"What did you say?"

Agent Mobius stood up all of a sudden as if he had heard something incredible.

His face was full of disbelief.

He had just sent people to capture the time alien Homelander, but how long had it been?

The other party actually came to the door!

How could this be possible!

This is TVA!

How could it be invaded?

"Quick, gather the people from the first, second, fourth and seventh groups, and follow me to capture Homelander!"

Agent Mobius immediately issued such an order.

"Sir, there is only Team 7 left. The people in the other three teams were defeated by the Homelander."

"Jesus Christ!"

Agent Mobius gasped.

How long has it been since the alarm sounded?

Three teams were defeated by the Homelander?

"How is this possible!"

Mobius murmured.

"Sir, the Homelander's superpowers have not been eliminated."

The Homelander's superpowers are still there!

What a joke!

Agent Mobius felt like he had heard a joke.

He had worked in TVA for so long and had never heard of such an outrageous thing.

But Agent Mobius also knew that his men would never lie.

"Quick, gather all the teams that can be gathered and go stop the Homelander!"

"All the teams!"

Agent Mobius shouted at the agent in front of him, and then rushed out in a hurry.

Contacted Judge Lavona as soon as possible.

Gathered with Judge Lavona.

But at this moment, Judge Lavona had gathered hundreds of TVA agents around him.


Lavona saw Mobius and threw a weapon to him without saying a word, "Now is the life and death moment of TVA."

"What is going on? Why does the Homelander still have superpowers?"

Agent Mobius took the weapon thrown by the other party and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"I wish I knew, but unfortunately, I don't know."

Lavona shook her head, "The only thing we can do now is to try our best to stop the Homelander!"

Mobius didn't say much, and with Lavona's large army, he began to surround Rorschach.


Everyone saw Rorschach strolling in a passage, as if he was sightseeing.


The messy footsteps also sounded.

And behind Rorschach, there were also a large number of TVA troops who blocked Rorschach's retreat.

Rorschach was attacked from all sides and was trapped.

It was a pity.

Although there were many people who trapped him, they were just ordinary people.

It would not have any effect on Rorschach.

"Time difference..."


Rorschach suddenly shook his body when Lavona was halfway through her words. He seemed to tremble slightly.


All the TVA agents at the scene, including Lavona and Mobius, fell to the ground instantly.

Not to mention stopping Rorschach, they didn't even have time to react in front of Rorschach's speed.


Rorschach clapped his hands lightly, as if he had done something insignificant.

He didn't even look at the TVA agents lying on the ground.

He took big steps, walked out of the passage leisurely, and disappeared.

Only Lavona, Mobius and other TVA agents were left dumbfounded.

What happened just now?

How come they didn't react at all and all fell to the ground?

Is this the superpower of the time alien, the motherland?

If the other party has such a terrible superpower, can the entire TVA really stop him?

All the TVA agents felt a deep sense of despair and powerlessness in their hearts.

Rorschach naturally didn't bother to care about what these people were feeling.

He continued to kill gods and Buddhas on the way.

After sweeping away all the obstacles in front of him with great dominance, Rorschach finally came to the core of TVA.

Outside a hall that was regarded as a holy place by everyone in TVA.


It was the "office" of the three time guardians.

Rorschach looked up and glanced forward, and his perspective ability was used.

Sure enough, the three guardians were all sitting in a state of dignified sitting.

He didn't say anything nonsense.

He slowly raised his fist and punched forward.


The two doors were blown into slag in an instant.



The sound of swallowing saliva was heard.

The veins of the TVA agents around them were throbbing, and their facial features were distorted.

That was stimulated by Rorschach.

That was the most sacred and inviolable place in the entire TVA.

Now, it was actually violated like this!

The next moment.

Under the gaze of everyone, Rorschach walked into the hall with a swagger.

He came to the three time guardians with such domineering.

"Time alien, I didn't expect you to be able to get here."

A short and fat time guardian spoke first.

He looked down at Rorschach, and couldn't hide his surprise in his eyes.

Being killed by the time alien through the entire TVA, and then killing them.

This kind of thing has never happened in the history of the entire TVA.

Time alien?

Rorschach grinned.

He waved his hand casually.

The telekinesis turned into a sharp blade and shot out.


The head of the short and fat time guardian was immediately cut off by Rorschach.


The huge head rolled to the ground, and crackling electric sparks flew out.

The real robot body of the Time Guardian appeared in front of Rorschach.

"Time alien? Put away your condescending attitude, Kang!"

Rorschach's eyes swept over the other two Time Guardians, cold and ruthless, "Who do you think you are to decide other people's lives? Do you really think you are God?"

The other two Time Guardians were stunned, and their faces showed extreme shock.

After several seconds, they opened their mouths in disbelief: "You actually... know who I am?"

How is this possible!

You know, even in the entire TVA, no one knows the true identity of the Time Guardian!

How did the people in front of me know?

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